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美国公共图书馆协会设立了奖励与资助项目,其在设立奖项方面得到了其他单位的大力协助。文章详细介绍美国公共图书馆协会奖励与资助项目的设置、申报、评审及对获奖者的要求等方面的情况;分析了中国各图书馆学会/协会奖项概况,并提出对我国公共图书馆界的启示:争取外界支持、提高对奖励制度的重视程度、合理设置奖项、规范奖项申报及评奖流程。  相似文献   

蒙大拿图书馆网络(MLN)是蒙大拿州图书馆创办的项目,也是该州各类型图书馆共同组织的“蒙大拿州图书馆网络任务小组”的一项计划。MLN由博物馆和图书馆服务联合协会以及图书馆服务与技术法案(LSTA)资助,作为蒙大拿图书馆的配套网络,它将确保将网内图书馆提供的高质量的、标准化的资源和服务传递到所有蒙大拿人手中。  相似文献   

蒋啸南  肖鹏 《图书馆建设》2011,(7):75-78,87
广州市公共图书馆志愿者工作中存在资金匮乏、志愿者队伍结构单一、各馆志愿者工作的资源缺乏共享等问题。通过对图书馆志愿者合作网络、志愿者协会及"图书馆之友"3种联合发展策略的比较分析,可以得出图书馆志愿者工作的发展路线:建立"广州市图书馆志愿者合作网络",并以此为基础,构建以市级"广州市图书馆志愿者协会"作为官方的、统一的组织机构,以各馆"图书馆之友"形成社区的长期支援的双重志愿者服务架构。  相似文献   

图书馆连接社区:公共图书馆经费和技术获取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《图书馆连接社区:公共图书馆经费和技术获取研究》是由盖茨.梅琳达基金会和美国图书馆协会共同资助,并在美国图书馆协会、马里兰大学图书馆与信息创新中心和佛罗里达州大学信息学院指导下完成的一项年度报告。报告在广泛的数据调查基础上描述了2009年度美国公共图书馆的状况,包括技术接入、经费下降与服务需求增加等问题。此外,报告还揭示了美国公共图书馆需求与服务之间的矛盾,在此基础上,报告提出了未来行动的呼吁。  相似文献   

<正>由王波等著的《中外图书馆阅读推广活动研究》于2017年11月由海洋出版社出版,该书是国家社科基金资助的第一个关于"图书馆阅读推广"的项目的研究成果,项目原名称为"图书馆的阅读推广活动调查研究"(批准号:10BTQ011),2016年9月以"优秀"结项。该书系统调研了联合国、英国、美国、印度、中国大陆和台湾的图书馆阅读推广活动;对公共图书馆、高校图书馆的读者对阅读推广活动的需求进行了调研;通过德尔菲  相似文献   

论文通过对印度“公共图书馆运动”五个阶段的梳理,了解印度总分馆体系的大体发展历程;公共图书馆法的颁布和罗易图书馆基金的设立是推动印度总分馆发展的两个推动因素;按照经费来源,印度的公共图书馆总分馆系统有四种形式.以德里公共图书馆的总分馆为例分析印度总分馆体系,启示三点:加紧图书馆法的颁布,确定建设主体;大力发展基层图书馆;鼓励民间力量加入图书馆建设.  相似文献   

上世纪二十年代,中华教育改进社先后召开四次年会,通过了二十件有关图书馆的议案。这些议决案,积极推动公共图书馆实行免费服务、开展儿童阅览和古物陈列工作,推动退还庚款资助图书馆,推动建立图书馆协会,对中国图书馆事业的发展作出了重要的贡献。参考文献11。  相似文献   

Bookstart项目是一种针对低龄儿童开展教育支持的活动,它发端于英国并得到很多国家的采纳。该项目得到了包括图书馆在内的各种机构的积极参与和支持,在已经开展该项目的国家和地区,一般由公共图书馆承担核心角色。公共图书馆参与Bookstart项目有助于提升图书馆形象,宣传公共图书馆的教育功能;彰显图书馆对儿童教育的贡献,以赢得政府更多的支持。同时,Bookstart项目也向图书馆提出了一些挑战,如资金募集、活动组织、利益协调、评估和研究等。我国图书馆应抓住有利的发展环境,开展Bookstart项目,促进自身的发展。参考文献29。  相似文献   

(一)印度图书馆协会于1956年4月7日到10日在加尔各答举行了第11次大会例会。这样的大会每两年召开一次。参加大会的有来自全图各地的将近300位代表。大会议程如下:(1)公共图书馆纲工作的改进,(2)印度图书馆十进分类法的利用,(3)印度的书目组织工作,(4)印度的学校和儿童图书馆,(5)图书馆干部的训练。会上就这些问题曾提出了十五篇报告。大会并重新选举了卡萨瓦内担任印度图书馆协会主席,加尔各答大  相似文献   

《国际图书馆协会联合会-联合国教科文组织公共图书馆宣言(2022)》倡导“公共图书馆是社区的创造者”,佛山市图书馆“易本书”项目和“邻里图书馆”项目是我国公共图书馆服务体系建设中社区创造的典范。文章概述“公共图书馆是社区的创造者”的内涵,分析“邻里图书馆”项目和“易本书”项目的社区创造,阐释这两个项目的社区创造价值。  相似文献   

For more than a decade the Regents of the State of New York have recommended that public and association libraries in the state become public library districts with independent taxing authority. The Regents contend that such districts are preferable for several reasons, in particular for more reliable and higher per capita funding for library services. This study, using data provided by the New York State Education Department, examined the funding of all public libraries in New York during a ten-year period. The study found that while public library districts did demonstrate more reliable funding over time, they did not see improved per capita funding as compared to other library types found in the state.  相似文献   


Public libraries have seen a decline in public funding, relying on a mixture of external types of funding to keep services running. With state and local governments continuing to face financial pressures, some libraries have explored alternative ways to maximize funding, by forming library districts. This report aimed at exploring library districts in three states, Colorado, Michigan, and Oregon, which have similar funding structures. The report found more stable and predictable funding patterns in library districts versus their counterparts and provides evidence that is a strong alternative for public libraries seeking a change in the way they obtain funds.  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆经费保障制度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经费是公共图书馆生存和发展的基本保障,围绕经费保障问题形成的制度则是公共图书馆生存和发展的基础性制度。美国公共图书馆事业发达的重要基础在于其经费保障制度及其体系的完善。美国通过联邦、州和地方政府多个层面颁布法律、法规和标准来规定对公共图书馆的拨款事项,实现美国公共图书馆经费增长与国家财政支出增长同步,并取得较好的服务效益。但目前尚存在经费在不同级别政府间分配不公等问题。本文系统分析美国各个层面对公共图书馆经费保障制度的立法基础和法律形式,考察其经费保障体系的实践效果,以期为我国图书馆法关于经费问题的理论与实践研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This article explores the connection between congressional testimony and political identity for libraries. Library testimony highlights the ways in which libraries are hybrid, public/private institutions. Thus in some areas (such as library funding or intellectual property), libraries are like private associations: They testify to protect interests that are library specific. In other areas (such as government information), libraries are more like governmental agencies: They testify as a partner and stakeholder in specific government programs, policies, and benefits. And in yet other areas (such as privacy), libraries are more like issue-oriented advocacy groups: They testify to engage their peers and patrons while organizing these constituencies to effectively advocate for public goods.  相似文献   

在美国国家宽带计划出台后,政府重视民众数字素养的提升,把公共图书馆作为数字素养教育的重要机构,给予政策、资金等多方面的支持。在政府的倡导下,与公共图书馆相关的行业协会积极对数字素养教育开展研究,并以此指导公共图书馆。行业协会与商业公司合作,以资源、项目支持着公共图书馆的数字素养教育。我国公共图书馆应重视数字素养教育,以社会弱势群体为重点服务对象,专业组织对此予以声援和引导,同时政府应加大投入,引导全社会支持公共图书馆的数字素养教育。  相似文献   

One of the bedrock of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is eradication of poverty and hunger. In an attempt to actualize this goal, the role of public libraries in information provision to agricultural extension agents in Nigeria becomes paramount. This paper discusses provision of information to agricultural extension agents in a developing country. It starts with the concept of extension agents and the essence of information provision to them. It further discusses types, sources and challenges of public libraries in information provision to agricultural extension workers in a developing country. Some of the challenges are as follows: poor funding of public libraries, demotivated staff, and so on. Based on these discussions, the paper recommended adequate training and retraining of staff, adequate funding of public libraries by the federal, state and local government, the revitalization of the abandoned mobile library services among others. The paper therefore concludes that information provision to agricultural extension agents by public library is very crucial for national development. The current state of poverty, hunger and lack in Nigeria and some other African countries could be reduced to a great extent if current, relevant and up-to-date information are provided by libraries to the concerned agencies.  相似文献   


The Slovak library sector has been in general decline since 1991, due to woefully inadequate funding. There are some bright spots, however. Central scientific and academic libraries have fared better than public libraries. Slovak librarians have realized the benefit of collective action for the good of the profession. The work of the Slovak Library Association over the past ten years has been fundamental to advances made. Slovak librarians have also been cooperating with foreign organizations and associations, with many positive results.  相似文献   

Labeled “third-sector” community organizations, public libraries serve homeless individuals by default. Using focus group interview data with library personnel, this qualitative study explored how public libraries in 8 urban and suburban communities in one Midwestern state perceived and served homeless patrons. Three themes emerged: (1) the recognition that libraries serve as makeshift shelters, (2) the inconsistent implementation of code of conduct policy regarding homeless patrons; and (3) innovative “under the radar” responses by administration and staff to resolve the tensions enacted by the presence of homeless persons in library facilities. Recommendations for staff training, internal policy revision, and enhanced collaboration between social service agency and public library staff are provided.  相似文献   

伟大的力量来自于哪里——解读社会力量办馆助馆   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从历史的角度对中西社会力量办馆助馆的历史传统进行梳理,认为社会力量是近代图书馆发展的原动力.中外社会力量办馆助馆活动存在显著差别的根源在于社会制度不同,而目前弱势群体的激增与知识资源的供给不足足社会力量兴起办馆助馆热潮的现实原因.社会力量办馆助馆有四种模式:独立建馆办馆、捐资建馆与捐书助馆、与公共图书馆合作、志愿者服务.中国图书馆事业的发展应走"官办民助"与"民办官助"相结合的道路.目前社会力量办馆助馆热潮将引发一场具有中国特色的新图书馆运动.  相似文献   

The growth of public libraries in Nigeria has been long and problem ridden. This paper identifies and discusses low patronage, almost total absence of current materials, lack of adequate numbers of trained personnel and above all inadequate funding as the major problems hindering the development of public libraries in Nigeria. It offers some radical and practical suggestions on how to ameliorate the situation, including the repackaging of information materials and the involvement of wealthy individuals and multinational organizations in the funding of public libraries.  相似文献   

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