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肖超  王佳彤 《出版科学》2021,29(6):97-107
"学生办刊"作为一种独特的办刊模式,有利于创新办刊思路,促进学术期刊更好地发展.以《哈佛法律评论》《耶鲁法律杂志》《斯坦福法律评论》为例,探究美国法律评论类期刊学生编辑的选拔与分工机制以及期刊的栏目设置和集稿审稿机制.研究结果表明,"学生办刊"模式的主要特征包括学生主导、独立办刊、组织严密、体系完备、民主制衡等.采用"学生办刊"模式应建立严谨的学生编辑选拔机制,明确学生编辑的职能分工,规范期刊集稿要求,健全期刊审稿制度,实现采用"学生办刊"模式的期刊间的联合,办出期刊特色.  相似文献   

何为"核心期刊"?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核心期刊"的概念本属文献计量学的范畴,目前却有不少期刊尤其是学术期刊,对"核心期刊"顶礼膜拜,趋之若鹜.期刊为了彰大自身的知名度,将一些获奖项目印在封面上,这本无可厚非,但"核心期刊"的字样往往被列于首位,足可见对"核心期刊"的崇尚程度.有些期刊以"核心期刊"为办刊目标,把进入"核心期刊"视为办刊实绩,一味地去迎合"核心期刊"的遴选指标,"千方百计"地提高文摘率.还有一些学术期刊,把"核心期刊"当作赚钱的招牌,热衷于增页扩版,小小学报竞成月刊,每期200多页,年发文量近千篇,向读者大肆收取高额的版面费用.甚至,还有某些学人以"如何进入核心期刊"为科研选题,试图以"核心期刊"为"指挥棒",提出调整栏目设置、改变办刊宗旨的应对策略……如此削足适履,不利于期刊的健康发展,势必要导致期刊价值取向的偏离,势必要丢掉一些长期培育起来的精品栏目,有些学术期刊恐怕也会走上一条不归之路.  相似文献   

杨频  陈瑾  盛慧锋 《编辑学报》2018,30(2):205-208
以《贫困所致传染病》 (英文) 的创办和发展为例,从办刊理念、发展目标、办刊策略、期刊宣传途径、办刊特色等5个角度进行分析探讨我国创办国际科技期刊的策略和方法.自2012 年创刊以来,该刊在先进的办刊理念和明确的办刊目标指引下,秉持"专家办刊"的策略,通过与国际知名出版社合作,以多元形式推广宣传期刊,以发表跨学科和流行国家的研究成果为着力点打响期刊品牌,使该刊在创刊后2 年即被美国科学引文索引数据库收录,并已具备了一定的国际影响力.  相似文献   

全面贯彻"三个代表"重要思想努力办好科学技术期刊   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张凯英  向政  刘永新 《编辑学报》2004,16(5):313-315
论述把"代表中国先进社会生产力的发展要求"作为办刊的宗旨,把"代表中国先进文化的前进方向"作为办刊方向,把"代表中国最广大人民的根本利益"作为刊物的根本利益的重要性.提出在不断提高我国科技期刊全面质量的实践中贯彻"三个代表"重要思想的一些措施和途径.  相似文献   

张秀  陈幸  王玥兮  黄晔秋 《编辑学报》2021,33(3):340-342
"中国科技期刊卓越行动计划"对我国科技期刊的高质量发展和服务科技强国建设意义重大.作为非"卓越计划"的科技期刊如何获得高质量发展,让期刊整体上一个新的台阶?本文以《护士进修杂志》办刊实践为例,探寻非"卓越计划"科技期刊高质量发展策略,提出在争创国内一流护理期刊的目标下,依托专家资源争取优质稿源、策划专刊专题、应用媒体融合等方式提高内在质量和学术影响力,从而扩大期刊影响力,以更好地服务于广大的护理工作者.  相似文献   

专家办刊结合专业办刊双管模式的实践和成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以《中国科学:物理学力学天文学》(英文版)[Science China:Physics Mechanics&Astronomy》(SCPMA)]期刊为例,结合办刊模式的转变,介绍编委会工作重心的调整,以及编辑在稿件审理中的作用.通过将专家办刊调整为专家办刊结合专业办刊的双管模式后,编委的更多工作侧重于约稿和宣传,而编辑部在稿件的评审过程中,尤其是初筛过程中的作用更为明显.模式转变后,期刊的约稿比例明显上升,约稿质量带动期刊的影响力提升,影响因子由2013年的0.864提升至2015年的1.575.同时,编委的宣传带动期刊的品牌效应,使期刊越来越多地展示于各大学术会议,为期刊带来更多关注和高水平投稿.由此可以看出,新形势下模式的转变可促进期刊的更快发展,提升期刊的稿源质量.  相似文献   

邹韬奋的办刊"头尾"观,即要"抓好一头一尾",可诠释为与时俱进,服务"大目标"的办刊宗旨;全心全意, "以读者利益为中心"的办刊理念.在18年的办刊生涯中,他一直实践着这种宗旨和理念.这种"热爱人民,真诚地为人民服务,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已"的韬奋精神,在60多年后的今天,仍然对新闻出版从业者具有深刻的启迪和教育意义.  相似文献   

中共地方党刊,是当代中国期刊战线上一支老牌"正规军",曾为中国新闻出版事业做出过不可磨灭的贡献.但是,由于它长期沿袭"红头文件"指令性发行,反过来又加固了在计划经济时代所形成的"红头文件"式的办刊模式.于是,便在全国形成了一片片背离市场法则的"党刊特区",致使这支"正规军"至今仍像大型国有企业那样,难以走向中国期刊市场.  相似文献   

聂兰英  余斌 《编辑学报》2021,33(5):580-583
针对我国临床医学类期刊实现真正意义上"专家办刊"的现实困难,探讨通过成立学术工作坊实现临床医学类期刊与临床科室合作办刊的模式及效果.模式包括:重点学术工作坊策划、组织重点刊;共同举办学术活动,进行学术交流及技术扶持;学术工作坊负责扩大杂志的征订及广告业务,并享有稿件"快速通道"等权利.通过合作办刊取得了以下效果:提高了期刊的学术质量;扩大了期刊的影响力,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益;对基层骨科进行学术扶持、技术支援,承担了科技期刊的社会责任;提升了学术工作坊在当地乃至全国的影响力.  相似文献   

在我国的期刊群体中,有一种独特的期刊经营模式,引起了业界的关注,这些期刊虽然有一定的广告或销售收入,但期刊的法人代表或主编日子过得轻松惬意,既不用为期刊的发行量多少而发愁,也不用为期刊的广告额的升降而担忧.原因在于,期刊的发行和业务均由合作办刊的伙伴打理,而且还定期向合作办刊的伙伴收取"管理费",有人把这种基本上不用为期刊的效益操心,而坐收管理费的现象,称之为期刊的房东现象.这些期刊"房东"拿着合作办刊的伙伴交纳的"租金",维持着期刊的"红火"局面.  相似文献   

Despite the recent moving towards open access trend in the academic community, both restricted and open access journals continue to coexist. New journals need to choose their journal types (open versus restricted access), while the incumbent journals may change their journal types. To better understand how the academic community is shaped by journals’ choices of journal types, we constructed a game-theoretical model of journal competition with endogenous journal qualities and journal types. We found that journals’ equilibrium quality and types vary by article processing charge (APC) and journals’ preference for quality. Compared to the case that both journals are open access, a competition among journals of different types leads to higher journal quality standards chosen in equilibrium when APC is modest. Therefore, in the academic community where the research quality is measured by the highest quality of the journals therein, journals of different types guarantee a good degree of knowledge diffusion with a high quality.  相似文献   

Journal weighted impact factor: A proposal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The impact factor of a journal reflects the frequency with which the journal's articles are cited. It is the best available measure of journal quality. For calculation of impact factor, we just count the number of citations, no matter how prestigious the citing journal is. We think that impact factor as a measure of journal quality, may be improved if in its calculation, we not only take into account the number of citations, but also incorporate a factor reflecting the prestige of the citing journals relative to the cited journal. In calculation of this proposed “weighted impact factor,” each citation has a coefficient (weight) the value of which is 1 if the citing journal is as prestigious as the cited journal; is >1 if the citing journal is more prestigious than the cited journal; and is <1 if the citing journal has a lower standing than the cited journal. In this way, journals receiving many citations from prestigious journals are considered prestigious themselves and those cited by low-status journals seek little credit. By considering both the number of citations and the prestige of the citing journals, we expect the weighted impact factor be a better scientometrics measure of journal quality.  相似文献   

学术期刊质量评价与核心期刊评价之异同   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
从质量上评价学术期刊,必须首先厘认清基本概念。学术期刊质量评价与核心期刊评价在概念的内涵和外延、评价的方式方法和评价语词等方面有区别,但都能在一定程度上反映期刊的质量,尽管核心期刊不是直接、全面反映期刊质量。把握和处理好两者评价的异同的“度”,对期刊评价和管理至关重要。从质量整体上评价期刊的学术水平,应更加注重学术期刊评价的目的性,注重分类分层评价,更加注重指标对期刊质量的导引作用,注重同行专家定性评价。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the mechanism of the Journal Impact Factor (JIF). Although created as a journal selection tool the indicator is probably the central quantitative indicator for measuring journal quality. The focus is journal self-citations as the treatment of these in analyses and evaluations is highly disputed. The role of self-citations (both self-citing rate and self-cited rate) is investigated on a larger scale in this analysis in order to achieve statistical reliable material that can further qualify that discussion. Some of the hypotheses concerning journal self-citations are supported by the results and some are not.  相似文献   

Keyword: Journal     
Given the proliferation of open-access, non-profit publication outlets for cultural studies scholars, what are the possibilities for a journal like Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, which remains tied to a print model and a for-profit publisher? This short essay considers publication of critical work as both an intellectual exercise and a strategic activity, and argues for the necessity of attending to both aspects of scholars' labor. Understanding publication as a professional strategy also implies particular ethical and political responsibilities for a critical journal that exists as an association journal, and it implies particular responsibilities for reviewers and editors.  相似文献   

吴永华  蔡为明  郑玲  周礼 《编辑学报》2012,24(4):380-381
结合《食药用菌》更名实践,阐述科技期刊为适应形势发展、拓展发展空间,需要破解刊名制约而更名时,应在充分论证更名的利弊、选择恰当的更名时机、缜密选定新刊名、发挥好更名的宣传效应等环节下工夫,以确保更名成功,取得预期效果。  相似文献   

Protecting intellectual property in all its variations is a serious international issue and challenge. While the theft of journal articles may not always be visible, there increasingly is evidence that it is occurring for both commercial publishers and open access publishers. The implications of massive downloading of journal content for unauthorized purposes will differentially impact the sustainability of the business model employed by the publisher. The resulting extremely serious implications, risks, and impacts are identified and considered in a high-hearted manner that contrasts with similar aspects previously encountered in managing unwanted journal donations.  相似文献   

数字环境下图书馆学术期刊的订购   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨了数字环境下学术期刊网络版对印刷版订购的影响及图书馆对两者的协调订购。  相似文献   

科技期刊基金资助指数的作用及其意义   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
肖宏  杨如华 《编辑学报》1994,6(2):66-70
科技期刊基金资助指数是期刊所发表的受基金资助论文篇次与全部发表的论文总数之比。本文统计分析了19种期刊1987—1992年基金资助指数的情况,发现同一学科中一个期刊学术地位高,其指数就高。综合性学术期刊(含多学科)的指数普遍高于单科学术期刊。在这6年中,总体都呈指数上升趋势,但不是直线上升,而是呈S形台阶样递升,提示基金资助指数是评估期刊的一个有效的佐证。  相似文献   

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