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文章以新世纪图书馆员要发扬人文精神,搞好与读者之间的人际交往为题,论述了发扬人文精神,搞好人际交往的具体措施。  相似文献   

本文运用实证研究方法,以心理授权理论为视角,从自我效能、工作意义、工作自主性和工作影响等方面,展开图书馆员职业倦怠影响因素的研究。研究结果表明,图书馆员的心理授权各构成要素与其职业倦怠的态度与行为存在显著的负向影响;同时,图书馆员的职业倦怠态度对其行为存在显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

解读当代图书馆员快乐指数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用积极心理学的相关理论,对当代图书馆员幸福感受产生的原因、幸福指数的影响因素和工作满意度、组织承诺调查结果等三方面问题进行了分析,旨在从理论的层面上解读当代图书馆员的幸福指数及其相关调查结果产生的原因,期望从心理学的角度揭示当代图书馆员真实的心理状态,同时寻求进一步提高当代图书馆员幸福感受的方法和途径。  相似文献   

培养和发展中国图书馆员领导力是未来图书馆人力资源改革的新方向,是实现图书馆可持续发展目标的重要支点。借鉴和学习美国图书馆员领导力理论和实践经验,可以为进一步促进我国图书馆员发展奠定理论基础。通过回顾美国图书馆员领导力的起源和发展的三个阶段,阐述了图书馆员领导力的内涵和价值,并在讨论美国图书馆员领导力应用的基础上,对我国图书馆员领导力研究的现状与前景进行了分析和展望。探讨发现,图书馆员领导力理论在美国图书馆界得到了应用和发展,并取得了良好的实践效果。但在我国图书馆界,图书馆员领导力理论的研究和应用还处于初级发展阶段,被认为是图书馆员领袖的学科馆员的制度也停留在十分复杂的混合式发展时期,亟待进一步理顺和推进。  相似文献   

从个人层次、群体层次和组织层次角度,对目前心理资本理论的研究情况进行介绍及归纳,内容包括:心理资本的内涵、心理资本的测量、心理资本的前因与中介、心理资本的结果、心理资本与结果间的中介或调节变量、心理资本的调节以及图书馆员心理资本相关研究。最后,指出这些研究中存在的问题,并提出心理资本的研究展望及今后图书馆员心理资本研究可关注的方向。  相似文献   

井水 《图书馆建设》2012,(11):61-65
图书馆2.0时代馆员心理契约有了新的内涵。通过对陕西省高校图书馆员的实证调研可知,影响馆员心理契约违背的变量包括组织支持感、领导一成员交换关系、组织政治行为和个体认知差异。从社会交换理论的角度构建馆员心理契约违背的嵌套模型,有助于提升高校图书馆员组织支持感,合理利用领导成员交换关系,减少组织公民政治行为,满足馆员个性化心理需求,重建馆员心理契约。  相似文献   

期望理论是行为科学研究中的重要理论成果,这一理论的应用在调动员工积极性、创造性,提高工作满意度方面起到了积极的推动作用。运用期望理论,以图书馆员为研究对象,结合图书馆员的需求特性与工作特点,在提高图书馆员工作满意度方面进行了一系列的探索。  相似文献   

通过采访法和调查问卷法,以石家庄地区高校图书馆员心理需求为研究对象,以马斯洛需求层次论为指导,分析图书馆员的心理状态,发现图书馆员存在的心理问题,并针对由此产生的制约图书馆发展的问题提出几点埘策,从而改善图书馆员的心理状态,进而促进我国高校图书馆事业的发展。  相似文献   

心理资本是员工所拥有的一系列符合积极组织行为学标准的积极心理能力的集合,能够给员工的工作绩效带来积极影响。本文通过探索性因素分析发现,高校图书馆员心理资本包括自信、希望、乐观、韧性、尊敬、进取、谦虚和奉献八个维度,并通过验证性因素分析证实了高校图书馆员心理资本八因素模型的合理性。相关分析表明,高校图书馆员心理资本的八个维度与馆员的工作满意度、情感承诺、工作投入和职业生涯满意度有显著的正相关关系,表明高校图书馆员心理资本具有良好的效标效度。综合实证结果表明,本研究开发的高校图书馆员心理资本问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可以应用于今后高校图书馆员心理资本的实证研究。图3。表8。参考文献24。  相似文献   

通过对某高校图书馆进行的“关于图书馆员职业心理“随机抽样问卷调查,对调查结果进行了分析。认为现阶段图书馆员的职业心理状态已发生变化,指出图书馆员的职业心理优势及不足,提出管理层应顺势而为,加强管理。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to validate a template for the instruction of interpersonal communication. Two dimensions emerged that characterize the study of communication: a theory—application dimension and a communication—relationships dimension. These anchors serve as the foundation for the Interpersonal Communication Template. Juxtaposing these two dimensions yields a four‐quadrant template featuring: theory—communication; theory—relationships; application—communication; application—relationships. Journal articles were categorized within the four quadrants. Five hundred and seventy two articles were reviewed, resulting in the identification of 998 interpersonal communication theories, constructs, and contexts. The theories, constructs, and contexts were then collapsed into 120 interpersonal communication topics. To derive the interpersonal communication topics, the co‐coders utilized the constant comparative method (i.e., analytic induction) (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). The organization of the 120 topics within the communication—relationships and theory—application dimensions provides an illustration of the field utilizing the Interpersonal Communication Template as an organizing mechanism. Implications of the template for research and instruction of interpersonal communication are discussed.  相似文献   

PAC计划简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈青苗 《图书情报工作》2000,44(1):83-85,51
简单介绍PAC计划的提出背景、组织和管理、开展的活动、对外交流与合作的状况、资金的来源及其实施成效,以期引起广大读者对文献保护的重视。  相似文献   

The study of management of innovation is crucial to media management research, helping explain how technology diffusion affects the communication industry and providing a glimpse into its future. This meta-analysis looks at the recent history of mass communication scholarship (1983–2008), addressing newsroom changes to determine whether a mainstream managerial theory—sociotechnical literature—garners adequate use. The researchers discovered numerous references—mostly indirect—to sociotechnical systems (STS) theory, yet found sporadic use of a true managerial emphasis as expressed through the analysis of STS theory's principles- and frames-specific theoretical framework. Implications of the findings and future, alternative directions for research are proposed.  相似文献   

This article extends reasoning about social policy, as a response to basic human need, to the treatment of communication policy. The idea of communication as a basic human need is of vital importance in a contemporary world in which so much social interaction of a private and public nature occurs through technological mediation. Through an examination of arguments in social and political theory about human needs, this article emphasizes how “needs talk” is used to justify “rights talk,” with particular attention given to how assumptions about communication needs—what they are, how they can or should be satisfied, and the politics of need recognition—are or can be used to justify communication rights.  相似文献   

In health-communication research, participants who are disproportionately affected by health disparities are often “hard-to-reach,” making them difficult to identify for formative research. This study used communication infrastructure theory (CIT) to create a strategy for locating a specific subset of residents—those who use 911 for healthcare—within a low-income Atlanta community. Findings suggest the need for strategies that involve employing both the communication channels that are part of the neighborhood storytelling network and the community's discursive spaces, more specifically the communication hot spots and community comfort zones located within the community's built environment.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):239-261
This study investigated the contribution of nonverbal cues to supportive communication in interactions between mothers and young adult children. Current support communication research primarily focuses on verbal messages communicating support or conceptualizes nonverbal communication in narrow ways. Using the concept of interactional sensitivity from attachment theory for direction, a number of hypotheses concerning support provision were proposed in order to develop our understanding in this area. Findings provide insight into the role of nonverbal as well as verbal communication in supportive interaction. Interactional sensitivity—in the form of certain conversational involvement cues (vocal warmth/interest and kinesic/proxemic attentiveness), responses appropriate to the child's needs, and movement synchrony—predicted young adult children's perceptions of mothers’ supportiveness during a conversation about a relationship problem.  相似文献   

The use of two phone‐based audio innovations—audiotext audio information services and fax—was assessed in a probability survey of urban respondents. Support was found for the notion that social indicators are less important in the prediction of innovation use than are attitudinal and communication variables. Findings are interpreted in light of diffusion of innovation theory and research on the adoption of new technologies.  相似文献   

Qualitative communication research approaches vary from grounded theory and participant-observation to Q-sort, content analysis, and ethnographic inquiry—to name but a few. What often rests outside the qualitative rubric is the hermeneutic tradition of interpretive scholarship. This essay unites interpretive inquiry and qualitative research in summary fashion by outlining a macro understanding of qualitative communication inquiry, an interpretive approach to communication scholarship within a philosophical tradition entitled philosophical hermeneutics, and finally a public roadmap of how to understand and engage interpretive inquiry as a form of qualitative research in communication. This essay advocates interpretive inquiry as an additional contributor to the ongoing tradition of qualitative research in communication.  相似文献   

张金凯 《新闻界》2020,(4):85-92
自20世纪媒介技术迅猛发展以来,对于媒介的认识和争论一直没有停止,传播学和媒介研究也正是在此背景下不断发展前行。上世纪六十、七十年代媒介研究范式变革时期,鲍德里亚与恩岑斯贝格两位思想家就媒介理论的基本认识展开一场争论,秉持法兰克福学派传统的恩岑斯贝格在法国"五月风暴"的氤氲下推进本雅明的技术文化理论,发展出了意识工业概念,对于思考媒介理论的合法性问题具有重要意义;对于鲍德里亚来说,媒介技术的"进化",实为一种拟真替代本真的社会交往,以媒介技术为中介的传播活动中,最终将导致人的本真缺失,因而宣告传统媒介理论已失去解释力。本文认为,这两个看似不在一个水平线上的对话实则包含了媒介理论研究的两种路径,即作为生产工具的技术论与作为传播工具的文化论。当我们在回顾和梳理鲍德里亚和恩岑斯贝格的争论时,需要从媒介化社会的视角来重新审视媒介理论的技术论和文化论之间的平衡。  相似文献   

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