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孙华文  桂笛 《信息系统工程》2014,(3):26+92-26,92
随着信息技术的发展和国家层面的重视,企业越来越重视数据库应用系统的建设.在系统架构设计过程中,企业往往重视产品选型,缺乏存储方面的规划,导致系统上线后存在I/O方面的瓶颈.本文介绍了数据库应用系统的架构,重点给出为实现存储规划的目标而需要遵守的原则。  相似文献   

系统I/O和互联正成为系统设计等各路厂商展开争夺的领域,谁能更好地破除系统瓶颈,谁就更可能赢得未来。[编者按]  相似文献   

CAN是由于其具有抗干扰能力强、可靠性高、实时性好和易于使用等特点,已经广泛应用于工业自动化、交通工具、医疗仪器等多个领域,是公认为最有前途的现场总线技术之一。本文讲述了I/O CAN总线测控模块数据传输协议设计,并已用于实践,效果良好。  相似文献   

现代数字图书馆对存储系统有高可靠性、高可用性以及高性能(I/O率和数传率)、动态可扩展性、易维护性和开放性等方面的要求,而目前使用的存储系统还远不能满足这些要求,对现有的存储技术提出了挑战。本文通过介绍数字网格的概念及GridFTP存储技术在数字图书馆中的应用,对现代数字图书馆数据存储提供了新的解决方案。  相似文献   

陈浩 《河北广播》2005,(6):84-86
随着计算机性能的飞速发展,网络交换机容量及交换速度的不断增加,硬盘和光盘单碟存储容量升级换代周期不断缩短。音频节目录制播出网络系统的重心已由原来的如何提高节目处理和传输速度转变为对音频网络科学化管理及数据的可靠存储和快速恢复。这对于广播电台的安全播出尤为重要。  相似文献   

模块化体系结构,杰出的可伸缩性,性能随节点增加而提高,投资随要求的提高而增加。主存在物理上是分布的,而对它们访问是统一的。具有分布式系统的可扩展性,又有共享主存的统一性。CrayLink将各分布节点交叉联结,克服了SMP系统总线瓶颈问题,I/O能力随节点增加而加大。尽管基于IntelCPU的服务器结构在新闻界仍引人注目,但实际上Intel的发展却无法满足高端服务器的需求。正如在对DataGeneral别具一格的AVii0NAV2000O服务器的评论中所指出的,基于Intel快速PentiumIICPU的服务器日前仅限于双处理器配置,这便使得诸如DataG…  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆信息资源的存储模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文针对图书馆信息资源的存储问题,探讨了怎样合理利用存储设备和技术,为图书馆信息资源的长期使用和发展提供安全、有效的平台。  相似文献   

分布式数字图书馆存储主体面临的技术选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据数字图书馆海量存储和网络读取的特点,通过与传统的SAS存储模式以及其他网络存储系统的对比分析,主张数字图书馆的主体存储设备应选用NAS和SAN的网络存储系统,并描述了他们的功能特点。  相似文献   

存储厂商OWC近日发布了一款采用Sand ForceSF-2281主控的固态硬盘并已经上市开始销售。型号名称为Mercury Extreme Pro 6G,相对于普通硬盘来说,读写速度让人羡慕,可以提供的最高读写速度分别为559MB/s和515MB/s。  相似文献   

基于SAN/NAS的图书馆数据存储方案   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐文贤 《图书馆》2005,(1):74-76
对两种图书馆存储数据方案:网络附属存储(NAS:Network Attached Storage)和存储区域网络(SAN:Storage Area Network)进行了讨论。介绍了两种解决方案的基本概念,并从结构、性能和优缺点等多个方面作了详细的比较。  相似文献   

科学数据规范引用关键问题探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的/意义]明确实现规范引用需要解决的基本问题、重点和难点问题,并分析相关利益群体在这一过程中需要承担的责任和未来努力的方向,以引导其更好地厘清思路,推动实践。[方法/过程]借鉴国内外相关研究及实践经验,从科学数据规范引用价值认同入手,从如何引用、引用什么和何时引用三方面阐述科学数据规范引用的基本问题与难点。以此为基础,分析数据规范引用给相关利益群体带来的机遇和提出的要求。[结果/结论]理想的科学数据引用规范应该明确回答如何引用、引用什么和何时引用3个基本问题。如何引用,就是需要制定面向科学数据的元数据规范、建立能够承认作者贡献的评价体系并提供支持科学数据引用的参考文献管理工具;引用什么,就是需要明确引用数据的版本、粒度、数据验证方式以及引用对象等问题;何时引用,就是需要厘清使用数据的情景。相关利益群体应该看到科学数据规范引用给各自带来的机遇以及提出的要求,不断调整以推动数据引用的实践。  相似文献   

王爽娟 《编辑学报》2015,27(1):41-43
数字化出版模式下,科技期刊运作中会出现一些新的问题,如论文数字版版权的授权与转让、编辑伦理学上的新问题、论文电子模板的细化、稿件在线管理系统的操作说明等.这些问题均促使编辑部在《稿约》中做出及时的内容修订.例如:在《稿约》的在线版中设立必要链接,为论文撰写提供更为便捷的服务;加大对编辑出版伦理相关问题的强调力度;补写关于稿件在线管理系统操作的说明;简要说明在线稿件同行评议制度程序;进一步明确数字版版权的相关问题;等等.编辑部只有适时地做好《稿约》内容上的修订,才能更好地适应数字化出版的要求,同时,借助新技术提高期刊的传播力和影响力.  相似文献   

The national media converged on Baltimore, Charleston, and Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014 and 2015 to cover protests in response to police violence toward African American males. Although national and local media covered the events and the aftermath, alternative media sought to provide additional viewpoints and spur readers to respond. This study analyzed the practices, content, and public discourse connected to alternative weekly newspapers in Baltimore, Charleston, and St. Louis. The study examined whether the publications reflected ideal roles of alternative media, including representing different viewpoints, using non-traditional methods of content, and providing a space for the public to challenge systems of power and oppression. The authors also studied the online forums associated with all three publications, including each organization’s website and Facebook page, as potential spaces for alternative publics to emerge around a shared interest in collective action. The publications showed some characteristics of the ideal form of alternative media, but most lacked the diverse voices and critical calls to action needed to represent the normative standard. The discourse the news organizations spurred also fell short of the ideal. The forums lacked rational and critical engagement, and commenters largely failed to promote sincere attempts to engage in community conversation.  相似文献   

Through an exploration of works both within and outside the realm of library and information studies, an overview of subject access to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and questioning (LGBTIQ) materials is presented. Common critiques of classification and organization systems, subject access to specific LGBTIQ topics, subject access in specific information institutions, and solutions proposed in the literature are discussed. Special attention is paid to points of convergence and divergence across the body of literature, and unique solutions to the problems posed by subject access to LGBTIQ materials are highlighted. A conceptual lens through which to view subject access to LGBTIQ materials is also provided.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a study of corporate library selection activity performed to support four global corporations. The firms examined are involved in providing communication, knowledge in its different forms, and computing. Using these results, this paper synthesizes literature on selection and collection development to present an approach to developing an eventual theory of collection development. Using this approach, such a theory would predict the performance of selection activity; the operation of its attributes, such as its cost, centralization, and formalization; and the operation of other collection development activities. Concurrently, it would explain these predictions using dynamics such as the need to include specified ideas within selected content, the need to cope with selector's abilities to choose vast amounts of content, the need to contain selection cost, and the need to gather material together so as to support browsing and its resulting impromptu development of ideas.  相似文献   


The University of Manitoba's Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library is a recognized leader in Indigenous and circumpolar health for establishing the Aboriginal Health Collection in 1997, the first discrete collection of materials on the health of Indigenous peoples located in an academic health sciences library in Canada. This article describes the history, development, and scope of what is now known as the Indigenous Health Collection. In June 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) issued the calls to action as part of its mandate to gather information and document the history of Indian Residential Schools and their legacy for all Canadians. The ninety-four calls to action provide clear guidance to governments, institutions, and people to initiate changes to address the legacy in a spirit of true reconciliation. The Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library was uniquely positioned to respond to the TRC calls to action. The enduring legacy of the residential schools and other discriminatory government policies is one that continues to impact the health status of many people in Canada who identify as Indigenous, First Nations, Metis, Inuit, or Aboriginal. The Indigenous Health Collection includes materials on the health, wellness, and lived experience of Indigenous peoples, the determinants that impact health, and publications documenting community-based and academic research and knowledge. This article provides an example of how an academic health sciences library used the seven TRC calls to action related to health as a framework to assess the resources and collections relied on by educators and students in the health professions.  相似文献   

让学生多读书、读好书,增加校园阅读者人数、深阅读人数,提高图书馆资源利用率,提高科研成果数量和质量,是高校图书馆阅读推广的最直接目标。文章参照经济效益的定义,依据活动目标,为计量高校图书馆阅读推广效益建立了模型,推出了相应的计量方法。  相似文献   

Public services librarians at South Dakota State University (SDSU) piloted a project to provide personalized reference services to university administrators. The goals of the Administrative Research Support Service were to provide quality information results that inform institutional decision making, to assist SDSU administrators in focusing their research questions, to provide a convenient venue for SDSU administrators to request library research, and to highlight the library’s contribution to SDSU’s mission. During a rollout of the service in 2012, five librarians contributed to the service and ten projects were completed. This initial offering of the service fostered connections between librarians and administrators, allowed librarians to be visible to the campus in an unexpected and innovative manner, and garnered the informal appreciation of administrators. Suggestions for improvement included establishing more formal evidence of the service’s benefits, promoting direct communication between librarians and administrators who are end users of the information, and setting up clearer expectations for librarians’ time commitment to the service.  相似文献   

智慧博物馆的发展历程与云计算、物联网、移动通信、大数据和人工智能技术的发展息息相关,信息技术的每一次突飞猛进都裹挟着博物馆一同进阶,似乎已成为一种趋势。身处“日日新”技术大潮中,博物馆如何以自身发展规律——“道”为主体,坚持收藏、研究、传播,展示高雅“圣殿”之气岸,并有意识地参与到新一代信息技术的变革中,自主选择技术的应用程度与应用范围,已成为绕不开的话题。智慧博物馆语境的“道法术器”仍是“以道统术,以术得道”,博物馆唯有适度使用更友好、更成熟的技术,才能更理性、更深入地揭晓人与物关系的基本哲学,体现其推动社会前行的价值所在。  相似文献   

Access to government information has been considered an essential element of democracy since the foundation of the American republic. Over time, the amount of government information produced has increased significantly, and the rise of e-government has made access to online government information, communication, and services equally vital to participation in society and interaction with governments. However, the outlets of free public access to government information and e-government have constricted over time, leaving public libraries as one of the only free public Internet access points in most communities. As a result, public libraries serve as a social guarantor of access to and assistance with government information and e-government services. This article first discusses the historical evolution of the means of access to government information and changes over time in responsibilities in providing such access. After exploring the interrelationships between government information and e-government, the article then details the development of the role of public libraries as guarantors of e-government access. Finally, the article examines the impacts of policy on e-government access in libraries, leading to a set of recommendations and conclusions to support the vital library roles related to e-government.  相似文献   

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