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要做好科技文稿的退修,应做好以下5方面工作。第一,科技编辑应加强专业知识的学习,不断提高自身的学术素养;第二,编辑认真细致地审稿;第三,写好退修信;第四,加强与作者的交流,督促文稿的退修;第五,认真核查修回稿。科技期刊编辑应重视稿件退修工作,以提高论文的质量。  相似文献   

刘凤华  席慧 《编辑学报》2012,24(4):350-352
通过对《中华微生物学和免疫学杂志》部分稿件退修情况的统计分析,论述科技期刊文稿退修的必要性,即:退修是联系审稿专家、编辑和作者三者的桥梁;可提高论文的学术价值;使论文在格式上更规范;提高作者写作水平,储备优质作者资源;提升编辑的业务素质,培养编辑的审稿能力。认为退修时应注意以下问题:重视政治问题;切忌照本宣科;叙述明确,主次分明;尊重作者,体现修养;注明修回日期。  相似文献   

丁敏娇  赵翠翠 《编辑学报》2017,29(3):255-256
分析高校学报编辑与研究生作者面对面修稿的优势,探讨其过程控制.认为面对面修稿有利于深入探讨专家审稿意见,有利于图表的一次性彻底修改,并可促进编辑与作者的情感交流.编辑需在修稿前进行综合评估,修稿过程中注意沟通技巧,并重视修稿要求的确认与修回后的审核.  相似文献   

论科技期刊文稿退修   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周作新  李智兰 《编辑学报》1996,8(3):145-147
文稿经审稿人、编委或(和)编辑审读之后,在肯定其具有发表价值的同时,还会发现存在着某些只有经过作者对文稿进行修改才能得以解决的问题。为完善文稿内容,确保期刊的学术质量,常需将这种文稿退给作者进行修改和补充。这种工作通常叫退修。做好返修工作是编辑的应尽职责,然而不是所有的编辑都能把退修工作做得很好的;退修工作质量的好坏,直接影响文稿退修的质量,影响科技信息的传播速度。退修工作貌似简单,其实做好并不容易。本文试就编辑做好文稿退修工作进行探讨。  相似文献   

如何有效避免科技期刊论文的反复退修   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓波  宋胜合  周锐 《编辑学报》2016,28(6):553-554
退修工作是科技论文发表的重要编辑环节,也是论文质量把关的关键所在.一篇论文多次反复地退修不仅会增加编辑和作者的工作量,而且会在一定程度上挫伤作者修改文章的积极性,更重要的是,延长了论文发表周期.文章分析反复退修的原因,并从编辑的角度提出如何在保证论文质量的前提下有效地减少论文退修次数的策略.  相似文献   

白雪娜  张辉玲 《编辑学报》2019,31(3):301-303, 307
退修是科技期刊论文正式发表前的必经流程。通过浏览“小木虫”论坛中木虫们关于期刊论文退修的发帖交流情况,了解论文退修阶段木虫们所遇到的问题,以此为切入点归纳总结了编辑部在论文退修阶段存在的不足之处。提出了期刊论文退修工作宜从官方网站明确规定和要求、退修信函多些人文关怀、退修尽量避免反复多次、提升编辑实务操作水平等方面改善优化。论文退修工作提前做得细致、到位,利于构建良好的编作关系、提高论文退修的处理效率。  相似文献   

丛敏 《编辑学报》2020,32(3):303-306
近年来,科研合作的不当署名问题持续发生。设立作者贡献声明制度,使期刊应对不当署名行为更加主动,从源头阻断不当署名乱象。借助作者贡献声明可以识别论文合著中,具有作者资格未署名、不具有作者资格而署名的不当行为;定性判断署名排序与作者对论文的实际贡献是否相符,为署名顺序提供参考,为期刊规范作者署名、防范不当署名行为提供有效依据和帮助。  相似文献   

陆宜新 《编辑学报》2022,34(1):116-118
稿件退修是编辑工作的重要一环,撰写退修意见是编辑的基本功,更是青年编辑工作的难点之一.本文分析了青年编辑在稿件退修中存在的问题,认为编辑应做好初审,研究专家审稿意见、积极和专家沟通,给作者具体明晰的修改意见以及注意修改说明和修改稿的再审等工作,并提出做好退修的必要条件:找准审稿专家、了解作者、善于学习总结.  相似文献   

科技论文作者署名应根据研究者的实际贡献来决定,但由于学术评价的影响,科技论文作者署名面临着各种利益和力量的角力,导致了各种作者署名异化现象.在分析作者署名异化产生原因及危害的基础上,本文提出了治理对策:加强科研伦理建设,坚持实事求是的优良学风;科技期刊应坚持以质论稿,有效遏制"名人"被挂名现象;加强编辑流程管理,防范"虚假作者"和"搭便车"署名;充分发挥论文"致谢"功能,引导作者避免"感谢型"署名.  相似文献   

应用即时通信软件在线进行稿件退修的方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以腾讯QQ为例介绍应用通信软件在线进行稿件退修的方法。实际应用结果表明,与传统方法相比,此种双向即时交流方式有利于提高稿件退修的质量和速度,加强了编辑与作者的互动交流,具有切实可行的和广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

This essay considers the ways in which Merck, a major pharmaceutical company, trained salespeople to communicate with physicians about its controversial pain drug, Vioxx. Between 2000 and 2004, approximately 60,000 people died while taking the drug. In this study, we analyzed 989 pages of internal training materials that show how Merck taught employees to communicate with physicians. Inspired by Craig and Tracy, we reconstruct the (1) guiding philosophies, (2) assumed problems, and (3) skills and techniques inherent in Merck's practical theory of communication. Using Nilsen's perspective on ethics, we argue that Merck taught a communication approach that obscured physicians' ability to make a significant choice and unnecessarily put more patients' lives at risk. The essay underscores the need to make communication ethics a primary rather than a secondary research concern.  相似文献   

This study investigates how much corporations should communicate about their corporate social responsibility (CSR) to stakeholders. It is important to know how much a corporation should communicate about its CSR, because over-communicating CSR may cause stakeholders to question the motivations (CSR-induced intrinsic and extrinsic attributions) of the corporation’s CSR engagement. Through an experiment (N = 372), the effects of corporate reputation and the amount communicated about CSR on CSR-induced attributions are investigated. Findings show that neither the amount of CSR communication nor corporate reputation influences stakeholders’ CSR-induced attributions. The findings of this study suggest that corporations may choose to spend less time and money trying to communicate about their CSR engagement, because it does not influence stakeholders’ CSR-induced attributions.  相似文献   

本文首先从信息源范围、信息源结构类型、信息存在状态、信息交流渠道等方面分析了信息源的特点,论述了通过网络信息源结构、内容、访问流量的挖掘实现对采集信息源进行评估与选择的策略.在此基础上,重点探讨了采集信息源的集成策略,包括集成角度、集成层次、集成模式与集成方案,并进一步结合竞争情报特性和数据挖掘功能,从集成对象、集成模式、集成层次、集成能力、对挖掘引擎效率与性能的影响等角度比较了各种集成方案的应用特性.  相似文献   

Communication quality between public service units in academic libraries can make the difference between mediocre and exceptional service. If units do not communicate well, patrons may receive inaccurate information and experience short-term frustration, leading to long-term damage to the library's reputation. Poor communication creates adverse effects on employees through decreased productivity, negative work culture, and low morale. This article explores the importance of quality communication through a review of the literature and a case study at one academic library. The authors share practical communication improvement strategies for libraries of every size and fiscal ability.  相似文献   

缪宏建  王晓蕴 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):415-417
科技期刊编辑在办刊过程中需要与作者、读者、审者等进行有效沟通,也离不开编辑之间的协同作业。通过分析一稿多投原因及稿件处理过程认为:与作者换位思考,编辑应快速处理来稿、尽早发表论文;与读者换位思考,应明确读者需求,强化与读者的互动交流;与审稿专家换位思考,编辑应该把好初审关,选好、选准审稿专家,对审稿专家信息保密,及时沟通交流;与编者换位思考,应取长补短,互相支持,努力工作。并且认为科技期刊编辑在与作者、读者、审者、编者的交往中要善于运用换位思考,构建和谐统一的交流氛围。  相似文献   


I describe a set of automated archives for electronic communication of research information that have been operational in many fields of physics, and some related and unrelated disciplines, starting from 1991. These archives now serve over 35,000 users worldwide from over 70 countries, and process more than 70,000 electronic transactions per day. In some fields of physics, they have already supplanted traditional research journals as conveyers of both topical and archival research information. Many of the lessons learned from these systems should carry over to other fields of scholarly publication, i.e., those wherein authors are writing not for direct financial remuneration in the form of royalties, but rather primarily to communicate information (for the advancement of knowledge, with attendant benefits to their careers and professional reputations). These archives have in addition proven equally indispensable to researchers in less-developed countries.  相似文献   

Inspectors of nuclear power plants manage information to make plants safer and to monitor and evaluate adherence to regulatory requirements. Integrating grounded practical theory and communication as design (CAD), we investigated the collective design of and practice of status meetings—a pair of daily meetings meant to manage information about the day-to-day safety oversight of nuclear power plants. Our analysis focused on (1) the problems these status meetings were meant to address, (2) the techniques participants used or proposed to address them, and (3) the situated ideals reflected in the designs for and practice of these meetings. Clustering the techniques illuminated designable features of status meetings (e.g., what, how much, and how to communicate, turn-taking, timing, pacing, and audience). We extend work on CAD by conceptualizing and investigating collective design work, focusing on the fit, function, and fragmentation of approaches to status meetings. We also contribute to the theory and practice of organizing for safety and reliability by making recommendations for coping when communication processes informed by best practices nonetheless produce persistent, irresolvable tensions that complicate the enactment of safety.  相似文献   

付晓霞  李贵存 《编辑学报》2015,27(6):514-518
本次BioMed Central(BMC)撤销中国论文的原因是同行评议专家的邮箱存在造假,进而影响了同行评议的公正性,造假行为是语言润色公司自作主张,还是论文的作者直接参与其中还有待调查.从这一事件可以看出:一方面,BMC旗下的某些期刊对审稿专家审核不严格,同行评议过程出现漏洞;另一方面,由于我国学术评价体系存在对SCI收录期刊不加区分,"唯SCI是从"的倾向,造成中国科研人员存在发表SCI论文的迫切需求,在语言仍然是一大障碍的情况下,求助于语言润色公司就成了必然的选择.针对以上问题,我们应该修正唯SCI的学术评价体系,对SCI期刊区别对待,增大中文期刊在学术评价体系中的比重,增加论文刊后评价,同时,增强我国中文和英文期刊的整体实力,不断探索新的学术出版模式.  相似文献   

As long as scientists discuss scientific problems and communicate with each other, scholarly communication is an essential part of scientific activities. In the very ancient time the scholarly communication was only an oral tradition, a face to face communication. Later on, the written form of communication has taken place. Since the invention of movable printing types by Gutenberg the scholarly communication was preferable in written and printed form. Since 15 years the revolution has taken place with the digital information, which is now available for scholarly communication. There was a paradigm shift from the printed and oral tradition to a new digital electronic science communication. In the future the traditional printed book information for scientific communication will be replaced by problem solving portals with all electronic and digital tools.  相似文献   

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