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本文回顾了我国多文种图书资料编目的历史与现状,对于用传统方法进行多文种编目做了具体分析.在科学技术高度发达的今天,继续使用传统方法进行多文种编目已不能适应实际需要.因此,要更新技术手段,采用先进的信息处理设备——电子计算机进行多文种编目.面临信息时代的挑战,我们应采取新的对策.  相似文献   

本文报导了用Pascal语言编写的多文种多功能词表管理系统。用该管理系统不仅可编制词表,且可自动输出加有科印排版命令的源文件,经科印排版软件处理后可输出胶印用版样或胶片。  相似文献   

对CNMARC中包括并列书名的多文种书名著录各种情况,从字段与子字段设置、书名不同成分的分析、阐释,认为从文献著录的逻辑性原理角度看,相关信息的著录应当名实相符;多文种书名多样性的现实,既不宜采取“一刀切”的简单处理方式,也不宜套用卡片目录重复著录的繁琐方式;并对某些概念与概念的诠释提出修改建议。  相似文献   

电子图书馆取代传统图书馆过程中的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵昕 《津图学刊》2000,(4):18-23
本文着重阐述了图书馆取代传统图书馆过程中遇到的标准化、数字化问题;完善文献保障体系,使馆藏化、合理化和资源化问题,网络建设问题;多文种问题;数字化信息的知识产权问题。  相似文献   

ILAS支持多文种编目能力的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于学华 《图书馆杂志》1998,17(2):29-30,51
在一个编目软件上利用一个 MARC 格式处理多文种文献是众望所归。针对这一问题,本文分析了“文化部图书馆自动化集成系统 ILAS”多文种编目的支持能力。  相似文献   

综观信息交流的流程,可以划分为以下四个阶段:信息的输入、信息的吸收、信息的输出、信息的反馈。以往学者在研究信息交流时,主要关注的是信息的输入、输出和反馈环节,对信息吸收的研究较少,而且只是停留在表面层次上,很少涉及交流主体内在信息结构与客观信息的互动,没有反映出信息交流的内在机制问题,所以笔者拟就此问题进行更深层次的探讨。  相似文献   

图书馆与读者之间的关系是交流关系.一方输出文献信息;另一方输入文献信息.在吸收文献信息的基础上,又把文献信息返还给输出方,这种双向交流,不断循环进行.  相似文献   

引言 研究的背景和意义 新华社多媒体数据库作为目前中国传媒业最大的多文种多媒体数据库,存储和管理着大量的新闻信息数据,随着数据量的飞速增长,多媒体数据库提供用户获取信息的方式出现了一定的“瓶颈”。  相似文献   

<正> 新华社多媒体数据库汇集全社文字(中英西法俄阿葡七种文字)、图片、视音频、图表、报刊等全部资源和社会上其他有价值的新闻信息资源,是国内最大规模的多媒体、多文种新闻信息综合数据库。它通过新华社内部网向总社和国内外分社编辑记者提供服务,通过因特网向全球用户提供服务。  相似文献   

本文介绍了长江三峡人文信息多媒体数据库的设计过程与体系结构,讨论了它的特点以及输入/输出接口的设计方法  相似文献   

Many library data processing systems are unresponsive to the needs of librarians because of the necessity to batch-process transactions in a computer center. Such systems tend to be reportoriented rather than information-oriented with resultant problems in the timeliness of information. Time-shared computing permits multiple users to process jobs simultaneously through on-line interaction with the computer. Such systems offer to the librarian the advantages of immediate access to information, costs shared with other users, and direct man-machine interaction. This tutorial paper describes time-shared systems with applications in the library. Problems concerning the cost and present state-of-the-art of time-sharing are discussed.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid development of visualization tools and technologies, the image information plays in the life of society a more and more large role in the course of time. There are widespread different image search and display systems which develop and could be integrated in various information systems. Long ago, many sections had been separated from the fundamental sphere of image information processing as independent directions with specific scientific objectives, such as computer graphics, computer vision, digital photography and others. The tendency to separation of new directions intended for different problems solving persists still, what is confirmed by the enormous annual number of publications. A wide variety of software products can meet the needs practically of any specific problem. But in present variety of image information processing it is possible to separate some general tendencies and some main central problems, which solving determines the image quality and the information systems operation evaluated by ultimate consumer.    相似文献   

论信息管理学的进化   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
论信息管理学的进化岳剑波ABSTRACTFromthedevelopmentalviewofpoint,informationmanagementcanbedividedintothreestages:ancient,modernandcon-tem...  相似文献   

许琦 《图书情报工作》2011,55(3):106-124
阐述网络信息提取系统的研究现状。从信息提取技术和自动化程度两方面对现有网络信息提取系统进行对比,由此将网络信息提取系统分为非自动化、半自动化和全自动化三类。综合考虑标记方法、提取规则类型和特征、学习算法、用户参与度、适用性以及输出接口等因素,对三类系统的性能优劣进行评估。最后对网络信息提取系统进一步的研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于概念空间方法的信息检索技术研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了解决词汇差异问题,词表构造在信息检索系统中有着重要意义。概念空间方法是利用计算机自动构造概念语义网络(词表)并以此为基础进行概念检索的一种方法。由词语作为语义网络的节点,词语之间的关联权重以一个给定文档集合中词语的共现率来计算,其大小代表它们之间的相似性。检索时系统采用人工智能方法激活与检索入口词相关的术语或概念,为用户提供交互式的检索用语建议。方法的具体步骤包括文档和对象列表收集、对象过滤和自动标引、共现分析和联想检索四个阶段。这种方法多用于英文检索系统,但对我国的信息检索系统也有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The main factors that currently contribute to the increase of the vulnerability of computer information are considered. The dynamics of a number of promising scientific research areas in the field of information security (cryptography, computer steganography, and biometric information-protection systems) are analyzed based on Russian and foreign publications from VINITI databases over the past decade. The obtained data to a certain extent reflect the direction of the development of these research areas, which is defined by corresponding publication streams.  相似文献   

Furthering access to the world's information and reducing information costs are the major goals of Online Computer Library Center, (OCLC) a nonprofit library computer service and research organization based in Dublin, Ohio. OCLC pioneered the computer revolution in libraries in 1971 when it introduced a computer system that enabled libraries to catalog books and order custom-printed catalog cards rapidly and efficiently. Today, OCLC provides a spectrum of services for libraries and their users. OCLC systems in cataloging, interlibrary loan, document delivery, reference, and electronic publishing provide an integrated approach to navigating the sea of knowledge for libraries and their users.  相似文献   

BioSYNTHESIS is a prototype intelligent retrieval system under development as part of the IAIMS project at Georgetown University. The aim is to create an integrated system that can retrieve information located on disparate computer systems. The project work has been divided in two phases: BioSYNTHESIS I, development of a single menu to access various databases which reside on different computers; and BioSYNTHESIS II, development of a search component that facilitates complex searching for the user. BioSYNTHESIS II will accept a user's query and conduct a search for appropriate information in the IAIMS databases at Georgetown. For information not available at Georgetown, such as full text, it will access selected remote systems and translate the search query as appropriate for the target system. The search through various computer systems and different databases with unique storage and retrieval structures will be transparent to the user. BioSYNTHESIS I is complete and available to users. The design work for BioSYNTHESIS II is under development and will continue as a multiyear technical research effort of the proposed Georgetown IAIMS implementation project.  相似文献   

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