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In 2009, the South Korean government reformed its communications sector through legislation that addresses convergence services. This study traces the policy-making process of the convergence in terms of politics and regulation, and it also examines how the stakeholders' interests are aligned and coordinated in the policymaking process of convergence in Korea. Using actor-network theory, this study relates the socio-political construction of Korea's strategy for convergence reform. Key research questions include: (1) what social and political factors influence strategy formulation and (2) how do different interests stabilize ideologies in which actors formulate their strategies based on their interests. Despite the dynamic interactions, the actor-network around convergence has yet not been effectively stabilized, as the politics of convergence is complex and marked by paradoxical features. This study suggests new intellectual perspectives and methodological heuristics that may assist researchers and practitioners analytical efforts in examining socio-technical change and the implications for policy development and implementation.  相似文献   

美国战时广告理事会的成立被视为现代公益广告的发端,本文从社会、经济、政治等方面阐述了该机构诞生的背景,指出维护广告行业自身的利益是它创立的根本原因。  相似文献   

数字电视的"整体平移"工作是一项牵涉到千家万户利益的社会改革事业,只有按既遵循市场经济规律又保持数字电视基本公益性质的原则,才能保证"整体平移"的平稳营运。本文在"使用与满足理论"的基础上,建构了一个适应我国实际情况的数字电视平移的理论模型,并提出用精确传播的概念来把握数字电视的营运特性,以推动数字电视整体平移工作和数字电视产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

广告作为一种经济信息与文化信息的传播活动,已成为中西方文化差异的外在表征。中西方文化价值观念的差异在广告传播中有充分的体现,本文从思维方式的差异、个人主义与集体主义的区别等方面综合观照了各种广告文本和广告活动中中西价值观念显在的差异。  相似文献   

Richard W. Pollay, ed. Information Sources in Advertising History (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979---$22.50)

James H. Leigh and Claude R. Martin Jr., eds. Current Issues and Research in Advertising 1979 (Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.---$5.00, paper)

Charles H. Patti's Advertising Management: Cases and Concepts (Columbus, Ohio: Grid, 1978---$14.95)  相似文献   

Francesco M. Nicosia (ed.) Advertising, Management, and Society: A Business Point of View (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974—available in hardback and paper but prices not given)

W.A. Evans' Advertising Today and Tomorrow (London: Allen & Unwin, 1974—about $15.00)

Robin Wright's The Day the Pigs Refused to Be Driven to Market: Advertising and the Counter Revolution (New York: Random House, 1974—$7.95)  相似文献   

本文从信息生态角度审视数字档案馆信息服务,分析信息生态对数字档案馆信息服务的影响,对信息生态视阈下数字档案馆信息服务存在的问题进行剖析,并提出相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

本文从信息生态角度审视数字档案馆信息服务,分析信息生态对数字档案馆信息服务的影响,对信息生态视阈下数字档案馆信息服务存在的问题进行剖析,并提出相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

数字人文是人文学科与信息技术交叉研究的新领域,从数字人文角度重新认识并思考档案资源的深度开发与利用具有很强的现实意义。本文从概念、理论、价值层面对档案资源在数字人文研究中的特殊性进行探讨,厘清包括以档案资源开发为核心、由档案机构主导、与档案相关三个类别的档案数字人文项目,同时阐述了档案数字人文项目的界定与识别方法。最后,提出从参考工具、资源仓储、智力支持、成果呈现四个方面优化档案资源在数字人文研究中的应用思路。  相似文献   

广告文明与和谐社会构建、新媒体与新广告、广告创新与产业升级共同汇聚了当前中国广告学术研究的三大主流语境。广告文明与和谐社会构建这一主流话题所关注的是广告伦理的失范与重构等显性问题,网络媒介的主流化和手机功能的泛媒介化是推动中国广告业发展的新兴动力,广告创新和产业升级是实现中国广告可持续发展的新支点。  相似文献   

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