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给出一种新的数字图书馆资源容灾框架——多机互援和双站热备联动,既可实现主站点不同服务器之间的局部容灾,又可实现主、备站点之间的异地整站容灾,从而保证数字图书馆系统能以最小的运行开销、最大的资源利用率安全、连续地运行。  相似文献   

针对双机互备和双站热备容灾方式单一、资源利用率和信息安全性不能兼顾的现象,本文描绘出一种建立在双站点基础上的服务器集群互动容灾的新框架。该框架可实现本地主站点不同服务器之间的局部容灾,亦可实现分别处于异地的主、被站点之间的整站容灾,充分体现了效率和安全性的统一。  相似文献   

完整的容灾解决方案至少应该包括两个部分:数据复制以及系统切换。数据复制保证主备中心两地数据的有效性/一致性,是容灾建设的基础。目前主要的数据复制技术有磁带各份,基于智能存储系统的磁盘数据复制技术,数据库数据复制技术,基于应用的数据复制技术,基于逻辑卷的数据复制技术等。  相似文献   

黄燕 《新世纪图书馆》2012,(6):69-71,52
基于图书馆容灾的意义,论文分析图书馆联盟对数据容灾的优势和图书馆联盟数据容灾的运行机制,并构想了成员馆间的容灾系统。  相似文献   

一、前言 容灾技术要求在主数据中心发生灾难时,在备份中心能够快速恢复业务系统的处理,在运行数据库应用的环境中,还需要考虑在备份中心备份关键的数据,并保证交易的一致性。严格上讲灾难恢复技术和容灾技术是有区别的。容灾技术是指数据操作的幸存能力,即指在灾难发生过程中或灾难发生后,数据中心计算机系统的应用系统能够正常运行和需要恢复的时间很短。但由于灾难恢复这一术语已被广泛地使用,所以在本文中主要讨论在备份中  相似文献   

随着高校信息化建设的推进,为了保证电子数据的安全,建立高校档案容灾备灾系统成为亟待解决问题。本文分析了高校档案容灾备灾系统构建的必要性,介绍了高校档案容灾备灾系统构建的技术方案,列举了北京交通大学档案容灾备灾系统构建的实例,并对未来高校档案容灾备灾系统构建提出了展望。  相似文献   

程风刚 《兰台世界》2012,(29):58-59
数字馆藏容灾主要有本地容灾和异地容灾两种方式.构建容灾系统主要有基于数据的磁带备份、主机的数据库复制和存储系统的数据复制等方案,并遵循先进性、适用性、开放性、可靠性和可扩充性等原则.  相似文献   

图书馆容灾系统的数据安全技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文分析了数字化图书馆容灾系统的建设原则,论述了图书馆容灾系统的不同类别及基本原理,重点介绍了异地容灾系统的数据安全技术。  相似文献   

采用位表技术来进行管理数据容灾系统,不仅是出于位表技术的优越性、方便性,还是基于数据容灾系统自身的特点。在计算机技术发展的今天,数据安全、数据可持续利用成为了计算机管理者关注的焦点,因此本文从块级持续数据容灾系统出发,探讨位表在块级持续数据容灾系统的应用。  相似文献   

通过构建完善可靠的医院信息容灾系统,保证医院信息系统运行的连续性和数据可靠性,并能从不可遇见的灾难中快速地恢复运行。  相似文献   

The Citizen Disaster Communication Assessment (CDCA) measures individual disaster communication activities that are intended to help communities cope across all phases of a disaster. Using the CDCA, this study examined associations among citizen disaster communication, neighborhood belonging, and community resilience using three different samples representing different disaster phases (Pre-event, Event, Post-event). Results indicate that more citizen disaster communication was associated with stronger perceptions of neighborhood belonging and community resilience at the Event and Post-event phases. In terms of specific citizen disaster communication processes that proved important, communication to correct disaster rumors and share stories was associated with greater feelings of belonging. Communication intended to confirm disaster information and tell stories was associated with stronger community resilience perceptions. Overall, results (a) confirm that citizen disaster communication is an important part of the disaster response and recovery ecosystem and (b) offer evidence of concurrent validity for the CDCA.  相似文献   

汶川大地震重创了灾区社会经济系统,灾后重建最急需的是智力援助,灾区高校图书馆充分利用自身的优势,应该并能够有所作为:创新办馆模式,贴近灾区,为灾区社会经济系统重构提供多方位信息服务,同时,广集灾区信息,构建有显著地方特色的区域文献信息中心。  相似文献   

图书事业灾害以灾害主体为标志,可分为国家图书事业灾害与私人图书事业灾害两类。传统的书厄论,仅仅关注宏大叙事,缺乏对图书事业灾害的科学认知。张舜徽突破传统书厄论,认为主观因素是造成图书事业灾害的主要来源。历代图书事业灾害的循环往复,在于科学、民主的图书事业机制的缺失,封建蒙昧以及理想化的民粹热情,以及近代国家的积贫积弱。  相似文献   

Disaster marathon was proposed by media communication scholars to differentiate the genre of disaster television broadcasting from media events. However, its theoretical framework is limited by its omission of findings from disaster social science literature, and its lack of examinations of marathons of domestic natural disasters. Using the August 2014 Yunnan (China) Television Station broadcast The Special Report on the August 3 Earthquake in Ludian, Yunnan, we conduct a qualitative content analysis to empirically examine the disaster marathon concept for natural disasters. During the content analysis, three themes emerge: authorities’ command and control, the involvement of armed forces, and convergence of social support. Our case study findings contradict the disaster marathon conceptualization and conclude that the local television coverage following a natural disaster can also be performed as a series of conventional media events and is consistent with the established disaster coverage literature.  相似文献   

5.12汶川大地震对灾区图书馆造成了重大损失。根据四川省高校图书馆工作委员会和灾区个体馆应对灾难的具体举措,借鉴国外图书馆界和我国其他行业灾难危机管理的成功经验,有必要建立我国图书馆灾难联盟。图书馆灾难联盟的管理内容包括:危机控制管理、风险评估、危机预防、危机准备、危机反应与灾后恢复。灾难联盟管理中需特别注意危机预案的完整性与可获取性、预案中人事分工的明确性、相关部门横向和纵向的借鉴与协调以及灾后员工的心理干预和关键业务的恢复工作等问题。  相似文献   


This article describes the emergence of disaster information (DI) specialists, with particular focus on their presence in health libraries. Although literature on the subject of disasters and libraries is dominated by accounts of librarians preserving collections and ensuring continuity of library operations following a flood, fire, or other disaster event, the work of DI specialists extends beyond these traditional roles. DI specialists conduct outreach in the community, providing information services to emergency managers and other disaster workers. This article recounts a history of disaster information service in which public librarians served communities during disaster recovery periods, and health librarians became involved in organizational disaster planning activities. DI products from the National Library of Medicine are introduced in addition to federal funding opportunities for DI outreach projects. The development of the Medical Library Association's Disaster Information Specialization Program is presented, and the article shares recommendations for library administrators to encourage DI training for librarians and support the development of outreach services to disaster workers.  相似文献   

各种自然灾害频繁发生,严重威胁着档案建筑及档案的安全,加强自然灾害的防范与应对成为档案部门的使命所在。自然灾害管理机制是档案部门有效应对各种自然灾害的关键,档案部门应着眼于防灾、救灾、灾后处理等关键环节,建立一整套有效的灾害管理机制,提高防灾减灾能力。  相似文献   

Disaster Information Specialist Pilot Project: NLM/DIMRC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medical librarians have often been overlooked as important contributors to hospital disaster preparedness. Recognizing the importance of medical libraries and their potential in disaster planning and management, the National Library of Medicine (NLM), Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC), formed a pilot Disaster Information Specialist Project. This paper describes the preliminary activities of Bishopric Medical Library's Director, Patricia Reynolds, at Sarasota Memorial Health Care System, as a disaster information specialist in the hospital's disaster planning and preparedness.  相似文献   

数字图书馆数据备份及容灾   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
论述了数据备份和容灾的概念、技术、策略,为数字图书馆系统提供了数据备份和容灾的原则、方法和策略,并使用开源软件成功进行了实验。  相似文献   

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