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文章通过整理、分析国内6所"985"高校图书馆所开设的图书馆信息素养讲座的基本情况,建议高校图书馆信息素养讲座可在增加一站式资源发现系统的讲座、增加苹果电脑设备使用方法的讲座、增加论文写作及投稿指南的讲座三个方面有所加强.  相似文献   

自2006年文化部发布《文化部办公厅关于深入开展公共图书馆讲座工作的通知》以来,全国各大公共图书馆争相开展公益讲座服务工作,公共图书馆公益讲座开展模式日渐成熟,已经成为公共图书馆的主要社会教育职能之一.郑州图书馆"天中讲坛"于2015年开办,起步较晚,但其开展模式吸取了许多公共图书馆的经验,避免了许多问题,具有一定特点与优势.目前,公共图书馆开展公益讲座仍然存在许多问题,开展模式有待完善与创新.  相似文献   

2005年4月19-20日,由文化部全国文化信息资源建设管理中心与上海图书馆等单位联合主办的“全国图书馆讲座工作研讨会”在上海图书馆隆重举行。研讨会以“图书馆讲座与城市文化建设”为主题,全国80多家图书馆的150余位代表出席。近年来,公共图书馆的讲座活动发展较快。国家图书馆的“文津讲坛”、首都图书馆的“北京历史文化科普讲座”、上海图书馆的“上图讲座”、浙江图书馆的“文澜讲坛”等,已经成为城市文化的品牌,也成为图书馆业务领域拓展的亮点之一。为推动图书馆讲座的发展,上海图书馆讲座中心与《图书馆杂志》于2004年开始策划全国图书馆讲座工作的业务交流活动,并得到各地热烈响应。此次会议共收到交流论文88篇,充分展示了各  相似文献   

讲座是图书馆服务创新的主要手段。许多市民因为讲座而认识图书馆,走进图书馆。文章论述了绍兴图书馆"越州讲坛"的建立和发展过程,力图解决图书馆讲座所面临的一些共同问题。  相似文献   

论图书馆讲座品牌的管理——以“羊城学堂”为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对读者的各类讲座将逐渐步入图书馆核心业务范畴.文章以广州图书馆"羊城学堂"为例,论述了图书馆讲座品牌的塑造和管理,探讨了图书馆讲座品牌保持旺盛生命力和持续发展的途径.  相似文献   

(本刊讯)4月20日下午,宁夏图书馆学会与宁夏图书馆联合主办的第55期"塞上人文论坛"讲座在宁夏图书馆学术报告厅举行。本次讲座特别邀请南开大学信息资源管理系教授、南开大学情报专业学位中心主任、博士生导师柯平主讲了题为"图书馆服务与管理的前治热点"的学术讲座。宁夏图书馆常务副馆长、研究馆员张欣毅主持了本次讲座。  相似文献   

5月31日,宁夏图书馆"塞上人文论坛"第68期暨北方民族大学图书馆学术讲座在北方民族大学图书馆学术报告厅隆重开讲。本次学术讲座的题目是《图书馆员的职业精神与核心价值》,主讲人是我国图书情报界知名专家、黑龙江大学信息管理学院院长马海群教授,讲座由北方民族大学图书馆陈永平馆长主持。来自宁夏图书馆、宁夏社会科学院文献信息中心、银川市图书馆、宁夏大学图书馆、北方民族大学图书馆、宁夏医科大学图书馆、宁夏职业技术学院图书馆、中国矿业大学银川学院图书馆的约200余位全区图书馆界同仁共同聆听了学术讲座。  相似文献   

以浙江图书馆文澜讲坛为例,分析公共图书馆举办公益性讲座的要素和深度开发讲座资源的做法,探讨公益性讲座的可持续发展.  相似文献   

本文从打造讲座品牌的意义出发,通过对"香山讲坛"讲座宗旨的确立,形象标识的确定,内容形式的定位的思考,提出了保证图书馆讲座业务有效及可持续发展的图书馆讲座工作制度化建设的思路及构想.  相似文献   

介绍了深圳各公共图书馆开展讲座的现状,从图书馆经费和讲座组织策划人才欠缺及方便市民的角度分析了成立深圳市公共图书馆讲座联盟的必要性,从全国成立公共图书馆讲座联盟的大环境及深圳"图书馆之城"建设的角度论证了成立深圳市公共图书馆讲座联盟的可行性。  相似文献   

李肖华 《图书馆论坛》2012,32(2):117-120
讲座业务已成为公共图书馆的核心业务之一,而图书馆内的管理机制却远远跟不上其发展,成为制约讲座业务进一步发展的瓶颈。根据国内图书馆讲座业务的发展现状,文章阐述成立讲座管理部门的必要性及其基本职能,提出在公共图书馆适时设立专业讲座管理部门的设想。  相似文献   

Many instructors rely primarily on the traditional lecture approach when teaching the basic public speaking course. However, this research suggests that a collaborative instructional approach may be a more effective alternative to the traditional lecture format. Data comparing student performance outcomes when using a traditional lecture approach and a collaborative instructional approach indicate that students’ public speaking performances improve significantly when they engage in collaborative instruction.  相似文献   

The study applied self-determination theory to examine detrimental effects of instructor misbehaviors in the college classroom. Participants were 223 undergraduate students who reported on their instructor’s antagonism and lecture misbehaviors in a course, along with their basic psychological need fulfillment (i.e., autonomy, competence, relatedness) and intrinsic motivation to learn. Results indicated that (a) lecture misbehaviors were more detrimental to students’ competence and relatedness than antagonism misbehaviors; and (b) students’ intrinsic motivation to learn was influenced by students’ basic psychological needs and instructor misbehaviors.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the classroom use and implications of a Personal Response System, a technological tool to provide immediate feedback from the students to the instructor

Courses: Any communication course, particularly those presented in large lecture halls  相似文献   

Courses: This activity will work in any face-to-face communication lecture course.

Objectives: By the end of the semester in a face-to-face lecture class, every student will have engaged in verbal discussion.  相似文献   

学会藏书楼作为早期图书馆的雏形,在传播思想、开放阅览方面有着不同于古代藏书楼的现代品性。论文通过对学会藏书楼开放形态、收藏类型及讲堂模式的分析,探讨了学会藏书楼在中国现代化过程中的进步意义。  相似文献   

This study examined the conditional influence of relevant instructor self-disclosure on student interest (cognitive, emotional) and engagement (silent-in-class, oral-in-class, thinking about course content, out-of-class). College student participants (N = 169) completed a questionnaire on their instructor’s disclosures and misbehaviors in class, and their own interest and engagement in a college course. The positive associations between relevant instructor self-disclosure with student interest and engagement were conditional; they were moderated by perceived instructor misbehaviors (antagonism, lectures). Overall, the positive associations were diminished for cognitive and emotional interest when instructors were antagonistic; these associations became nonsignificant, and then negative at higher levels of antagonism. Similarly, the positive associations were diminished for all four types of student engagement when instructors delivered boring and confusing lectures; these associations became nonsignificant at higher levels of lecture misbehaviors, and the associations for silent in-class and out-of-class engagement became negative at very high levels of lecture misbehaviors.  相似文献   

介绍了四川省图书馆从2007年4月起在全省范围内开展"巴蜀讲坛"——四川省公共图书馆界文化惠民百场流动讲座活动一年多来的情况,并提出了存在的主要问题及今后努力的方向。  相似文献   

A team of librarians at Purdue University transformed a business information literacy course from a traditional lecture, 40-student class into multiple sections of a flipped, 70-student classroom to meet the request that the successful course be required for all 500 undergraduate students. Scaling up required the adoption of flipped learning techniques for better utilization of library teaching resources. This case study provides key insights for others implementing credit classes or integrating similar content into one-shots or embedded work. It also describes the assessed results determined through student feedback (focus groups) and student performance (pre/post-tests).  相似文献   

Developing a meaningful collaboration with teaching faculty to enhance courses can be a challenge for information professionals as they struggle to move away from the one-shot classroom lecture model. The Association of College & Research Libraries encourages the use of mini grants for this purpose. These incentives can jump-start partnerships in a needed area, such as English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction. The article describes The Ohio State University Libraries Course Enhancement Grant Program and its positive impact on a subject librarian and ESL instructor teaching collaboratively in a composition course, with an analysis of students’ assessment of course objectives and outcomes.  相似文献   

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