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档案信息权利因具有政治与信息的双重属性,在社会治理中具有特殊的地位与作用。通过分析政治权利与档案信息权利间的关系研究二者的作用机制,可以更好地摸清当前形势下档案信息权利演变的趋势与成因,帮助理解档案信息权利在社会治理过程中的运作机理。基于此种考量,文章探索了互联网影响下档案信息权利在社会治理中的运作方向,并提出未来应对档案权利演变进行深入思考。  相似文献   

卢智增 《图书情报工作》2010,54(13):124-147
分析《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》在实施过程中存在着公开意识不强烈、规则界定不明确、公开程序不规范、公开内容不具体、公开方式不丰富、救济方式不力等现实困境,挖掘产生困境的4个根源,并在此基础上,从5个方面深入探讨完善我国政府信息公开的有效路径:加强教育,增强政府官员的民本思想和公民的维权意识;完善立法,建构科学协调的制度规范体系;广辟信息公开渠道,拓宽信息公开范围;设立具有权威性的国家政府信息公开协调机关,确保信息公开渠道畅通;强化信息公开工作的内部考评和外部监督,确保公民权利的有效救济。  相似文献   

论开放存取出版对科学信息交流和利用的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄如花  冯晴 《出版科学》2008,16(3):75-78
开放存取出版已经成为国际学术界、出版界、图书馆学界共同关注的重要话题。本文探讨开放存取出版带来的新的科学信息交流和利用模式,阐述它对科学信息交流和利用活动参与者的影响。  相似文献   

This paper is a conceptual and empirical exploration of the tensions inherent in the drive to increase openness and transparency in government by means of information access and dissemination. The idea that democratic governments should be open, accessible, and transparent to the governed is receiving renewed emphasis through the combination of government reform efforts and the emergence of advanced technology tools for information access. Although these initiatives are young, they already exhibit daunting complexity, with significant management, technology, and policy challenges. A variety of traditional and emerging information policy frameworks offer guidance, while diverse research perspectives highlight both challenges to and opportunities for promoting information-based transparency. Early experience with Data.gov, a central component of the U.S. Open Government Initiative, suggests that two fundamental information policy principles, stewardship and usefulness, can help guide and evaluate efforts to achieve information-based transparency.  相似文献   

In the modern democratic society, all people should have freedom of access to, holding, and imparting various formats of information. However, many human fences have limited the freedom of access to information and the free flow of Internet communications. This paper extracts passages from selected international accords and U. S. statutes relating to the peoples fights of access to information. It also highlights many U.S. government activities relating to its national security after the September - 11 terrorist attacks and peoples reactions with regard to their consequences on the freedom of access to Internet information.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the sources and channels of information in the rural areas of Bangladesh and highlights the information flow and access patterns at the village level of Comilla and Chittagong districts in Bangladesh. It proposes some suggestions for effective information services in rural area, as well as a specific model for a Bangladesh Integrated Rural Information System (BD-IRIS) to improve the information system of villagers. This study uses structured interviews through a pilot survey of 20% of the households from each village and information gathered by personal observations and other secondary sources, as well as appropriate statistical methods. A total of 155 responses is included in the study.

Existing conditions of information flow and access in this case study indicate that there are problems in access in spite of interpersonal sources and channels of information. Of course, it is important to remember that the low literacy rate in the villages studied and in many similar communities presents many serious barriers. The author recommends establishing a Village Information Center (VIC) to provide integrated and concerted information services, along with an integrated rural information system for the purpose in the villages studies, and more widely, to meet the requirements of all people in villages in Bangladesh. The case study is one of very few studies focusing on the flow and access of information for rural areas of Bangladesh, particularly as regards information sources and channels, system and services. The approach can be replicated in other communities, and the proposed model for future direction to improve information system of village level people of Bangladesh could be modified for use in other countries.  相似文献   

吴志强  刘梅 《图书情报工作》2009,53(17):126-129
从社会公众获取政府信息资源的渠道、政府信息公开的内容建设、社会公众获取政府信息的结构性差异等角度,探讨我国政府信息资源公共获取的现状和影响政府信息资源获取的内在因素,并从加快立法步伐、完善相关信息政策、加强技术保障、提高社会公众信息素质、加强政府门户网站建设5个方面,提出相应对策以促进政府信息资源的公共获取与利用。  相似文献   

The Obama administration campaigned on the platform of increased transparency and access to government information after the limitations of the Bush years. As part of this focus on transparency, the Obama administration is emphasizing the use of e-government and new social media services to open up access to government. This paper explores the considerations and challenges of this approach, such as the inclusion of members of the public with limited access to the internet, the use of non-governmental channels to disseminate government information, the permanence of digital-born government information, and the design of e-government.  相似文献   

本文以已有研究揭示的农村居民信息劣势以及现有理论对这一劣势的解释局限为背景,试图通过对我国农民信息获取机会的跨历史时期(历时性)和跨领域考察,发展现有信息不平等理论。按照结构分析的思路,本文以相关历史研究成果、统计资料和政策文本为依据,考察了新中国成立以来,农民信息获取机会的变化及其与已知的结构性因素的关联,显示了已知结构性因素无法解释的变化和差异。研究发现,现有理论可以解释城乡在可比指标上的差距,但很难解释农村不同信息设施/服务/资源间的内部差异及时间序列上的变异;要理解这些差异,需要把国家及其构建的权力关系和市场架构作为影响农民信息获取机会的核心因素。本研究根据这一发现并借鉴O'Connar的新国家理论重新阐释了我国农民的信息劣势。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书开放获取权益分享机制是确保权益分享实现公平与效率均衡的前提,也是研究图书开放获取商业模式与制度体系的基础。本文旨在对目前图书开放获取权益分享机制研究进行溯源与现状分析。[方法/过程]运用文献调研法与内容分析法,在梳理图书开放获取权益分享机制内涵的基础上,进一步探究其理论渊源与研究现状。[结果/结论]图书开放获取权益分享机制研究衍生于以学术期刊为发端的开放获取权益分享机制。目前,图书开放获取权益分享机制在法律、政策、经济、管理与技术方面进行了分析,但还缺少增值、互动视角的权益分享机制体系研究。  相似文献   

Much of information policy is focused on establishing the parameters of information access—ensuring or limiting access to certain types of information. Given how central information access is to virtually every aspect of society, policy can be seen as one of the most significant forces influencing the information society. Recent events, however, have fueled changes in the ways that some governments use policy to shape access, none more significantly than the United States. This paper examines the meanings of and relationships between policy and access, as well as their key roles in society and democratic participation. Following an examination of the historical and social impacts of policies about access, the article analyzes the perspectives of the Bush administration on how policy should shape information access as an illustration of the relationships between policy and access. The paper examines the issues raised by the Bush administration’s views on access and policy and the implications of their policies for the United States, for the global information society, and for research related to information. Ultimately, the paper raises questions about the extent to which information policies about access can be used for overtly political purposes, what might be described as “information politics,” without significantly altering the meaning of information access in a society.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于STS的思路考察科学信息的开放获取模式,以多学科、多元化的视角分析其实现过程和相关问题。[方法/过程]从社会各界主体意识的觉醒、网络环境提供的技术支持以及政府部门的有力参与3个方面探索科学信息开放获取模式实现的动力机制,进而从科学信息的版权归属、科研论文的发表费用、科学知识的质量控制、开放期刊的社会认可度4个方面考察开放获取政策实施中的相关问题。[结果/结论]科学信息的开放获取为我国这样的发展中国家提供了打破既有利益格局的良好机遇,我们应该在增强政府作为的同时,积极发挥高校和科研机构、出版商、科技社团、科学共同体乃至社会公众的不同作用,以更好地推进我国的开放获取事业。  相似文献   

政府信息的自由使用和民间开发是政府信息管理的重要趋势。解决我国政府信息开放与开发低水平的问题,应通过社会化和商业化的机制,从源头上解决好原动力问题。政府信息开放的前期基础工作、开放中的咨询服务工作、信息加工和信息增殖服务都可以运用社会化或商业化的方式来完成。但也要对社会化和商业化开放与开发进行科学管理,处理好收费问题,授权开发和自主开发的关系问题;要完善制度建设。  相似文献   

The founding fathers of the United States recognized that freely available information and an educated citizenry were essential to the functioning of a representative democracy. But almost as soon as the ink dried on the Constitution, political forces moved, and have continued to move, to restrict the flow of information from the government to the public, as well as among members of the public. This article examines whether information availability has become a victim of the war on terrorism – whether the nation has entered a time in which legal and policy initiatives are creating information gulags – secreting government information and restricting communications among members of the public, including the academic community. This article explores how policy is shaping the information relationship among the government, the public, academia, and the media and whether new models may be appropriate and more beneficial to society. In doing so, we examine in depth not only public access to government information but also the emerging and vital issue of government restrictions on scholarly exchange, as most recently presented by the legal dispute between the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), Department of Treasury, and subsequently the litigation brought by the Association of American University Presses (AAUP).  相似文献   

If freedom of information is fundamental to contemporary democracy, why have democratic countries differed so markedly in their willingness to pass laws enshrining formal rights of access to government files? This article demonstrates that an analysis grounded in comparative political economy can provide a compelling answer to this question. Specifically, it demonstrates that the more highly coordinated a country's economy, the less transparent it is likely to be. Through a comparison of the United States and Germany, this article argues that in coordinated market economies, ongoing negotiations between the state and the peak representative bodies provide privileged access to information about the government, and indeed privileged channels of influence over government action. Public access to official files threatens this privileged access. In less coordinated economies, however, firms lack this privileged access; they are likely to favor access laws as a partial substitute, especially since such laws are more consistent with the highly fragmented and competitive environment in which they operate. By further comparing Sweden and the United Kingdom, it also demonstrates the limits of this explanation, suggesting that historical sequences and classic political variables should also be taken into account.  相似文献   

The idea, the concept, and the term, that is cloud computing, has recently passed into common currency and the academic lexicon in an ambiguous manner, as cloud dust is being sprinkled on an excess of emerging products. Exorcising complexity and protecting against the caprice of the moment, this paper explores the notion behind the hype of cloud computing and evaluates its relevance to electronic government and electronic voting information systems. This paper explores increasing participation and sophistication of electronic government services, through implementing a cloud computing architecture. From an Information and Communication Security perspective, a structured analysis is adopted to identify vulnerabilities, involved in the digitalization of government transactions and the electoral process, exploring the notion of trust and transparency within this context. In turn, adopting a cloud computing approach for electronic government and electronic voting solutions is investigated, reviewing the architecture within the previously described context. Taking a step further, this paper proposes a high level electronic governance and electronic voting solution, supported by cloud computing architecture and cryptographic technologies, additionally identifying issues that require further research.  相似文献   

粟劲苍  周广 《新世纪图书馆》2013,73(12):18-25,43
信息获取权是社会公众的一项基本权利,然而保障该权利的实现却存在很多的障碍因素。论文从信息流视角分析我国公众信息获取过程中遇到的障碍因素主要来自于政府、社会公众、获取渠道及政府信息4个方面,并分别对这4个方面的主要障碍因素进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Public access to government records is essential for democratic self-governance, and attitudes toward that right can facilitate or hinder public policy regarding transparency. As more people use the internet for gathering information about their governments and communities, it is unknown whether such online information-seeking is related to increased support for government transparency and the right to request public records. This paper applies a uses and gratification theory approach to examine internet information use and its relation to support for citizen and press access to government records. Three U.S. studies examined media-use correlates with support for government transparency: a paper questionnaire survey of college students (N = 614), an online survey (N = 1819), and a random-digit-dial telephone survey of randomly selected U.S. adults (N = 403). Analyses indicated varying results for television and newspaper use, but in all three datasets reliance on the internet for information was positively associated with support for access to public records. Implications for government transparency in a society increasingly reliant on the internet for information are discussed.  相似文献   

Information policy is the set of strategies and actions defined at a geographical or institutional level in order to satisfy information needs expressed by people and assure development goals. With the development of information and communication technologies (ICT), new stakeholders appear, including both information producers and consumers, raising problems relative to authenticity, reliability, and evaluation of information, and also the problem of full and effective use of information technology. As information policy aims at providing access to timely information, it should attempt also to make people fluent with technology. Toward achieving this objective some challenges are faced which are related to access to technology, computer literacy, ability to read and write, and early childhood development.  相似文献   

Governments for most of recorded history have surrounded their information and decision-making with a culture of secrecy. By the latter half of the 20th century western liberal democracies, driven by right-to-know movements, slowly moved away from secrecy towards more openness of government through public access to its information. Australia, with a series of reforms beginning in the late 1970s, declared in 2010 that government information was a national resource, and public access was the default position. This paper, by providing a history of the Australian Commonwealth legislative and regulatory reforms, their impetus and interpretations, explores the ebb and flow of openness and the intended and sometimes unintended, consequences for traditional government secrecy. Using the complete freedom of information datasets made available by these reforms, the paper presents an insight into government attitudes to openness by providing access to its information. These datasets also enable research into government and bureaucratic actions to pushback against these reforms for pragmatic or ideological reasons. The paper concludes that although there continues to be worrying vestiges of secrecy, on balance, Australia has achieved much in countering a culture of secrecy and the delivering more openness of government.  相似文献   

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