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90后大学生绝大多数是独生子女,成长过程中不仅得到长辈的万般宠爱,而且物质生活丰富。在当今快速发展的信息时代,他们是信息爆炸的领先体验者,各种信息通过无孔不入的媒介影响着他们的价值观及其形成。90后大学生是我国高等教育的主要群体,如何使他们形成符合社会认可的价值观是我国高校思政工作面临的一项全新任务和严峻挑战。通过问卷调查、文献资料和访谈法,在对90后大学生价值观的现状进行研判的同时,分析了影响90后大学生价值观的成因,针对性地提出了教育对策。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 调查青少年的信息需求与利用行为特点,旨在了解他们的信息素质现状,从而唤起学校及公共信息服务机构对青少年信息素质培养的重视,为提高青少年信息素质水平发挥应有的作用。[方法/过程] 选取广东省茂名地区7所中学1000名学生作为调查对象,采用问卷调查法对中学生的信息需求与信息利用行为特点进行调查与分析,并对影响青少年信息需求与利用的障碍因素进行剖析。[结果/结论] 根据青少年信息需求与利用的特点,建议从信息化基础设施建设、信息素质基础教育、图书馆利用教育以及教师与馆员的专业化培养等方面着手,培养青少年的信息意识,提升信息利用水平,从而提高他们的信息素养。  相似文献   

中学教师网络信息行为的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过问卷调查法和文献调查法,对中学教师使用网络服务、网络信息检索和与教学相关的信息行为等方面的情况进行了调查研究。结合利用SPSS统计分析软件对调查数据进行了频次分析,探索在网络环境下中学教师网络信息行为的特点及规律,并针对发现的问题提出了若干建议,旨在为提高网络信息服务水平和教师信息素质提供参考依据。  相似文献   

“90后”大学生思想行为特征及教育对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确认识、分析“90后”大学生的思想行为特征。构建新形势下适合于“90后”大学生的思想教育体系及创新思想教育机制,是提高高校学生工作针对性和时效性的重要条件,也是高校如何加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作的重要课题,对帮助、引导他们健康成长成才具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对“90后”大学生的特点进行了较为全面的剖析,提出...  相似文献   

以地方普通本科院校为例,对Web2.0环境下的高校毕业生就业信息查询行为展开调查,分析他们查询行为的新动向,从而明确就业信息服务的重点和方向.  相似文献   

当前媒介从业人员在信息选择中,面对经济利益和职业诉求的矛盾时的的态度与行为如何?本文通过对北京市媒介从业人员的调查,通过对他们在面对有偿信息、商业信息和政府信息等方面的处理态度和行为的描述和分析,认为媒介从业人员在职业中的经济行为尽管受到传播制度的影响,但与媒介组织的类型、媒介从人员的从业时间、职位高低和个人背景之间关系更为密切.  相似文献   

一项主要关于博士研究人员的中期调查表明,图书馆和大学迫切需要提高他们对Y一代的理解。明日研究计划,对博士学生在三年期间的信息需求行为进行研究,力图显示出生于1982至1994年之间被称为Y一代人的信息获取行为。  相似文献   

信息查寻行为是指为了满足用户某方面目标的需要而产生的有目的、有意识的信息行为。本研究通过选取律师作为特殊用户的代表,采用调查问卷对32位律师的信息查寻行为进行调查研究,在数据分析的基础上,总结了律师作为一特殊用户群体,他们信息查寻的目的、常用的信息源、紧急的信息需求下的查寻行为。并在此基础上尝试性提出了律师信息查寻过程模型。  相似文献   

研究生群体作为高校科学研究的一支活跃力量,信息化时代对他们的信息素质提出了更高的要求。然而,作为科研主体的研究生,其信息素质却与他们肩负的责任极不相称。通过对三所高校研究生信息素质现状的调查分析,有针对性地提出了加强研究生信息素质教育的对策,切实提高研究生的信息意识、信息能力,最终提高他们的科研能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

林倩  江颖诗  刘静桦 《今传媒》2016,(1):99-101
积极向上的媒介素养和新闻观对营造和谐的网络环境有着不可忽视的作用.作为新生力量的象征的90后,正处于信息爆炸、新兴媒介广泛运用时代,人们的媒介接触行为发生了变化,进而影响了人们的行为方式和思维方式.本文通过量化研究的方法,对广州地区高校大学生媒介素养现状进行调查,了解90后的新闻观以及媒介素养,研究分析90后的大学生在媒介接触与消费能力、媒介批判与质疑能力、媒介的道德规范与认知能力、媒介制作应用能力、新闻观等媒介素养,并在此基础上探讨新媒体时代高校大学生媒介素养教育的方法,为整体提升大学生媒介素养提供第一手资料,从而对90后形成正确的新闻观以及媒介素养起到一定程度上的促进作用.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Community pharmacists require a constant provision of high quality information for updating their knowledge and improving their practices and skills. The development of library and information services for the pharmacists in a meaningful way should take into consideration their information behaviour and needs. This study is an investigation of the information behaviour of community pharmacists in Greece, as well as their perceptions regarding the contribution of library and information services in their future professional development. This is the only empirical investigation which has been made available regarding the information behaviour of the community pharmacists in Greece. Methods: An empirical investigation has been conducted between March and April of 2008 through the development and the distribution of a semi‐structured questionnaire. The sample of the respondents consists of 92 community pharmacists from 22 pharmacy associations in Greece. Results: The community pharmacists have access to the Internet, with limited access to specialized information resources, and they are increasingly utilizing information services in their everyday practices. The pharmaceutical associations (national and local) could play a significant role as information providers and specialized hybrid libraries and information services are required in order to satisfy the current information needs of the community pharmacists. Conclusions: Meaningful library and information services depend on setting specifications relevant to the community pharmacists’ information behaviour. Indeed, in the near future, structured information services may come to rescue the role of the community pharmacists and empower their irreplaceable position in serving the local communities.  相似文献   

Elinor Carmi 《Media History》2015,21(3):313-327
This paper focuses on women who worked at Bell Telephone Company in the USA during 1930s and 1940s as telephone operators, and the training programmes they went through. Transmission of information depended on their actions because they had to facilitate the switchboards, and therefore held a crucial position as part of the communication channel. Thus, Bell felt they should tune their ‘bad’ behaviour which embodied noise in their systems. In order to maintain equilibrium, Bell enmeshed Michel Foucault’s disciplinary and biopower forms of governmentality and developed a hybrid form. This combination was seen in their flagship training programme, A Design for Living, where Bell penetrated operators’ bodies and minds, inside and outside work. When the operators revolted, Bell realised power should be exercised through automated dial machines. This would then become an inspiration for cybernetics who aimed to control communication systems that constructed information’s correct behaviour, and consequently users.  相似文献   

Background: Hospital pharmacists need access to high‐quality information in order to constantly update their knowledge and improve their skills. In their modern role, they are expected to address three types of challenges: scientific, organizational and administrative, thus having an increased need for adequate information and library services. Objectives: This study investigates the information‐seeking behaviour of public hospital pharmacists providing evidence from Greece that could be used to encourage the development of effective information hospital services and study the links between the information seeking behaviour of hospital pharmacists and their modern scientific and professional role. Method: An empirical research was conducted between January and February 2010 with the development and distribution of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was filled in and returned by 88 public hospital pharmacists from a total of 286 working in all Greek public hospitals, providing a response rate of 31%. Results: The hospital pharmacists in Greece are in search of scientific information and, more particularly, pharmaceutical information (e.g., drug indications, storage, dosage and prices). The Internet and the National Organization of Medicines are their main information sources, while the lack of time and organized information are the main obstacles they have to face when seeking information. Conclusions: The modern professional role of hospital pharmacists as invaluable contributors to efficient and safer healthcare services may be further supported through the development of specialized libraries and information services within Greek public hospitals.  相似文献   

国外信息行为模型分析与评价   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
详细介绍国外有代表性的几种信息行为理论及模型,包括被情报学界认为是研究信息行为的元理论的德尔文(Dervin)的“意义建构”理论及模型、埃利斯(Ellis)的信息查找行为模型、库尔斯奥(Kuhlthau)的信息查找过程模型和威尔逊(Wilson)的信息查找行为模型。在此基础上,从研究角度、研究内容、研究的深度和广度、研究方法方面对4个模型进行对比分析和客观评价,指出4个模型的共同点及不同之处。  相似文献   

This paper describes a study of undergraduate student search behaviour, examines the results through the lens of various disciplines, and provides new insights that will increase our understanding and facilitate the development of more effective instructional programmes. Perspectives and research results drawn from multiple disciplines are used to explore the role of mental models, reference groups and habits, and intellectual development in the search behaviour demonstrated by the undergraduate students. During interviews conducted as part of the study, many students were able to articulate the importance of source evaluation and describe electronically-appropriate methods for assessing the authority and reliability of Web-based information resources. In practice, however, these students frequently abandoned source evaluation altogether and, following the path of least resistance, relied exclusively on basic Google searching. This approach both compromised the quality of their search results and contributed to frustration with the research process. This may not be extraordinarily unusual behaviour, but it is cause for considerable concern among information literacy programme planners and instructors. Discussion of the study results and related research is followed by pragmatic suggestions for modifying ineffective search behaviour through enhanced instructional programmes.  相似文献   

A persona represents a group of target users that share common behavioural characteristics. The personas method, an approach to systems design, has been receiving significant attention from practitioners. However, only anecdotal evidence currently exists for the effectiveness of personas and there have been criticisms about its validity as a scientific approach to research. This paper attempts to demonstrate how incorporating personas may lead to better understand the information needs of humanities scholars. Humanities scholars in an advanced ICT environment in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan are sampled as a case. Previous studies show that the humanities scholars have a significant negative relation with ICT use; they are using it less than scientists and social scientists, and they demonstrate a significantly higher use of library facilities than other academics. There is also a lack of up-to-date international research on the humanities scholars' information needs that takes into account recent rapid increases in the availability of ICT infrastructure, especially the Internet. As such, the objective of this study is to understand the information needs of humanities scholars and the effect of the electronic environment on their information seeking behaviour using personas. This study is conducted within a conceptual framework based on an integration of existing models of information-seeking behaviour, along with additional new elements representing the information context environment, such as languages, decision to seek and format of information resources. The four personas that were uncovered in this study may be able to effectively communicate the actual information needs of the humanities scholars through the personal narrative, name, and face, which continuously will remind the academic library of what their users really want and need from their services. This study also lays the foundation for future research by identifying variables of interest, and building construct validity through the themes of information needs that emerged.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore through an interdisciplinary approach the potential to tailor health information on the basis of human information behaviour (HIB) on par with the results of basic physiological measurements of individuals’ health. Methods: The data were collected at the baseline of a physical activity and diabetes prevention intervention with 72 prediabetic participants, conducted in Oulu, Finland, by the University of Oulu and Oulu Deaconess Institute in 2010. Body mass index (BMI), fitness classifications and glucose values were obtained from all prediabetic participants. The interest in, the search for and the use of information on nutrition, physical activity and diabetes were examined through a self‐report questionnaire with a response rate of 95.8%. The data were analysed with the SPSS statistics 18 software. Results and conclusions: The study shows that information behaviour of prediabetic individuals differs according to their BMI and fitness level. Poor physical fitness classifications and high BMI values were associated with an increased desire to receive tailored information on nutrition and physical activity frequently. These results add knowledge on the types and preferred frequencies of tailored information. Because of the small sample size, the results should be validated further.  相似文献   

Human behaviour is complex and demographics are insufficient to understand information behaviour. More nuanced analyses are required to understand the factors that drive action. Focusing on digital archiving and online protection strategies as manifestations of information behaviour, factors that influence perceptions of online risk were investigated. The relationship between perception and behaviour was analyzed by focusing on people’s risk responses and their archival habits. Using Bates’ theory of Information Behaviour, information behaviour paradoxes, what people do versus what they say they would do in online situations, were analyzed. By applying a mixed-method approach to 101 semi-structured interviews, individuals’ self-perceived internet skills and having a third-party negative experience are two key factors that influence perceptions of risk online. A three-part typology of internet users (cautiously optimistic offliners, confident onliners, and utopic onliners) is introduced. Perceptions of online risk have consequences for information behaviour and informs a theoretical modification.  相似文献   

Information-seeking behaviour by university academics at Moi University, Kenya, is analysed. A survey, in the form of a pilot study, was conducted and data collected through questionnaires and interviews among 27 academics randomly sampled from four faculties: Health Sciences, Information Sciences, Environmental Studies and Education. The results obtained established that a great number of academics depend on libraries and colleagues for information and that although the academics heavily depend on textbooks for information, they display great interest in, and use, current and research-oriented information sources. It was also established that the nature of discipline and level of programme influence the information-seeking behaviour of academics and that lack of awareness of information services, and non-use of current awareness services and sources available at the university contribute to limited access and use of the information resources. In addition, academics indicated that they need information mainly for career development to circumvent the “publish or perish syndrome”, but also for their professional and occupational needs. It is concluded that despite insufficient relevant information resources at the university library due to budget cuts, academics still depend on the library for their information needs. Work colleagues are also an important source of intra-university information. It is suggested that the library would benefit the academics if equal attention were paid to current awareness services as well as publicity and promotion of information products and services. Similarly, methods should be devised by the university to strengthen the academics' overall accessibility to information. In this way, the circulation of information between academic colleagues can be maintained.  相似文献   

General practitioners play a central role in primary care. Clinical Governance and advances in Information and Communications Technology dominate the agenda for change. The aim of this literature review is to indicate publications that have made a significant contribution to understanding of the information wants, needs, behaviour and preferences of family physicians and to identify areas in which there is scope for further research. Concentrating on material published in the 1990s, this review looks at the information needs of family doctors and at their information seeking behaviour. Work on the needs of General Medical Practices and of Primary Care Groups is included. The review discusses studies of information gatekeepers and projects intended to augment access to information services. A few texts are recommended as essential reading.  相似文献   

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