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The legal profession has been adamant about the need for law schools to more adequately prepare law students for legal practice. Criticisms concerning a student's practical legal skills, such as the ability to conduct legal research, are prevalent. As the legal profession continues to transform, the need for law students and new attorneys to be “legal information literate” prior to being hired is quite evident. In order to instill competent legal research skills, legal research instruction must focus both on incorporating legal information literacy skills and on understanding how students learn. For this reason, teachers of legal research should rethink teaching strategies and explore different teaching methodologies.  相似文献   


Publish or perish? What are the pressures on modern law library directors to publish? Must they? Should they? These issues are discussed along with the competing interests of running a successful academic law library and the pressures of tenure and scholarly expectations.  相似文献   

This article discusses the publication history of English-language translations of Les Misérables. It critically evaluates the merits of available translations and makes recommendations about acquiring and deaccessioning various editions.  相似文献   


Digital technology and global economic trends present fundamental challenges to copyright law in the twenty-first century. On a practical level, librarians need to understand the particulars of current laws in order to make responsible decisions and to utilize to the fullest extent the possibilities that copyright law affords them in their missions. This article will identify the major copyright issues associated with library digital activities, and will discuss copyright protection in the digital environment of material originating in the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian nations. It covers use of Slavic and East European material in the U.S. in various contexts, including Internet activity, preservation and replacement, interlibrary loan, electronic reserves, classroom and educational use, text encoding, digitization of print and microform materials, and creation of digital content and databases.  相似文献   

Census information of some form has been collected in Canada since the 1611 census of New France. Aboriginal people, identified or not, have been included in these enumerations. The collection of this information has had a profound impact on Aboriginal people and has been an element that has shaped their relationship with the dominant society. In response, Canadian Aboriginal people have often resisted and refused to co-operate with census takers and their masters. This article is an examination of this phenomenon focused on the censuses conducted in the post-Confederation period to the present. A census is made to collect information on populations and individuals that can then be used to configure and shape social and political relations between those being enumerated and the creators of the census. However, the human objects of the census are not just passive integers and they have resisted its creation in a number of ways, including being “missing” when the census is taken, refusing to answer the questions posed by enumerators or even driving them off Aboriginal territory. A census identifies elements of the social order and attempts to set them in their “proper” place and those who do not wish to be part of that order may refuse to take part. Archivists and historians must understand that the knowledge gained in a census is bound with the conditions of own creation. This has been noted by contemporary Aboriginal researchers who often state that the archival record of their people often distorts history and reflects the ideas and superficial observations of their Euro-Canadian creators. Changes to the Census of Canada since 1981, have increased the participation rate and therefore changed the nature of the record.
Brian Edward HubnerEmail:

Brian Edward Hubner   is currently Acquisition and Access Archivist at the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections. He was previously employed at the Archives of Manitoba, in Government Records; Queen’s University Archives, Kingston; and at the National Archives of Canada, Ottawa. He has a Master of Arts (History, in Archival Studies) from the University of Manitoba, and a Master of Arts (History), from the University of Saskatchewan. The 2nd edition of Brian’s co-authored book on the history of the Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan and Alberta is being published in 2007. He has published articles and delivered conference papers on Canadian Aboriginal peoples including “Horse Stealing and the Borderline: The N.W.M.P. and the Control of Indian Movement, 1874-1900.” His current research interest focuses on relationship between Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian archives. Brian is married and has two children.  相似文献   

刘慧玉 《新闻爱好者》2010,(10):169-169
前不久,省委书记卢展工提出了新闻宣传有"四难",即正面报道难、典型报道难、舆论监督难和新闻创新难,并要求各新闻媒体努力破解新闻宣传"四难"。对新闻工作者来说,如果不解决自身素质存在诸多"不适应"、"不符合"的问题,把握好自身的思想源头,破解"四难"将无从谈起。  相似文献   

“与”,“及”是从文言釆的,口语里很少说;“同”流行于华中一带,带一点方言色彩。在普通话里,“跟”用得最多,但是文章里最常见的是“和”. “和、跟、同、与”都有两种作用。比较:(1)水仙和腊梅都开了。(2)他和我说话呢!在前一句里,“水仙”和“腊梅”的地位是平等的,“和”字的作用在于把这两个并列的成分连接起来,这个“和”是连词。在后一句里,“他”和“我”的地位不平等,“他”是“主”,是说话的人,  相似文献   

曹筠 《中国编辑》2003,(3):46-48
美国著名资深编辑家柯蒂斯说:“今天的编辑和老一辈编辑不同的是,他们必须十八般武艺样样俱全,不仅要具备绝佳的编辑技巧,还要精通书刊制作、营销、广告、新闻发布、会计、心理学等等。”那么,现代出版业需要的是什么样的编辑呢?本人认为,现代编辑必须扮演好以下三种角色。  相似文献   

“印行” “出” “出版”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵刊1988年陆续讨论有关出版发行词源,兹就所知,志数言以附骥。1.薛钟英《发行一词新证》(刊于6期)举潘承弼、顾廷龙编《明代版本图录初编》,说该书“民国四十年”初版。顾廷老、承粥老自1939年应聘到上海私立合众图书馆迄今50年,始终没有离开过上海,当然不会有“民国四十年”的初版。该书出版当在1942年1月,有张元济的谢信为凭:“蒙赐新印明代版本图录一部,捧读欣感。际此乱世,……”(《张元济书札》第173页第29信)。信虽未署年份,但第172页第26、25、24,第169页第12信都有为编印该图录借用东方图书馆复兴委员会、函芬楼烬余善本图书情况,虽未注年份,但大体不会错10年。  相似文献   

近年来,我坚持边工作,边进修,边写稿,取得了同步提高的效果。我的体会是要“韧”、“挤”、“钻”。“韧”。我写稿一般都是利用晚上业余时间和星期天等例假日。“挑灯夜战”是家常便饭。星期天回家,在干完责任田后,也不放过“笔耕”。几年来,我年年都有100篇以上的稿子分别被县、地区、省以及全国性的报刊和广播台(站)所采用,采用率在60%以上。“挤”。既要工作,又要进修、写稿,时间紧是可想而知的,这就靠“挤”。一次,区教办举行菊花展览。展出那天,我趁下午没有正课的机会,抓紧吃了中饭前往现场采访。傍晚回来,我又利用候车时间  相似文献   

王敏 《大观周刊》2010,(41):30-31
汉字有语言流长的历史,很多发展至今看似无关的汉字,其实在早期有着或多或少的联系。本文选取了“等”、“候”、“待”、“俟”、“徯”这几个字的进行字义分析。是因为它们都有一个共同的义项一一等候、等待。通过查阅许慎的《说文解字》、王力的《古代汉语常用字字典》,以及商务印书馆出版的《新华汉语小词典》等辞书,来粗略地探讨这一组字的字义。  相似文献   

顶真(又称“连珠”)和回文是两种比较有趣的修辞方法,但绝不是单纯的文字技巧、无聊的文字游戏。因为语言是思想的表现形式,不同的意思有它不同的语言表达形式。“顶真”与“接力赛跑”有着某些相似的地方:第一个运动员拿着接力棒跑上去把棒递给第二个运动员,第二个运动员接过棒再跑上去把它递给第三个运动员……这种把上一句末尾的词语作为下一句开头的词语,一句句首尾蝉联,而有上递下接趣味的修辞方法,在修辞学上称作“顶真”。  相似文献   

“同题章”,顾名思义是“同一个主题。同一类题材”的章,在这里,笔指的是对同一题材的新闻事件的报道。  相似文献   

刘飞锋 《新闻三昧》2008,(10):40-40
5月下旬,我被派往四川地震灾区采访。这时,惊心动魄的救援工作已经结束,救灾安置最紧张的时期也已过去,按理要多出新闻是比较困难的。但我却在7天时间里,采写了20多条新闻,几乎每天都有两篇大稿,特别是通讯《想好能为灾区做什么再出发》广受好评,不仅获得报社好稿,还被新浪网作为社会新闻头条,并先后被60多家门户网站转载,《中国青年报》、《检察日报》、《扬子晚报》等30多家媒体刊发时评,给予好评。  相似文献   

范以锦 《新闻前哨》2007,(10):34-36
传媒教育的所谓"学",就是传媒学问的研究,更多的是理论层面的;"术",就是从事传媒工作的技艺,更多的是操作层面的。对"学"和"术"的理解不同会引起这样那样的争论,两者结合得不好也会引发学界和业界的非议。  相似文献   

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