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网络信息搜索行为与用户的日常生活息息相关,用户认知导向的网络信息搜索是认知观和社会认知理论在网络信息搜索中的应用,是与传统信息检索和用户导向信息检索不同的检索范式。在介绍认知交互模型、信息问题解决模型和使用搜索引擎的网络信息搜索行为模型等用户认知导向的信息搜索模型的基础上,进一步从用户因素、信息环境和社会情境方面分析网络信息搜索过程中的影响因素。  相似文献   

甘利人  白晨  贺娟 《情报学报》2007,26(4):594-604
全面考察研究科技用户的信息搜索行为,对于改善科技信息搜索的质量和提高科技数据库的运行绩效具有重要的意义.本文在信念学习理论的阐述基础上,分析了科技数据库网站用户信息搜索中的信念学习现象,研究了基于信息搜索行为的信念学习模型,并对大学生样本进行了实验考察,验证了科技用户信息搜索过程中信念学习现象的存在.  相似文献   

科技用户信息搜索行为特点研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
研究科技用户信息搜索行为,对于提高网络数据库资源的利用效率具有重要意义.本文在国外用户搜索行为研究理论的基础上,对科技用户网络信息搜索行为进行了探索性研究,并获得初步成果.  相似文献   

张潇月  刘畅 《情报学报》2023,(3):365-379
信息搜寻可以视为一种问题解决活动,了解用户在信息搜寻过程中信息问题空间的构建过程,从认知机制角度刻画用户复杂且模糊的信息需求,以及这些需求逐步递进的过程,有利于支持用户更好地解决信息问题,为相应的系统设计和信息服务优化提供参考。本文在系统梳理信息问题解决和信息需求表达相关理论的基础上,提出信息问题空间的概念;通过“目的-手段”形式呈现信息问题的主题分面,以表征用户信息问题空间内部结构;结合仿真搜索实验结果,阐明群体用户信息问题空间的表征方式;进一步讨论如何优化系统以辅助用户构建信息问题空间,解决各类信息问题。结果表明,信息问题空间能够表征用户信息搜索中的动态认知过程。未来研究需关注用户信息问题空间的表征方式(含可视化方式)和搜索系统对用户构建信息问题空间的交互支持功能。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究网络环境中学术用户的探索式搜索行为特征,设计专业的信息服务策略,帮助馆员精准定位用户需求,提高服务的准确率。[研究设计/方法]以探索式信息搜索的3个不确定性为核心,整合探索式搜索行为的知识构建、问题情境与认知阶段,分析用户的领域知识和搜索技能对探索式搜索行为的影响。[结论/发现]根据先验知识集合将学术用户分为4种类型,结合用户搜索过程中的不确定种类与认知阶段,分别提供基础型、辅助型、辅导型和专业型服务。[创新/价值]围绕探索式搜索行为的不确定性,提出探索式搜索行为的认知过程框架及分类型分阶段信息服务策略。  相似文献   

在风险社会中,科技的发展不仅是衡量现代性的核心要素,同时也是催生不确定性的重要原因。社交媒体的发展很大程度改变了风险传播的景观,使得风险认知和媒介信息之间的关系更加复杂。本研究采用问卷调查法对临近核电站建设区域社交媒体用户进行调查,旨在探讨社交媒体环境下的信息对受众风险信息搜索行为的影响。本研究采用结构方程模型的分析方法,从社会认知理论出发考察社交媒体环境中信息的质量对受众反应的作用过程。结果显示信息质量可以通过影响用户的风险认知、风险知识水平和自我效能三个变量影响其风险信息搜索行为,从而证明社交媒体所构建的信息环境会显著作用于人们对于风险的认知和行为反应。本研究的发现期待可以为风险传播中的有效公众沟通策略以及线上风险信息管理提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]“搜索即学习”背景下,主要探讨认知风格和任务复杂度对移动端视频用户学习型搜索行为的影响机理,该研究有助于深入理解用户视频搜索行为的本质,为更好地设计和优化移动端视频信息搜索系统,提升视频搜索用户体验提供参考。[方法/过程]文章采用实验法,以哔哩哔哩视频平台为测试系统,将用户完成学习型任务的搜索过程划分为知识获取阶段、知识学习阶段、互动反思阶段和知识整合阶段,以社会认知理论为指导,考察个体因素(认知风格)、环境因素(任务复杂度)对用户视频搜索行为的影响。[结果/结论]研究发现,认知风格主要影响用户在学习型搜索任务下知识获取阶段、知识学习阶段和知识整合阶段的行为,任务复杂度对用户视频搜索行为的影响主要表现在知识获取阶段。研究结论有助于提高视频信息搜索用户的交互体验与学习效能,并对优化视频信息搜索系统的交互设计与学习服务功能提供启示。  相似文献   

作为学习科学持续关注的一个话题,学习投入的研究范畴越发广泛。“搜索即学习”让人们同时对交互式信息检索与学习活动产生了别样的认识。探究学习投入的影响因素有助于提升信息搜索用户的认知灵活性与知识迁移、应用和创新能力,并为优化支持学习目标的信息检索系统的功能设计提供借鉴。本研究将信息搜索用户的学习投入划分为行为投入、认知投入和情感投入3个维度,运用信息检索实验探究学习风格与认知弹性对这3个维度的影响作用。数据分析与处理手段包括搜索日志分析、内容分析、自我报告以及方差分析、卡方检验。本研究发现,第一,学习风格对信息搜索用户的学习认知投入存在显著差异,而对学习行为投入、学习情感投入未产生影响;第二,认知弹性可以影响信息搜索用户的学习行为投入,并在用户的学习情感投入表现上有所不同,而对学习认知投入未产生显著影响;第三,学习风格与认知弹性仅单独作用于信息搜索用户学习投入的3个维度,并未对其产生交互效应。  相似文献   

基于三阶段过程的信息搜索影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在总结相关研究的基础上,针对科技数据库网站及其用户的特征,提出影响科技数据库网站用户信息搜索行为因素的三阶段分析模型,并在分解每一个阶段任务的基础上,对影响科技用户信息搜索的具体因素进行了深入地剖析,以期为后续的研究提供理论分析的基础。  相似文献   

网站交互界面如何让用户觉得是可理解可发现的,让他们能快速找到需要的信息,不再"迷失"?这就需要对决定用户信息获取行为的内在的、可预测的认知模型--心智模型进行剖析.本文将网站用户信息获取与心智模型结合进行关联研究,分析信息获取与心智模型的关系,指出信息获取中心智模型的"描述、归因、预测"三类关键活动的内涵,以及信息获取中个体心智模型的影响因素,同时研究了网站用户信息获取中的心智模型的测量过程及相关方法,重点分析了路径搜索法的算法和应用.在此基础上,结合网站分类系统进行实证研究,从而从认知心理学的角度为网站用户行为研究提供一种新的思路.  相似文献   

The Information Revolution has resulted in dynamic changes in information dissemination services. It is difficult for most people to understand the dynamic causes, processes, and the effects of these changes on the information world. Gender as a variable has been identified in some studies as a possible influencing variable in information seeking research. Some social psychology depicts physical, mental and social differences between men and women in society. Gender as a variable may be useful for better understanding the cognitive and social background of human information processing and may have important implications for information dissemination services and systems. Hence, it is pertinent to explore the gender-specific differences in information seeking behavior of university students so as to better assist them in their information search processes.

The objective of this study was to determine whether gender as a variable is related to the information seeking behavior of university students. Data were collected from 600 university students studying different disciplines (arts, science and commerce) from three state-aided universities in West Bengal, India. Data tools included a General Information Schedule and an Information Seeking Behavior Inventory. Significant differences were noted in most of the domains of information seeking behavior with respect to gender (male and female). Females scored high on all the domains of information search except in diversity in search where the males were found to be high. The findings may have implications for research and practice in psychology, especially in the subfields of educational institutions, library science, cognitive development, and training and performance appraisal.  相似文献   

The Information Revolution has resulted in dynamic changes in information dissemination services. It is difficult for most people to understand the dynamic causes, processes, and the effects of these changes on the information world. Gender as a variable has been identified in some studies as a possible influencing variable in information seeking research. Some social psychology depicts physical, mental and social differences between men and women in society. Gender as a variable may be useful for better understanding the cognitive and social background of human information processing and may have important implications for information dissemination services and systems. Hence, it is pertinent to explore the gender-specific differences in information seeking behavior of university students so as to better assist them in their information search processes.The objective of this study was to determine whether gender as a variable is related to the information seeking behavior of university students. Data were collected from 600 university students studying different disciplines (arts, science and commerce) from three state-aided universities in West Bengal, India. Data tools included a General Information Schedule and an Information Seeking Behavior Inventory. Significant differences were noted in most of the domains of information seeking behavior with respect to gender (male and female). Females scored high on all the domains of information search except in diversity in search where the males were found to be high. The findings may have implications for research and practice in psychology, especially in the subfields of educational institutions, library science, cognitive development, and training and performance appraisal.  相似文献   

综合运用词频统计及社会网络分析的方法,以国外2001~2010年发表于图书馆学情报学(LIS)领域主要学术刊物从认知视角展开的关于信息行为研究的733篇论文为样本,对其摘要进行了文献计量分析。通过聚类分析,析出了本领域研究的4个主要子领域和3个相关问题,从整体上勾画了认知视角信息行为研究的全貌i通过对共词网络中心性的分析,检出了十年来认知视角信息行为研究的热点问题。  相似文献   

老年人网络健康信息查寻行为影响因素研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
[目的/意义] 探索网络环境下我国老年人健康信息查寻行为的影响因素,构建相关概念框架模型,为更合理化地开展老年人健康信息服务予以理论指引和支撑.[方法/过程]采用半结构访谈法收集35位老年人在网络环境下进行健康信息查寻活动的相关数据,通过扎根理论归纳出影响老年人网络健康信息查寻行为的14个概念范畴并聚焦为4个核心范畴.基于对概念范畴的分析,指出影响老年人网络健康信息查寻行为的4个主要因素,并构建网络健康信息查寻行为影响因素模型.[结果/结论]个人心理因素、个人实施成本、信息因素和社会因素是影响老年人网络健康信息查寻行为的主要因素.其中,个人心理因素和个人实施成本是内部因素,直接决定老年人网络健康信息查寻行为模式;信息因素、社会因素是外部情境条件,分别影响着内部因素与信息查寻行为之间的关系强度.  相似文献   

从认知心理学的概念出发,探讨了基于认知心理学的用户心理。论述了认知心理学在网络信息组织中的应用。  相似文献   

Researchers have increasingly paid attention to the personal and emotional growth of youth. However, little research has examined how exactly young people use or seek information for their personal development and growth. The primary goal of this study, therefore, was to explore the students' use of “information seeking” to cope with their day-to-day personal stressors and problems. The sample consisted of 641 children in fifth- and sixth-grade classrooms from an urban public elementary school in Taiwan. Data were collected through semistructured, open-ended surveys. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to analyze the data. This study found that in coping with daily-life problems, nearly two-thirds of the participating children would seek information; that sixth graders were more likely to do so; and that gender did not make information seeking more (or less) probable in this coping context. Findings also revealed some major reasons for children's information seeking in this coping context, for example, to solve problems, to escape, and to find a transition. Finally, five major different information seeking behaviors related to coping emerged from the findings: information seeking for problem solving, information seeking to escape, information seeking for a transition, information seeking to change mood, and information avoidance, which can be used as a platform to develop an explanatory and possibly predictive framework for future studies.  相似文献   

The information needs of scientists in English-speaking countries have been studied and reported in the library literature. However, few studies exist on the information-seeking patterns of scientists in developing countries, and no study has examined the information needs of medical scientists in developing Asian countries. This study investigated the information needs of academic medical scientists at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. The results indicate that medical scientists have three types of information needs: identifying up-to-date information, obtaining relevant studies and data, and developing research topics. Thai scientists' information-seeking behavior was different from that of scientists in developed countries. The study shows a high use of libraries as information providers; Thai medical scientists rely heavily on information from abroad.  相似文献   

"迷航"和"认知过载"是网络用户在浏览信息时经常遇到的问题,尤其是在网页链路较深的情况下,这种现象变得更为明显,而网络信息的可视化可以有效的解决这个问题。文章从空间认知理论的角度出发,结合认知心理学的研究成果,分析了用户的空间认知特征对信息可视化模型设计的支持作用。在此基础上,从模型框架的设计和模型的概念设计两方面详细探讨了信息可视化模型的构建。最后结合实例,验证模型的有效性与不足性。  相似文献   

学术文本词汇功能识别的目的是实现学术文本中表征问题、方法和对象等词汇的抽取。针对传统识别方法中训练难以获取所导致的识别准确率低、召回率有限和泛化能力差等问题,本研究提出了一种基于深度学习和标题生成策略的学术文本词汇功能识别方法,将任务形式由信息抽取转化为特定形式的标题生成问题。本研究采用构建seq2seq模型和引入注意力机制的方式捕获词汇多层语义信息,最终实现学术文本中问题和方法指代词的生成和获取。实验结果表明,通过应用深度学习方法和标题生成策略,本研究提出的模型能够从摘要中有效识别学术文献的主要研究问题和主要研究方法,并较已有方法在识别效果上有明显提升。  相似文献   

This study uses in-depth qualitative interviews to explore the information seeking behavior of 25 mature undergraduates at one Canadian university. It explores the complex interweaving of these students’ everyday and academic information needs in light of Reijo Savolainen’s framework for the study of everyday life information seeking. Findings include the role of social and cultural capital in these students’ information seeking, the diverse ways that everyday and academic contexts inform one another, and the importance of not separating the everyday from other life situations in studies of individuals’ information behaviors.  相似文献   

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