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法国的视听保护政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广播电视业是高科技密集的产业。日新月异的现代科技不断为其发展注入活力,但它同时又不同于其他科技产业,具有相当的文化含义。20世纪80年代以来,卫星电视传输方式的兴起对欧洲人使用电视的方式带来了一场革命,也为欧洲广播电视立法机构限制国外广播电视节目的进入提出了新的挑战。其中,法国在相关方面的法规和条款最为详细。  相似文献   

为了抵御美国电视节目对加拿大文化的侵蚀和影响,增强本国节目在传媒市场中的竞争力,加拿大广播电视通讯委员会(CRTC)按照加拿大广播法、电讯法等法规,对广播电视播出单位和播出节目制订了一项具体政策,包括广播电视传媒机构经营所有权,广播电视节目的界定,和所有电台、电视台播出有加拿大内容、观念和特色的节目所占的比例。 “加拿大内容”这一在加拿大广播电视发展不久即制定实施,对本国广播电视业进行保护的规定,在加拿大广播电视业的发展中发挥了相当重要的作用,成为左右  相似文献   

广电部根据中办、国办《关于加强新闻出版广播电视业管理的通知》的精神,提出“同一县设立的广播电台、电视台及有线电视民要合并为一个实体,统一机构建制、统一人事管理、统一事业建设、统一经营创收,由县广播电视局实行统一领导和管理。在局合合一的地方,广播电视行政部门的职能不能削弱。”广电部明确规定了县三台要合一,那么局台到底是合一好,还是分设好?联系嘉兴县(市)广播电视领导管理体制的实际,谈谈对“三台合一、局合合一”的看法。嘉兴市下辖五个县(市),到1986op独立建立了广播电视局,建成了广播与电视、有率与无线…  相似文献   

"城市广播电视像欧洲,农村广播电视像非洲。"有人用此比喻反映我国城乡广播电视业发展的不平衡。我认为不仅形象,而且符合实际。  相似文献   

鉴于广播电视是 党、政府和人民的“耳 目”、“喉舌”,其事 业发展又要适应市场经 济规律这一特定地位, 笔者认为:搞好广播电 视产业经营,重在更新 观念。 首先必须具有经营 观念。每个广播电视工 作者都应该清醒地认识 到:经营好广播电视这 个产业,不能光等着国 家拨款,而应走向市场 想方设法积累资金,进 而做大做强广播电视事 业。只有树立了经营观 念,才会产生科学的经 营策略,选择正确的经 营方向,选拔使用优秀 的经营人才,创造出壮 丽的经营伟业。 其次必须更新经营 观念。广播电视产业既 然是一种“产业”,它 就和其他…  相似文献   

表面上看 ,“全球化”、“现代化”似乎就是“美国化” ,以好莱坞模式为标志的美国电影运行方式、制作方式在全世界获得巨大成功 ,使欧洲和其他国家地区的本土文化、民族视听业遭遇持久冲击。但这绝不应视为历史发展的必然。尽管欧洲视听业事实上已陷入了与美国的“交战”状态 ,可谓“不宣而战” ,但欧洲深厚的本土文化传统、欧洲人久远形成的影视欣赏口味、欧洲拥有的现代新技术、新媒体创造新的知识财富的潜力、欧洲本土人才的优势、欧洲教育产业的未来需要及世界贸易组织保护多元经济、文化的能力等 ,都将使我们坚信:优秀的、源于本土文化传统的、受到本土人民欢迎和需要的影视、视听产品 ,将是未来打赢媒体“战争”的关键。本文原著正视欧洲视听业的现状 ,提供、描摹了未来欧洲视听业崛起、发展的前景。编译者在尊重原著基础上 ,也融入了自己对“全球化”语境中本土文化生产这一重要命题的关注与思考。  相似文献   

市场经济中的广播电视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入90年代后,随着市场经济的蓬勃发展,中国的广播电视业正经历着一个从为计划经济及其上层建筑做宣传,向为市场经济及其经营活动服务的转轨过程。这其中所发生的巨大变化,首先表现在“经济性”电台的繁荣兴旺;其次,是广告的丰盈和充沛;此外,还有广播电视节目市场、尤其是国际市场的形成。事实表明,由于市场经济的影响,我们对广播电视的认识应该更新。作者认为:说中国的广播电视业具有“商品性”也许不是一个很准确的提法,因为它与受众之间并非直接的买卖关系,而是隐性经营的服务关系,所以说“商品性”不如“商业性”来得贴切。此其一。商业性广播电视意味着运作状况以价值标准来衡量。采用数量化、标准化的管理,利润原则、系统操作、实行责、权、利分明的市场机制的管理方法。“商业性经营”与“公有”可以共存。此其二。目前我国的“经济”广播电视与国外的“商业”广播电视抛开种种差异不谈,有一点是相同的:即以大量迎合受众的消遣娱乐节目作为吸引受众、推销广告的手段。赢利成为制订节目计划的主要因素,至少是重要因素。此其三。  相似文献   

为了促使广播电视事业的进一步发展,保护传输网络及其设施,铜鼓县切实执行广播电视法规,抓好法制建设,开展行政执法稽查。他们根据《江西省广播电视管理条例》和国家有关法律、法规,从当地实际出发,抓住“立、查、办”三个字,做好依法管理广播电视的工作。立:县广播电视局从1996年5月开始起草《(江西省广播电视管理条例)实施细则》,县人民政府给予大力支持,向县人大常委会提交了议案。县人大常委会对此十分重视,经过审议颁布了该“细则”。“细则”对广播电视事业发展、工程建设、机构设立、新闻宣传、节目播出、像带租放…  相似文献   

顾芳 《新闻大学》2007,(1):63-71
德国是欧洲最重要的媒体市场。德国公共广播电视媒体参照英国广播公司的模式建立,但有两大不同:第一,德国广播电视媒体建立在联邦体制之下;第二,联邦宪法法院在巩固和发展这一制度中发挥了重要作用。自二战以来,特别是引入商业广播电视以来,德国的联邦体制使广播电视监管变得非常复杂。德国广播电视监管和法律制度被很多人认为是“过度监管”的典型。  相似文献   

“中文新闻信息技术标准”(以下简称“标准”)是科技部2003年11月确定的国家“十五”重大科技攻关专项,包括“中文新闻信息置标语言”(简称CNML)和“中文新闻信息分类与代码”两个标准,旨在建立一套既与国际接轨、又具中文特色、全国统一的、甚至是整个华语地区统一的中文新闻信息技术标准,以便能够有效组织、管理、存储和发布海量多媒体新闻信息,实现中文新闻信息在华语媒体乃至更大范围内的交流和共享。“标准”研制项目由科技部、国家质检总局和国家标准化管理委员会的指导,由新华通讯社牵头,联合报业、广播电视、新闻网站等新闻行业的…  相似文献   

Mainstream discourses on the globalisation of media that delineate the emergence of privately owned television channels in the periphery country as evening out metropolitan domination are belied by concrete evidence. This essay argues that the rise of southern players has undermined state broadcasting rather than dismantling ‘media imperialism’. Based on two case studies, Pakistan Television (PTV) and Doordarshan (DD), this study demonstrates that the actual, if inadvertent, victim of globalisation has been state broadcasting and an associated developmentist model of television. As a result the decline of state-led television channels has radically transformed television systems in India and Pakistan. While DD and PTV view their audiences as citizens, the globalisation of media has resulted in a commodification of television audiences. Instead of public interest, audience maximisation has become the dominant logic of television systems in both these countries. In the process, developmentist television systems have been replaced by the commercially driven systems.  相似文献   

Due to technological development and economic pressures, deregulation of the West European broadcasting market during the 1980s has led to an enormous increase in the number of television channels. The opening of the markets to commercial interests and the demand for TV software (programming material) at the same time give media companies diverse opportunities to become active across frontiers. Being the biggest broadcasting and advertising market in Western Europe, Germany has become an interesting target for foreign companies. The introduction of digital television in the summer of 1996 and further liberalization of ownership regulations have made entry into the German broadcasting market even more attractive. This article describes the development of the German TV sector and analyzes opportunities, restrictions, and consequences of international and particularly U.S. activities in the German market.  相似文献   

当代西方公共广播电视体制的基本类型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当代西方诸国公共广播电视经营机构一方面依法独立运行 ,普遍地具有一系列共同的基本特征 ;另一方面由于同社会众基本政治力量结成不同的政治调控关系 ,而形成彼此相异的体制类型 ,主要有国有公营型、国有国会主导型、社会联合公营型和国有政府主导型等。  相似文献   

从文化间到跨文化的电视传播:一个比较视野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战后以来,跨文化的电视传播在欧洲取得了极大的发展,对促进欧洲的政治和解、社会融合和一体化进城起到了积极作用,并由此产生了丰富的理论研究。本文旨在总结欧洲的跨文化电视传播的理论和模式,比较其从文化间传播向跨文化传播的理论转型,从中对照中国电视对外传播的现状和问题。  相似文献   

A television channel's identity is shaped by its output: not just the relative share of different programme genres but equally so the relative position programmes take up in the schedule. This paper refutes the notion that the development of scheduling strategies and tactics – to make the programme schedules as interesting as possible for viewers – are a product of a commercial and competitive television environment. It will be demonstrated that, from its inception, public service television paid considerable attention to the way in which the actual programme schedules could help establish its cultural–educational broadcasting goals. Taking Flemish public service television between 1953 and 1974 as a case in point, the paper analyses how, first, European public service broadcasting (PSB) created its own annual, seasonal, weekly and daily rhythm and, second, how contemporary scheduling strategies and tactics (compatibility, hammocking, etc.) can be identified in the monopolistic past, albeit interpreted along historically dominant PSB policy objectives.  相似文献   

As in other southern European countries, television was introduced in Portugal in the second half of the 1950s through the founding of a public broadcasting station. Reception was implemented very gradually over the 1960s, by conspicuously developing collective ways of viewing. In this text, we draw on oral history in order to retrace relevant habits, events and content especially for women, a particular type of audience in the markedly patriarchal context of the Estado Novo dictatorship. Within the context of collective reception of early television in Portugal, we highlight a type of experience that was particularly significant for some female audiences: the reception of Catholic transmissions. The concepts of hegemony, ritual and everyday practices assist in the analysis of such memories. These conspicuous television rituals seemed to regulate female practices, but they could also offer women some opportunities for new experiences.  相似文献   

This study describes the changes over time in the portrayal of socio-cultural characteristics; namely gender, age, ethnicity, religious outlook, family unit, violence experienced, living conditions, and cultural values in Indonesian children's television programs. Using systematic-quantitative content analysis of popular locally produced Indonesian children's television programs in the 1980s and the 2000s, this study found that all socio-cultural characteristics changed over time, except for gender representation with male actors consistently outnumbering female actors. There were some predominant socio-cultural characteristics in the 1980s, the era of authoritarian broadcasting system in Indonesia: most of the major characters were children and preteens, from Western Indonesia, not showing religious symbols or practices, having more than one sibling, and the majority of the adult characters were married. In the 2000s, the era of liberal broadcasting system, major characters were children and teens, showing certain religious symbols, having no or only one sibling, and the majority of the adult characters were single. Indonesian children's television brought certain cultural values to the fore for their young audiences to identify themselves with: self-direction and benevolence.  相似文献   

梅丽 《新闻界》2008,(6):150-152
近年来,我国传媒产业化、市场化步伐加快,广播电视业跨地区经营成为一大不可逆转的趋势,受到业界和国家相关部门的重视.各地广电集团在这方面有了一定的政策空间和市场空间,广电传媒在跨地区扩张的过程中.不断探索适合自身发展的新途径。  相似文献   

饶军 《新闻界》2007,(6):120-121
2008奥运电视转播,为我国电视传媒业的发展提供了绝好的机遇,但我国电视媒体也面临着国人关注下的世界视域、高素质人才匮乏、节目内容单一等问题.  相似文献   

Huston, A.C., Donnerstein, E., Fairchild, H., Feshbach, N.D., Katz, P.A., Murray, J.P., Rubinstein, E.A., Wilcox, B.L., &; Zuckerman, D. (1992). Big world, small screen: The role of television in American society. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 195 pages.

Blumler, J.G. (Ed.). (1992). Television and the public interest: Vulnerable values in West European broadcasting. London: Sage. 242 pages.

Dayan, D., &; Katz, E. (1992). Media events: The live broadcasting of history. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 306 pages.  相似文献   

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