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In spite of the growth of digital information and the resultant questioning by some of the value of public libraries, library usage data indicate there were 497,600,000 more visits to public libraries in 2013 than in 1993. Why do people still visit public libraries in the digital age? While many factors drive people to visit public libraries, one thing that public libraries offer that cannot be duplicated online is physical space. Over the decades, library space has been the glue holding the library universe together even as the specific activities that take inside libraries have evolved. While public libraries do an excellent job of promoting their important role in providing access to information, educational resources, technology, and a host of valuable services, they must also promote the value of public library space itself. This requires more than trotting out numbers; it requires telling compelling stories of how public library space is used and reminding the public that the kind of spaces public libraries provide are, in fact, a vanishing resource. The post-911 tightening of security in public buildings of all sorts—coupled with the increasing privatization of what were once public spaces—has left public libraries as perhaps the last remaining indoor public spaces where an individual can remain from opening until closing without needing any reason to be there and without having to spend any money. Public libraries should promote the uniqueness of their spaces in much the same way that National Parks promote the unique spaces they preserve and make available to the public.  相似文献   

This study sought to collect data from teens and librarians about their preferences and recommendations for the effective design of physical library spaces for teens. Librarians and teens at twenty-two U.S. public libraries filmed narrated video tours of their young adult (YA) public library spaces. The researchers used qualitative content analysis techniques to analyze the video data and to develop a framework for guiding the design of effective YA public library spaces. In addition to providing specific recommendations for user-centered YA library space design, this study highlights the need for continued user input into the design and maintenance of YA public library spaces as teens’ needs evolve and vary across time and from community to community.  相似文献   

Citizens' use of the public library in their local community is explored, focusing on social activities and how the libraries function as meeting places. The findings are important because of the need for meeting places across cultural, ethnic, generational, and social lines in a complex multicultural and digitized society. How library visitors use the library space and services, so that the overall societal goals of the library and the local community are obtained, is still rarely examined. An in-depth observational study was conducted in three library branches of Oslo, combined with interviews with patrons to establish the context and purpose of their library activities and to which life spheres they are linked. The research used concepts from social theory. The overall finding is that the public library use is very diverse. Patrons move easily between high and low intensive activities and float between life spheres and roles—student, family member, friend, neighbor, and citizen. The library is a complex arena. It is a public realm, in the sense that most of the visitors are strangers to each other; most of the individual uses belong to a private realm, and the library's community activities constitute it as a parochial realm. In the library, users are exposed to the plurality of the community and learn about otherness. People are not categorized by profession or as being unemployed, a patient or a client, but are all library users. This quality of the library contributes to social inclusion.  相似文献   

The emergence of maker culture has led to an increase of makerspaces across a variety of educational organizations, including public libraries. These makerspaces provide library patrons with new opportunities to learn and create through exploration, creation, and play. However, as the number of library makerspaces grows, so does the need for assessing learning in those same spaces. There is a small amount of research completed on assessing learning of makerspaces in public libraries. The researchers in this study examine patron use of a library makerspace through a theoretical framework based on modern assessment research. Soon after the study began, it was necessary to rethink the original research questions and methods in order to better understand how assessment could be effectively implemented. Findings include determining the scope of library makerspace participants and their assessment needs, potential assessments that can address those needs, and design implications for assessments in library makerspaces.  相似文献   

Public library systems' websites were often the sole means for older patrons to access library services and programming during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study integrated Pauwels' (2012) framework to analyze 25 Ontario public library systems' websites for evidence of their available programming for older adults during the early months of COVID-19. The 640 identified programs for older adults revealed a number of patterns, including issues regarding visibility and representation of older patrons on library websites as well as assumptions surrounding older adults' access to technologies. Discussions consider three implications for public libraries as they reopen and create new virtual spaces “postpandemic”: questioning (re)distributions of resources that support both virtual and in-person services, questioning implicit assumptions that digital connection will foster social connection, and questioning the effects of the library as a virtual space on feelings of social connectedness.  相似文献   

高校图书馆与公共图书馆从区分至今就在社会功能定位上有显著的差异,这一系列差异,不仅造成了两种图书馆不同的发展模式,也使得高校图书馆在对外开放的过程中面临效果不明显的尴尬。文章针对两类图书馆的差异,对现阶段高校图书馆开展社会化服务工作提出若干建议。  相似文献   

This article explores reasons why the Western library system does not adequately address Africa's vision for a library and why it does not meet the local needs for information. With a focus on the AIDS pandemic, the role and mission of libraries are revisited as a customized tool that is culturally localized to effectively participate as a proactive disseminator of information, specifically to support the three key public health objectives regarding HIV/AIDS, namely, to have people tested for the virus, to inform those infected about their best options to sustain life, and to support efforts to prevent the spread of HIV. A progressive Africanized vision of the role of libraries is proposed—to retool libraries from their current passive roles as the guardians of books, to active, live, and customized disseminators of socially relevant and culturally appropriate information.  相似文献   

Currently, no research has systematically investigated the beliefs underpinning caregivers' intentions to visit public libraries with their young children. Drawing from the theory of planned behaviour, this study adopted a three-phase program of formative research to examine the decision making processes of parents and carers with young children living in a low socio-economic area. Phase 1 identified seven behavioural, five normative, and ten control beliefs as modal salient beliefs held by parents and carers. Phase 2 identified a variety of key behavioural, normative, and control beliefs as significant predictors of intention to visit the library with their young child. Phase 3 elicited the reasons underpinning these key beliefs guiding parents' and carers' intentions, identifying 34 reasons that could be used in messages to promote library visits. The results provide useful information that intervention designers, councils, and library services can use to encourage library use among parents and carers with young children.  相似文献   

Public libraries must respond to the needs of the communities they serve in order to remain relevant, but assessing these needs is especially challenging in the midst of the rapid development of information technology. This study examines needs assessments to understand the user community, library services, and expected sources to determine user needs regarding space and services. The research employed a mixed-method approach including semi-structured interviews, a questionnaire assessment, and Social Network Site (SNS) big data analysis. The study assessed the needs and characteristics of users and non-users at Yongsan-gu Public Library, South Korea. Data collected were used to examine how the library was affected by COVID-19, the steps it taken to adjust and provide services, and how users have adapted to library use during the pandemic. The research results provide direction for building a future public library in regions that lack cultural infrastructure. The results also demonstrate that it is necessary to construct infrastructure linked to cultural projects by creating complex cultural and user-oriented spaces.  相似文献   

This article presents an evaluative framework to aid public libraries in achieving a mission of providing informal learning opportunities through virtual spaces. Existing literature on assessments and evaluation is used to build the basic framework; the experiences of 21st Century Learning Labs in Libraries and Museum grant recipients are used to develop evaluative tools and examples for library practitioners to use in planning their own virtual spaces. This article serves as the first evaluative approach to the development of informal virtual learning spaces in public libraries.  相似文献   

智慧空间建设是当代图书馆向智慧图书馆转型发展的必然趋势,同时也体现了当代图书馆的社会责任.公共图书馆界应对公共服务空间建设等问题开展系统的分析与研究,以进一步深化认识,持续创新、提高效能,为今后智慧空间的新建、再造提供理论指导与实践依据.以首都图书馆大兴机场分馆建设项目为切入点,分析、研究、探讨了公共图书馆智慧空间的服...  相似文献   

Public library value is often ascertained by outlining the economic, social, and cultural benefits public libraries generate for the greater community. While researchers have focused on the concepts of social capital, civic engagement, and the role of libraries in promoting democracy, fewer studies have explored the public’s perceptions of libraries in an effort to determine library value. Furthermore, library nonusers are rarely included in these studies. In Alberta, Canada, 1,201 Albertans from across the province, including both urban and rural areas, were asked a series of questions about their perceptions of public libraries and library use. Findings reveal characteristics of library users and nonusers, what services and resources are used most often at public libraries, what value the public places on public libraries, and the role that libraries play in supporting communities.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 我国台湾地区公共图书馆因存在馆舍建筑设备老旧、空间设计不良以及软硬件设施落后等问题,影响读者到馆阅读意愿以及阅读体验。为此,台湾地区公共图书馆抓住旧馆空间改造和新馆建设的契机,对图书馆内的阅读空间进行环境提升,取得了一定的成效。本研究旨在通过调查我国台湾地区公共图书馆阅读空间建设情况,总结其建设特点,为我国其他地区公共图书馆开展旧馆空间改造和新馆建设提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程] 运用网络调查法和案例分析法,以我国台湾地区6个公共图书馆为例,阐述其在绿色环保、分龄分众以及特色服务理念下的阅读空间建设情况。[结果/结论] 我国台湾地区公共图书馆能够根据相关标准规范建设阅读空间,所采用的空间建设理念较为先进,阅读空间环境具备一定的舒适性和实用性,并且通过分析得出台湾地区公共图书馆阅读空间建设具有以下特点:创新建设理念,打造多样空间;注重文化内涵,体现地方特色;重视通用设计,提供特殊空间;强调色彩搭配,营造空间氛围。  相似文献   

A user survey and a series of faculty interviews are discussed as methods that can be used by a public relations librarian to change library policies and services in the direction of patrons' needs.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of academic libraries by academic sponsored researchers in the social sciences at five universities in the greater Boston area. It provides information about researchers use of the library during the proposal development and research stages; it inquires into other information sources employed by the researchers; and it collects data about the types and ages of information materials used in support of the respondent's research projects. Analysis of the responses indicates that for the majority of the researchers, the library was used between one and five times during their proposal development work but that the resources of the library were not a factor in the development of their research proposals. While the researchers indicated that they had used or expected to use their campus libraries as well as other libraries during the course of their research, they also expected to obtain research related information from other sources. They ranked their personal collections first in importance as the place they turned to for information materials in support of their research activity, with their campus library or libraries ranked second.  相似文献   

Many public libraries have rules against strong body odor, bringing large amounts of luggage into the library, sleeping, and bathing in restrooms. These rules disproportionately affect library patrons who are experiencing homelessness. This article reviews recent literature that considers legal and social justice perspectives on homelessness and libraries, as well as the policies of four urban public library systems. Although these rules may be legal and are widely used, people without homes have no other access to information and thus have an even stronger need for the resources of public libraries than other members of the general public. The author concludes that blocking their access conflicts with the mission of public libraries to provide information to all.  相似文献   


Librarians of the joint-use North Regional/Broward College (NR/BC) Library had sought opportunities to collaborate. Historically, challenges have arisen in programming for two distinct populations: seniors for the public library and the college library’s students. In recent years, the library successfully capitalized on organizational changes and nationwide attention to media literacy and social justice to create and deliver several well-received collaborations. This article describes the environment in which these initiatives developed and provides tips on collaborations in- and out-side joint-use libraries. This article also addresses the dearth of professional literature on programming advantages in joint-use libraries.  相似文献   

信息网络传播权作为网络环境下维护著作权人利益的一项重要权利,对其进行限制也是著作权制度在网络环境下实现其功能的重要途径。文章对如何平衡信息网络传播权与图书馆信息资源共享之间的利益,重构信息网络传播权与图书馆信息资源共享进行了论述。  相似文献   

Although considerable attention has been focused on information users in recent years, little phenomenographic research into the word “information” has been conducted, perhaps because cursory consideration may suggest that work of this type is less useful than explorations of areas such as information-seeking. The lack of an established methodological framework discourages inquiry and, if understandings of the term are unique to each individual, there seems little scope to develop even broad principles for practice. Nevertheless, phenomenographic research helps professionals to learn how far users’ attitudes to the term “information” are consistent with their own and can reduce confusion between information providers and their clientele. Despite the absence of an accepted framework, several individual techniques are available. Ultimately, the research findings may prove highly instructive. They may, for example, influence the use of the word “information” by professionals when they interact with clients, whilst also offering insights into information behavior and information worlds.  相似文献   

Design-based Implementation Research (DBIR) is an iterative approach to developing practical theory and tools to solve problems of practice and to support innovation in improving teaching and learning, which is rarely used in informal settings such as libraries. This study presents findings from a multi-year researcher-practitioner collaboration in which the authors employed DBIR to iteratively design and implement a professional development resource, the ConnectedLib Toolkit, for use in public libraries across the United States (U.S.). In this study, the authors explain what established DBIR challenges and benefits in K-12 formal educational contexts manifest in the development and implementation of a professional development resource for youth-serving library staff working in diverse public libraries across the U.S. This study also disentangles how these challenges and benefits manifest in this setting. These insights will be useful to researchers and library practitioners who are considering partnerships to address problems of practice in library systems.  相似文献   

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