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�����������׺Ͳο����׼���ֱ�   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文认为:(1)参考文献不等于引用文献;(2)参考文献不完全包括引用文献;(3)参考文献与引用文献可以相互独立;(4)参考文献与引用文献应分别著录。  相似文献   

引用和著录参考文献的原则之一是仅限于引用和著录作者亲自阅读过并在论文中直接引用的文献。然而,由于种种原因,有些作者引用和著录参考文献时,不是亲自查阅原始文献,而是转引自己阅读的某篇文献中他人所引用和著录的文献或自己阅读的该篇文献(中介文献)。这严重侵犯了原作者和期刊的合法权益,违背了著作权法的有关规定。本文旨在从著作权法的角度对学术期刊中普遍存在的文献转引现象作一简要分析,以期引起广大作者和编辑同仁的重视。1学术期刊中的文献转引现象由于某种原因,作者在论文中未能直接引用原始文献中的资料,而是通过转引方式引…  相似文献   

在长期的编校实践中,发现学术期刊参考文献著录中引用文献跳转页码的标识符号不统一,标注极不规范.究其原因,在于新旧标准文献著录细则中都缺乏引用文献跳转页码的标识符号规定.本文针对在实施GB/T7714-2015新标准的过程中所发现的新标准参考文献著录存在的缺憾,提出相应的建议,以期补充和完善参考文献著录规则,提高学术期刊编校质量.  相似文献   

姚实林  张倩 《编辑学报》2020,32(2):169-172
针对准确引用和著录参考文献的重要性易被忽视的现状,对准确性原则的内涵进行解析,并阐明参考文献引用和著录的准确性原则与公开性、原始性、必要性、适当性、新颖性、代表性、标准化原则以及匿引、转引、崇引、滥引、诱引、曲引等不当引用行为的关系,认为编审稿件时应秉持严谨的作风,认真比对被引知识点与文后参考文献表中对应文献的关系,准确引用,按被引文献的原貌进行著录。  相似文献   

从著作权法的角度审核文后参考文献   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
参考文献是学术论文的一个重要组成部分,文后著录参考文献具有十分重要的意义,它体现了科学研究的继承性,表明了作者研究的依据、起点和深度;反映了论文作者严谨治学的科学态度和对他人劳动成果的尊重;给读者提供详细而具体的文献信息,便于读者查证和阅读原始文献;有助于文献情报人员进行情报研究和文献计量学研究;有利于精简论文篇幅,节省版面.因此,学术期刊的作者和编辑应该做到参考文献引用适当、著录格式规范、著录项目齐全.但是,由于种种原因,作者引用和著录参考文献时,仍然存在许多问题.  相似文献   

赵正  龚阔英 《编辑学报》2018,30(1):43-44
近年来档案文献引用量迅速增加,但大多数期刊著录档案文献时并未严格执行GB/T7714-2015《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》.本文分析档案文献的著录原则和著录格式,并建议馆藏档案采用如下著录格式:[序号]责任者.题名:档号[A].(原件日期)[引用日期].收藏地:收藏单位.  相似文献   

介绍了PaperBox软件及其定制参考文献著录格式、规范参考文献的引用,实现基于云的文献存储和共享,实时引用文献,对关注领域的主题进行实时新文献提醒和跟踪文献更新,简便、快速地管理文献和提高工作效率等功能。  相似文献   

科技论文中“标准”著录格式的探讨《福州大学学报》编辑部顾泉佩郑美莺随着参考文献引用范围的扩大,各种“标准”被引用的数量也日渐增多,但国家关于文后参考文献的著录规则中却并未对“标准”的著录格式作出规定。为此,文献[1]就标准的著录格式作了规范,给出以下...  相似文献   

李伟  王磊  郭伟 《编辑学报》2021,33(4):397-399
GB/T 7714-2015《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》中没有专门的辑刊著录规定.建议根据出版物号确定辑刊的文献类型归属,进而按照对应的著录格式著录文献.其中,有连续出版物号(ISSN、CN)的辑刊归属"连续出版物",按"期刊"([J])著录;有标准书号(ISBN)的辑刊归属"专著",按"汇编"([G])或"图书"([M])著录.根据不同的引用方式,给出"专著"类辑刊整体引用和作为析出文献引用2种著录格式.  相似文献   

罗敏  胡志平  吕建斌  赵静 《编辑学报》2008,20(2):163-165
为了使中国出版的英文期刊的文后参考文献著录格式更好地适应世界各地英语读者的需要,以GB/T7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》为基础,结合ISO690:1987、ISO690—2:1997、国际上广泛采用的温哥华统一格式以及国外英文期刊文后参考文献著录格式的变化趋势,对著者姓氏、文献类型标志、联机文献引用日期和更新日期等著录项目以及中文文献的著录方式提出了变通的建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为了解我国标准文献的学术影响力, 以为标准文献的利用提供参考, 从标准文献的角度出发, 分析其被引证特征。[方法/过程] 选择中国引文数据库中1994-2013年标准类引文数据, 采用文献计量的方法, 从标准引文总量、篇均标准引文量等方面分析标准文献的总体被引用情况和学科分布情况。[结果/结论] 标准引文量和篇均标准引文量占引文总量比例很小;各学科标准引文量差异较大, 工科和医科对标准文献的引用较多;标准引文数量和被引频次较高的专题集中于自然科学;大部分社会学科标准引用量为零;标准引文的半衰期整体上较长, 老化速度较慢。  相似文献   

This study investigated how Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) data from the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) was cited in the scholarly literature. It addressed the following research questions: (1) What patterns of citations exist among authors of research articles using HINTS data? and (2) How is the citation format of HINTS data characterized? We collected scholarly articles that used HINTS data as primary or secondary data for analysis from Web of Science databases and HINTS publications on the NCI website. Among the resulting 250 articles, we identified citations to HINTS data themselves (data citations) and those to HINTS‐related documents (data‐related citations). Among the 250 articles, 156 articles (62.4%) cited HINTS data or HINTS‐related documents; only 29 articles (11.6%) cited HINTS data, while 127 (50.8%) cited HINTS‐related documents. Both data and data‐related citations increased over time. Data citation format varied, and 13 different compositions of citation elements were identified. Author, Title, and Location (URL) were common elements. The frequent use of URLs is undesirable due to URL instability. Furthermore, the data citations showed not only various compositions of citation elements but also ill‐defined element formats. Standardized citation formats are therefore needed.  相似文献   

科学文献的相互引用关系是引文分析的主要依据.引文分析是以文献引用数据为基础,用以揭示其数量特征和规律的一种文献计量分析方法.作者对<大学图书情报学刊>1998年与2004年的引文数量进行了量化分析,指出了刊物在引文数量、引文文献类型、引文语种、引文主题、引文原始来源期刊的发展和变化情况,提出了值得重视的有关问题.  相似文献   

对2003年我国图书情报学部分核心期刊的引文引用文献、引用语种、自引、最佳馆藏期、引用高峰期、老化规律等情况进行了分类统计分析,并提出了对我国图书情报学核心期刊和重要文献界定的基本观点。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]施引文献与被引文献往往存在着某种相似性,揭示这种现象背后的形成机制有助于深入理解引文的本质。[方法/过程]采用指数随机图模型,以图书馆与情报学领域为对象开展实证分析,旨在揭示文献相似性对引用关系的影响机制。[结果/结论]实证研究发现:在网络结构、机构、期刊层面存在显著的引用文献相似倾向。具体地,引用关系更倾向于嵌入三角传递结构;来源于相同机构和期刊的文献之间更容易产生引用关系;来源于学科优势地位国家的文献之间更容易产生引用。实证结果充分说明社会接近性是引用行为的重要形成机制,反映了引用偏好的社会属性。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a first large-scale analysis of the relationship between Mendeley readership and citation counts with particular documents’ bibliographic characteristics. A data set of 1.3 million publications from different fields published in journals covered by the Web of Science (WoS) has been analyzed. This work reveals that document types that are often excluded from citation analysis due to their lower citation values, like editorial materials, letters, news items, or meeting abstracts, are strongly covered and saved in Mendeley, suggesting that Mendeley readership can reliably inform the analysis of these document types. Findings show that collaborative papers are frequently saved in Mendeley, which is similar to what is observed for citations. The relationship between readership and the length of titles and number of pages, however, is weaker than for the same relationship observed for citations. The analysis of different disciplines also points to different patterns in the relationship between several document characteristics, readership, and citation counts. Overall, results highlight that although disciplinary differences exist, readership counts are related to similar bibliographic characteristics as those related to citation counts, reinforcing the idea that Mendeley readership and citations capture a similar concept of impact, although they cannot be considered as equivalent indicators.  相似文献   

机械、仪表工业类核心期刊的引文分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高非 《情报学报》2001,20(2):247-251
对《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录的机械、仪表工业类 2 5种核心期刊中 1998年所载论文的引文进行调查统计。对平均载文量、引文的数量、文献类型、语种分布、年代分布和各种中文文献被引频次等有关信息进行定量分析 ,客观地对该类 2 5种核心期刊的引文水平和一般规律进行综合评价  相似文献   

为提高引文网络社区划分的准确性,以文档之间的语义关系以及引文之间的引用关系为基础,结合词汇在文档中的位置关系等信息,构建基于词汇语义加权的引文网络。通过GloVe模型对词汇向量化以充分利用词汇语义信息,结合WMD模型度量文献之间的相似度,把文档相似度的计算转变为在约束条件下求线性规划最优解的问题,结合文本的内容及结构特征对网络中的边进行赋权,以Louvain社区发现算法对加权后的引文网络进行社区划分,并对划分后的社区进行分析与检验,实验证明GloVe-WMD模型可提高引文网络社区划分的准确度。  相似文献   

This study provides a conceptual overview of the literature dealing with the process of citing documents (focusing on the literature from the recent decade). It presents theories, which have been proposed for explaining the citation process, and studies having empirically analyzed this process. The overview is referred to as conceptual, because it is structured based on core elements in the citation process: the context of the cited document, processes from selection to citation of documents, and the context of the citing document. The core elements are presented in a schematic representation. The overview can be used to find answers on basic questions about the practice of citing documents. Besides understanding of the process of citing, it delivers basic information for the proper application of citations in research evaluation.  相似文献   

Despite citation counts from Google Scholar (GS), Web of Science (WoS), and Scopus being widely consulted by researchers and sometimes used in research evaluations, there is no recent or systematic evidence about the differences between them. In response, this paper investigates 2,448,055 citations to 2299 English-language highly-cited documents from 252 GS subject categories published in 2006, comparing GS, the WoS Core Collection, and Scopus. GS consistently found the largest percentage of citations across all areas (93%–96%), far ahead of Scopus (35%–77%) and WoS (27%–73%). GS found nearly all the WoS (95%) and Scopus (92%) citations. Most citations found only by GS were from non-journal sources (48%–65%), including theses, books, conference papers, and unpublished materials. Many were non-English (19%–38%), and they tended to be much less cited than citing sources that were also in Scopus or WoS. Despite the many unique GS citing sources, Spearman correlations between citation counts in GS and WoS or Scopus are high (0.78-0.99). They are lower in the Humanities, and lower between GS and WoS than between GS and Scopus. The results suggest that in all areas GS citation data is essentially a superset of WoS and Scopus, with substantial extra coverage.  相似文献   

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