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付中静 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):401-404
分析PubMed数据库中撤销的造假论文的特征及学术净化效果.发现近10年间撤销造假论文433篇,分布在25个国家,日本最多,美国次之,其次是德国、印度和中国.造假论文分布在178种期刊上,主要涉及数据、图片造假.造假论文数量大致是逐年增长.撤销主体主要是作者、主编、编辑.造假论文撤销前后年均被引频次差异显著(P<0.05).揭示了撤销的造假论文的主要分布特征及对学术界的净化效果.造假现象的严峻形势希望能够给研究者以警示,并强调作者、编辑在学术环境净化中的主体作用.  相似文献   

马云彤 《编辑学报》2012,24(4):335-337
以中国知网《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》和《中国引文数据库》为统计源,分析2006—2010年国内期刊出版专题研究高被引论文的分布规律。中国知网共收录2006—2010年国内期刊出版专题研究论文5万3 702篇,被引1万4 696篇,被引频次4万773次;前50篇高被引论文总被引频次2 019次,最高被引93次,最低28次,篇均被引40.38次。对50篇高被引论文的研究方向、源期刊及其地区、作者情况进行了统计和分析,以为出版专题的研究和编辑工作提供参考。  相似文献   

基于论文发表的普赖斯定律,以5本高被引核心期刊《科学学研究》《科研管理》《科学学与科学技术管理》《中国科技论坛》《研究与发展管理》刊载的1141篇文献为样本,实证检验论文被引频次的影响因素。结果表明:(1)论文被引频次整体程度不高,论文被引频次对刊载时间有较强依赖性的同时,二者之间也存在非线性关系;(2)作者是否合作、论文是否定量研究、论文下载次数、期刊影响因子与论文被引频次之间显著正相关,而期刊年发文量与论文被引频次之间显著负相关,且第一作者所在机构、性别以及论文受到基金资助的数量、期刊主办方等与论文被引频次之间不存在显著相关性。本研究的主要发现是论文特征决定论文被引频次,并得出相关启示,提出研究不足及未来方向。  相似文献   

根据2008年版《中文核心期刊要目总览》,选取具有代表性的10种图书馆学核心期刊,应用中国知网(CNKI)学术文献总库中的中国引文数据库、中国期刊全文数据库,统计获得10种图书馆学核心期刊2003-2012年发表的、总被引频次≥80次的84篇高被引论文.研究分析了84篇高被引论文的期刊分布、发表年代、作者和作者的机构,以及高被引论文的研究主题等,探讨了最近10年我国图书馆学的研究热点和发展趋向.  相似文献   

通过对比F1000因子与被引频次、F1000因子与期刊评价指标,并对主要指标进行相关性分析,来验证同行评议与引文分析间的相关性。结果表明,F1000因子与被引频次呈正相关性,即专家打分与被引频次变动方向相同;但也存在专家打分高的论文被引频次低,而专家打分低的论文被引频次高的事实。相关性分析的结果表明:在特征因子、SNIP等主要指标中,SJR、IF与专家评议值相关度最大。  相似文献   

《编辑学报》高被引论文分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张建合 《编辑学报》2010,22(6):562-564
以中国知网<中国学术文献网络出版总库>为统计源,从文献引证的角度分析<编辑学报>高被引论文的分布规律.研究结果表明:该数据库共收录<编辑学报>1989-2009年原文3 508篇,被引文献2545篇,被引率为73%,总被引频次为1万5 863,单篇最高被引频次71;较少的论文拥有较高的被引频次,基本符合"二八定律";前100篇高被引论文中,栏目高被引论文数最多的是<理论研究>(46篇),个人高被引论文数最多的是游苏宁(6篇);前10篇高被引论文每年都在被引用,具有旺盛的生命力.  相似文献   

《原子能科学技术》2000—2010年载文被引统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤晓浩 《编辑学报》2011,(Z1):64-68
利用"中国学术期刊文献评价统计分析系统",对《原子能科学技术》载文在2000—2010年被引用情况进行统计,获取被引率、篇均被引次数、高被引频次论文主题分布、被引论文年份分布、被引论文作者分布、施引期刊分布等量化数据,以从引文分析的角度揭示刊物的学术质量及其影响力状况,探寻进一步提高刊物质量的途径和方法。在2000—2010年间,《原子能科学技术》的来稿量及载文稿数量有大幅增加,但统计分析结果却显示,刊物的被引率、篇均被引次数、最高被引频次等引证数据并未见有明显提高。为此,从统计得出的高被引频次论文主题及被引论文作者着手,提出加强刊物对高质量论文的吸纳能力的策略。  相似文献   

刘敏 《图书馆学刊》2013,(11):133-138
采用文献计量学方法,以CNKI的“中国学术期刊网络出版总库”为统计源,对东北地区27所高校图书馆2003~2012年间的发文总量、核心期刊发文量、核心期刊发文量占总发文量比、基金论文数、被引论文篇数、被引频次、篇均被引频次、h指数、总下载量、核心作者数这10项指标进行了分析,并对高产作者、高频被引论文以及学术论文在19种核心期刊的分布进行了统计,从而揭示了东北地区27所高校图书馆学术研究的现状.  相似文献   

《高校图书馆工作》近期载文、引文分析及影响因子研究   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
目的:探讨该刊10年载文、发文、引文分布、论文被引、出版时滞等方面的规律,确定核心著者、机构、地区,高被引论文及作者,对1994-2000年该刊影响因子进行研究。方法:文献计量分析载文及引文。利用《中国期刊网专题全文数据库》引文检索途径获得相关数据计算影响因子并确定高被引论文与高被引作者。结果:该刊近十年载文呈呈增-减-增的趋势;栏目稳中有变;1998年开始作者发文以中级职称人员为主,占45%(200/448),核心作者群尚未形成;引文以中文期刊为主,34种核心期刊覆盖该刊引文的70%;地区发文在湖南省633篇(48.8%)居第一,核心发文机构也以湖南省高校为重点,湖南,广东等6个地区为发文核心(74%);发文10篇以上的高产机构共21个;论文发表时滞平均为6个月;该刊论文被引487次,高被引作者20人(4次及以上)、高被引论文14篇(4次及以上)。该刊影响因子逐年上升(0.2以上)。结论:该刊编辑出版日趋规范化,栏目设置合理;编辑质量和水平较高;论文研究的深度和论文质量有明显提高。被引用频次目前已稳居高校系统图书馆学期刊的第三位,为发表图书馆学研究成果作出了较大的贡献,在全国高校图书馆工作者以及图书馆工作者中产生了较大的影响。对该刊今后的发展提出一些新的建议。  相似文献   

2.2.2 利用ESI进行世界大学科研竞争力评价 在不少关于SCI功能方面讨论的文章,大家基本达成这样的共识:“SCI比较适合国家、机构、期刊等宏观对象的评价”。由于ESI是基于SCI和SSCI的,并且是一个国际性的数据库,利用其进行世界大学评价是可行的。武汉大学的硕士研究生熊璐在其毕业论文中,曾设置了“论文总数,论文被引频次总数,论文篇均被引频次,顶尖论文总数,顶尖论文被引频次总数,顶尖论文篇均被引频次。高被引论文总数,高被引论文被引频次总数,高被引论文篇均被引频次,热门论文总数,热门论文被引频次总数,热门论文篇均被引频次”这十二个指标并赋予不同权重进行了国内12所高校科研竞争力评价方面的积极探索。这里我们引用了她的权重、原始数据和结果,最后对她的评价结果进行了深层次的分析。其权重设置依次如下所示。  相似文献   

The way retracted papers have been mentioned in post-retraction citations reflects the perception of the citing authors. The characteristics of post-retraction citations are therefore worth studying to provide insights into the prevention of the citation chain of retracted papers. In this study, full-text analysis is used to compare the distinctions of citation location and citation sentiment—attitudes and dispositions toward the cited work—between the conditions of correctly mentioning the retracted status (called CM) and not mentioning the retracted status (called NM). Statistical test is carried out to explore the effect of CM on post-retraction citations in the field of psychology. It is shown that the citation sentiment of CM is equally distributed as negative, neutral, and positive, while for NM, it is mainly distributed as the latter two. CM papers tend to cite retracted papers in Methodology, whereas NM papers cite more in Theoretical Background and Conclusion. The perception efficiency of retractions in psychology is low, where the average unaware duration (UD, the period between when the retraction note has been published and when the first citation directly pointed out its retracted status) lasts for 2.88 years. Also, UD is negatively correlated with the quantity of CM and the growth rate of NM, the proportionate change of NM before and after the first CM paper appears (P <0.01). After being aware of retractions, the average rate of change (ARC, the total change divided by its taken time) of NM declines significantly (Z=-2.823, P <0.01) whereas CM sees a raise in most disciplines, which contributes to the reduction of possible interdisciplinary impact.  相似文献   

为评价H指数与影响因子、总被引频次的关系,以2009年《中国期刊引证报告》(扩刊版)中166种医学期刊的H指数、影响因子、总被引频次、引用刊数和来源文献量为源数据,采用SPSSl6.0软件作线性、对数、二次多项式、三次多项式回归拟合和Logistic回归。二维散点图和曲线回归拟合分析均发现,H指数与影响因子、总被引频次、引用刊数呈密切相关,但与来源文献量的相关性不强。因此,H指数、影响因子、总被引频次应相互补充,共同用于医学类期刊学术影响力的评价。  相似文献   

At times, there are reasons for authors to make a formal statement of retraction of work they publish in biomedical journals. This study examines 235 retracted articles and looks at the reasons for these retractions and citations to the articles subsequent to retraction. The primary reasons for retraction are error of various kinds (such as problems with method or sample, including contamination of samples) and misconduct. The 235 articles are cited a total of 2,034 times after retraction. This set of citations can be divided into two groups: citations that appear in journals included in the Abridged Index Medicus and those that appear in other journals included in MEDLINE. While most of the citations in these two groups of journals can be categorized as "implicitly positive," 275 make explicitly positive mention of retracted articles. The implications for continued citation for biomedical research and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   



The research identified the publication types and ages most frequently cited in the infectious diseases literature and the most commonly cited journals.


From 2008–2010, 5,056 articles in 5 infectious diseases journals cited 166,650 items. Two random samples were drawn: one (n = 1,060) from the total set of citations and one (n = 1,060) from the citations to journal articles. For each sample citation, publication type and date, age of cited item, and inclusion of uniform resource locator (URL) were collected. For each item in the cited journal articles sample, journal title, publication date, and age of the cited article were collected. Bradford zones were used for further analysis.


Journal articles (91%, n = 963) made up the bulk of cited items, followed by miscellaneous items (4.6%, n = 49). Dates of publication for cited items ranged from 1933–2010 (mean = 2001, mode = 2007). Over half (50.2%, n = 483) of cited journal articles were published within the previous 5 years. The journal article citations included 358 unique journal titles.


The citations to current and older publications in a range of disciplines, heavy citation of journals, and citation of miscellaneous and government documents revealed the depth and breadth of resources needed for the study of infectious diseases.


  • Literature on infectious diseases is multidisciplinary, encompassing medical specialties, public health, and the medical sciences.
  • Infectious disease publications cite journal articles more than 90% of the time. Cited journal articles greatly range in age at citation: more than a quarter were over 10 years old.
  • Infectious disease citation patterns resemble clinical medicine citation patterns more than public health citation patterns.


  • Infectious disease professionals need access to general medicine titles as well as infectious disease, immunology, virology, microbiology, and public health literature.
  • Librarians serving infectious disease researchers and practitioners should provide access to older materials, especially journal back files, to support the cyclical needs of their patrons.

One of the flaws of the journal impact factor (IF) is that it cannot be used to compare journals from different fields or multidisciplinary journals because the IF differs significantly across research fields. This study proposes a new measure of journal performance that captures field-different citation characteristics. We view journal performance from the perspective of the efficiency of a journal's citation generation process. Together with the conventional variables used in calculating the IF, the number of articles as an input and the number of total citations as an output, we additionally consider the two field-different factors, citation density and citation dynamics, as inputs. We also separately capture the contribution of external citations and self-citations and incorporate their relative importance in measuring journal performance. To accommodate multiple inputs and outputs whose relationships are unknown, this study employs data envelopment analysis (DEA), a multi-factor productivity model for measuring the relative efficiency of decision-making units without any assumption of a production function. The resulting efficiency score, called DEA-IF, can then be used for the comparative evaluation of multidisciplinary journals’ performance. A case study example of industrial engineering journals is provided to illustrate how to measure DEA-IF and its usefulness.  相似文献   

This article presents a citation analysis of articles published in 2011 from 11 kinesiology journals. The results of the citation analysis of 11 kinesiology journals are compared to a citation analysis of articles published in 2011 by faculty in the School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan. Comparing the four areas of kinesiology, Movement Science, Athletic Training, Sports Management, and Physical Education, the results show that articles published in Movement Science and Athletic Training cited a higher percentage of journal articles than articles published in Sports Management and Physical Education. While some of the materials cited went as far back as 1874, the mean age ranged from 1996 to 2004. Human Kinetics was the most cited publisher and the American Journal of Sports Medicine was the most cited journal. The University of Michigan Library owns 75% of the materials cited in the publications cited by School of Kinesiology faculty. Faculty in the School of Kinesiology cited many textbooks, a format not actively collected by the library before this analysis.  相似文献   

This paper takes the cue from the case of a retracted paper, cited both by the retraction notice and by an article published later in the same journal. This led to analysis and discussion on the skewness of citations in the journal Sustainability and within Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) journals, particularly investigating self‐citations at journal and publisher levels. I analysed articles published by Sustainability in 2015 and found that self‐citations are higher than expected under a uniform probability distribution. Self‐citations in this journal make a 36% difference to the journal's impact factor. This research raises the question of what citation patterns can be expected as normal, and where the boundary between normal and anomaly lies. I suggest the issue deserves further investigation because self‐citations have several implications, ranging from impact factors to visibility and influence of scientific journals.  相似文献   

This study examines how the social sciences' debate between qualitative and quantitative methods is reflected in the citation patterns of sociology journal articles. Citation analysis revealed that quantitative articles were more likely to cite journal articles than monographs, while qualitative articles were more likely to cite monographs than journals. Quantitative articles cited other articles from their own quantitative-dominated journals but virtually excluded citations to articles from qualitative journals, while qualitative articles cited articles from the quantitative-dominated journals as well as their own qualitative-specialized journals. Discussion and conclusions include this study's implications for library collection development.  相似文献   

丁文姚  李健  韩毅 《图书情报工作》2019,63(22):118-128
[目的/意义] 探索期刊论文科学数据引用特征与规律不仅有助于描述学科领域对科学数据的利用情况,还能够揭示学术成果表达中的数据引用模式。[方法/过程] 以我国图书情报领域6种期刊2017年与2018年第一期刊载论文为样本,结合国家标准《信息技术科学数据引用》的引用元素,采用内容分析法从9个维度对样本论文的科学数据引用行为进行数据编码,应用统计学方法描述图书情报领域期刊论文科学数据引用特征并探索不同维度特征间的关联关系。[结果/结论] 图书情报领域期刊论文广泛引用来自国内外的统计整理类科学数据,对期刊论文中个人研究科学数据的引用量较大;科学数据引用标注方式与科学数据类型存在一定对应关系,但多样化的标注方式缺乏统一性;二手引用现象较为突出,二手引用程度与科学数据创建者类型相关。  相似文献   

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