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我国一位伟大的政治家,曾在十年浩劫中,明智而机智地说明过历史学习与研究的迫切意义。原件未做摘记,这里仅能述其大意:什么是傻子或白痴呢?那就是没有记忆、失去记忆或记忆甚少的人;历史是社会的记忆,不学习历史、不研究历史,就会使社会处于无知与低能状态。古代哲人也早说过,历史的功能在益智。  相似文献   

词起源于唐五代,两宋时发展到巅峰,元明时衰落。而到了清代,又再度复兴,在内容和表现手法上都有所开拓和创新,词人以及词作的数量均位居历史最高。据不完全统计,清代顺治、康熙两朝,词人已达2105人,词作53400余首,仅此即已超过历史上的任何一个朝代。  相似文献   

近年来,档案界很多同志,就档案馆工作与历史研究的关系问题进行研究和探索,发表了很多意见,归纳起来,大致有几种观点: 第一种意见认为:档案馆的编研工作是历史研究工作,编纂档案史料是档案工作者参加历史研究的主要方式,是一项重要的历史研究工作,是长久地保存档案史料的重要方法,也是历史档案工作的方向。第二种意见认为:研究档案就是研究历史,档史不可分,治档必治史。档案馆研究历史应成为治史之主流。第三种意见认为:档案馆搞历史研究的做法不利于  相似文献   

我国是一个有着悠久而丰厚文明史的古国,但旧时我国在相当长的历史时期内处于一种"唯一"的官方式状态。史官为皇帝而书,史书为皇权而叙。显然,只有一种声音的历史是不完整的、不全面的,甚至是扭曲的、不正确的。历史不仅仅是统治阶层的历史,更是草根大众的历史,普通人理当加入到历史的重构中来,而口述档案的建立,将有助于展现一个真实、生动和多维的历史画卷。  相似文献   

档案馆该不该研究历史,档案界目前有两种意见,一种意见认为档案馆研究历史是“天经地义之事”,一种意见则认为“一定不能提倡档案工作者搞历史研究”。笔者认为,对这个问题作绝对的肯定或否定,都不妥当。辩证唯物主义告诉我们,对具体问题作具体分析,这是正确地认识客观事物的有效途径。档案馆有种类之不同,有级别之区分,因此,也就有各自的特殊性,岂能一概而论? 我认为,地、县档案馆应该研究历史,即研究地方史。浅见如下:  相似文献   

1 档案与邮票相似的四种功能 邮票作为收藏品以其特有的真实性,直观而又形象地折射出历史发展的印迹,它是历史的缩影.邮票是档案的又一种表现形式,是档案的又一种载体.二者虽表现形式不一样,但都具备以下功能.  相似文献   

江帆 《兰台世界》2017,(6):95-97
全球化国际贸易过程中,商务英语承担着重要的角色地位。针对当前我国商务英语理论落后于实践的发展现状,本文对我国商务英语的历史起源进行阐述,提出对商务英语历史沉淀认知不清是阻碍当前商务英语广泛普及和应用的主要因素,作为新兴事物的商务英语发展前景广阔,但也面临多种挑战,未来还需要进一步改革现有商务英语课程体系,改进教学手段和方法,加强培养目的及课程设置的合理性。  相似文献   

史料是历史研究的基础。由于国史学科的特殊性,国史史料的开发和利用仍有诸多不尽如人意之处。国史工作者要加强对国史史料的搜集、整理、考证和利用,以推动国史研究的深入发展。  相似文献   

近年来舆论史的研究逐渐兴起,但仍很薄弱,重要原因是不被新闻学与传播学的承认,而作为历史中的专门史也未被重视。对中国舆论史的研究有助于以史为鉴、深刻理解中国当前的舆论环境、建设有中国特色的舆论学和扩展新闻传播史的研究,它是新闻学与传播学的重要组成部分,其研究对象应该包括自古至今的舆论历史,而不仅仅是新闻媒介出现后的舆论。  相似文献   

苏晓亮 《大观周刊》2012,(21):278-278
依据传统的高中历史教学,其主要就是让学生取得应试教育需要的高分数,但这完全不符合教育的目的和规律。随着我们教育改革的推进,现在的高中历史教学必须实现三维教学目标,实现有效的教学,达到历史教学的高效益、高产出和高效率.如何实现高中历史课的有效教学,本文着重分析了这个问题,希望能对高中的历史教学能有一点积极意义。  相似文献   

张劲松 《图书情报工作》2010,54(24):122-145
民族关系发展演化过程中的内在规律和历史经验是监测预警的重要基础。提出基于知识管理的民族关系监测预警框架,并从知识的表达、预警过程以及知识管理实施等方面进行研究。采用民族问题案例和预警规则来表达民族关系知识,其中,案例用于组织分布广泛的难以表达的历史经验,预警规则用来表达民族关系内在规律;在预警机制实现上,将案例推理和规则推理集成在一起,能够克服各自的局限性,增强预警系统的灵活性和综合推理能力。  相似文献   

尹奇岭 《出版科学》2011,19(2):102-109
民国时期,有大量而分散的古体诗词私人刊刻活动并没有进入研究者的视野,由于这方面资料的零散,还不能做到精确统计,但其广泛和普遍的存在是不容置疑的。还原历史真实,如果缺少了这一面的参照,所描述的历史场景无疑是失真的。  相似文献   

The pace of technology development in fields other than historic preservation has generally outstripped that of historic preservation, resulting in a predominant flow from those fields into historic preservation practice. This chapter summarizes some of the major trends in technology transfer and explores some of the issues that the increased use of advanced technologies brings to the practice of historic preservation. It also examines the relationship of the development of technologies for historic preservation to public policy.  相似文献   

休闲教育和图书馆功能的拓展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
阐述了图书馆的功能和休闲教育的关系。在新经济形势下图书馆肩负着新的历史使命:更好地发挥文化休闲教育的功能,使每一个读者能全面、完整、健康地发展自己。  相似文献   


Feasibility studies on applying laser radiation for the removal of superficial deposits from historic glass are being carried out within a three-year interdisciplinary project in Germany. Previous investigations revealed that there is insufficient knowledge about interaction processes between UV-laser radiation and individual surface layers of encrusted historic glass. Therefore, detailed studies were first carried out on special model glass samples to simulate different stages in the corrosion of historic glass. The potential of UV-lasers for removing crusts and biolayers, as well as layers of various conservation materials (due to previous conservation work) is examined. It is of great importance to avoid damage to materials such as gel layers, paint layers or the glass itself. A KrF-excimer laser operating at λ = 248nm is used for the experiments. A mask projection technique is applied for irradiation. A modified optical set-up has been designed, using cylindrical lenses for large-area removal by 'line scanning'. Removal rates and thresholds for the materials mentioned above are monitored. The collected data enable comparison and evaluation of the feasibility of removing superficial layers from historic glass artifacts. The results indicate that in some cases a closed loop process control will be necessary to avoid over-cleaning.  相似文献   

互联网信息可信性是目前学界的研究热点。本文以时间演进为主线,辅以研究主题变化的考察,探讨了20世纪90年代末到目前国外互联网信息可信性研究的发展历程,发现该领域的主要研究特征是:多学科共同研究、研究主题相对稳定、研究对象进一步多元和细分、调研对象以分类趋向为主同时兼顾普适性、研究方法将定量和定性方法相结合。未来互联网信息可信性研究的重点是影响因素研究和用户信息行为环境和情景的考察。  相似文献   

《北华捷报/字林西报》是上海图书馆收录齐全的重要近代英文报刊藏品。新世纪以来,国内研究者们对《北华捷报/字林西报》的关注和研究不断增多,除了继续关注该报的沿革和史料价值之外,开始更多地依据该报丰富的史料来分析历史事件和讨论舆论空间的建构。有关《北华捷报/字林西报》的研究在以下五方面取得新进展:报刊的传播作用及背后的动因、报刊笔下的东方文化和中国问题、报刊与社会的互动、报刊笔下的人物形象、与其他报刊的比较。今后可以进一步从报刊传播策略、经济史、政治和中外关系、社会文化等方面开展深入研究。  相似文献   


Two historic house museums, a municipal art gallery, and a provincial archive have had comprehensive risk and option assessments done by the Canadian Conservation Institute. For each institution, an average of 60 options addressing 40 risks was analyzed in terms of risk reduction, cost, and cost-effectiveness. A meta-analysis found that cost-effectiveness follows a strong economy of scale within each institution. By estimating valuation of each collection, cost-effectiveness was converted into benefit–cost ratio of dollar spent per dollar value saved and was found not to follow an economy of scale between small and large institutions. Optimization software was applied to see if precise maximization of risk reduction gave significantly different recommendations than those in the original reports which relied on the Pareto rule of addressing the largest risks first.  相似文献   

Abstract As curators endeavour to offer new opportunities to look again at museum collections and heritage sites, technological interventions such as Peter Greenaway’s Peopling the Palaces (2007–2010) demonstrate a powerful way of giving voice and emotional realism to historic spaces. Peopling the Palaces is a video installation of 500 characters created for the seventeenth‐century Italian Palace, La Venaria Reale. Characters are projected onto the walls, ceilings, and royal bed, bringing back “life” to the historic interiors. In this article I examine the different types of characters created by Greenaway, looking specifically at how their words could help visitors engage with the lived human past of the palace and acquire factual information about day‐to‐day processes. Drawing on such fundamentals of human nature as love, jealousy, and gossip, these character‐led performances suggest ways that dramatic techniques can help to engender imagined and empathetic connections with the past.  相似文献   

Although research has examined demographic predictors of the presence of technology rules during childhood, results are mixed, and no known research has considered whether the presence of and reasons for technology rules might relate to individuals’ future academic achievement. We used survey data collected from a diverse sample of 1,115 college students. Although the total number of reasons for childhood technology rules did not relate to college grades, results suggested that having at least one reason for having a technology rule, as well as having a rule restricting technology use because it cut into homework time, related negatively to young adults’ college grades. Thus, reasons for parent rules about technology use do not positively relate to their children’s academic achievement, and in some cases are negatively related. These findings have theoretical importance for understanding how perceptions of childhood rules, and the reasons for those rules, relate to individuals’ academic performance during college.  相似文献   

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