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《中国文献编目规则》第2章“普通图书”在“并列书名”的规定中又补充为:“若书名所载第一语种为外文,图书正文为汉语文,应先著录汉语文书名,后著录外文书名。”在“其他书名信息”中又规定“其他书名信息……均著录于正书名或并列书名之后”。若对此只是机械地简单理解,著录中就可能会产生错误。事实上,在操作实践中,有关并列题名信息的著录常因编目人员的理解不同而格式各异。下面,笔者列出常见的并列题名信息的著录,略加分析,望同仁不吝指正。  相似文献   

试论西文文献著录责任者检索点的选取原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本在对《西献录条例(修订扩大版)》中第九章“检索点选取规则”的分析基础上,结合usmarc录格式,探讨了西献中关于责任检索点的选取原则。  相似文献   

《书目著录编制规则》俄文版第1册《图书和系列(连续)出版物》在1986年由苏联莫斯科“图书”出版社出版了。全书共527页,有序言、目次、正文、主题索引和14个附录。正文分为4篇25章。此书由列宁图书馆馆际目录委员会根据1984年《文献书目著录》苏联国家标准编辑出版。此书的序言指出:“对书目著录现代结构和职能、标目的本质和效用的分析,导致对标目的作用和地位重新修订的必要性。在新规则中,标目从书目著录范围分出来,看作是  相似文献   

USMARC著录中2-字段题名的著录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
USMARC机读目录格式中“2-”字段是机读目录格式中的重要组成部分,其中的题名著录又是重中之中。题名是向读者提供图书检索的重要途径。论文以大量实例试就“2-”字段中的著录谈谈笔者在实践中的理解和认识。  相似文献   

本刊讯姜圣瑜著《新闻“动作”论》已由南京大学出版社出版。该书就新闻工作中“规定动作”和“自选动作”的问题进行了深入的研究和探讨。全书分为九章。第一章,对“规定动作”和“自选动作”的基本特征进行总体概括。第二章,对如何破解“规定动作”的难题提出全新的见解。第三章到第五章对在“自选动作”中如何发挥主观能动性进行了详细论述。第六章到第八章对新闻选择的价值取向进行了讨论,作者概括为八个字:选新、选热、选深、选众。《新闻“动作”论》@雪原  相似文献   

作者是美国伊利诺斯大学经济学和新闻学研究教授。他的《思想控制》一书对美国垄断新闻事业作了批判性分析,是一部名著。我们特请国际关系学院陈复庵副教授翻译重要章节,以供参考。本刊已刊登了五章:第一章“思想控制与意识定型”(1979年②③期),第二章“知识工业:政府的组织部分”(1980年②③期),第三章“知识工业:军界——商界的组成部分”,第四章“娱乐:巩固现状的支柱”,第五章“民意测验:舆论的衡量和制造”。本文是该书的第六章。  相似文献   

文章从分类和著录两个角度对丛书分类著录的“一致性”提出了质疑,认为丛书的分编处理应分别立于“分类”和“著录”两个基点进行,每个基点的“集中”、“分散”与否应根据丛书的实际情况而定。  相似文献   

常言当今之世是“信息世界”。在“四化”建设中,既要掌握住现代的,目前的信息,又不能不重视历史的信息。历史档案资料中的信息的利用,其重要意义已为众所周知。我国有浩瀚的方志,其中贮存着丰富的珍贵的历史档案资料,能给  相似文献   

三探多层次著录信息图书的书名著录逻辑性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章通过对一个合订图书的典型案例分析、研究,着重从逻辑性视角对多层次录信息图书中的合订图书的认定、录形式等进行探讨,认为应当从编目原理、录环境、书目效果出发,统筹兼顾献录的客观性、规范性、逻辑性,采用更妥善、更简洁、更便于操作的录形式。  相似文献   

关于总则和普通图书著录的修订要点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍《中国文献编目规则 (第二版 )》中第 1章总则和第 2章普通图书修订后在著录方面的变化 ,包括总体框架的调整、条款的增删 ,对并列题名、版本说明、信息源的选取等有关条款修改的说明。论述了修订后规则与MARC格式的有机结合。参考文献 4。  相似文献   


LIBRARY USER EDUCATION: POWERFUL LEARNING, POWERFUL PARTNERSHIPS. Dewey, Barbara I., ed. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2001, 352 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0810838974. Reviewed by Bill Orme.

INFORMATION LITERACY INSTRUCTION: THEORY AND PRACTICE. Grassian, Esther S. and Joan R. Kaplowitz. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2001, 468 pp., $55.00, includes CD-ROM, ISBN 1555704069. Reviewed by Michelle Toth.

NEAL-SCHUMAN ELECTRONIC CLASSROOM HANDBOOK. Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2001, 225 pp. $75.00, ISBN 1555704077. Reviewed by Janeanne Rockwell-Kincanon.

INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGIES IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE APPLICATIONS. Lancaster, F. W. and Amy Warner. Medford, NJ: Published for the American Society for Information Science and Technology by Information Today, 2001, 214 pp., $39.50, ISBN 1573871036. Reviewed by Stephanie Walker.  相似文献   

今年5月,笔者随上海市档策论史梅定副馆长等一行赴台北出席“档案与中国近代史研究”学术座谈会。会议期间应东道主之邀参观了“中研院”近代史所、“国史馆”、国民党中央党史委档案室、故宫博物院图书文献馆等处。与同行们就档案工作的一些间距做了切磋,从中不无启迪。现就最有感触的几点谈些观感,以为此次台湾访档拾絮。一、近代史所的“D述历史”位于台北南港的“中研院”近史所隐现在一片绿树丛中。它的“口述历史”工作,现在海内外已渐有影响。笔者在参观时获悉,截至1998年为止,该所这一系列丛书出版已达上百种。此外,还办有…  相似文献   

道光二年,清未大儒龚自珍以“我劝天公重抖擞”的诗人气魄,勾勒出一个极具超前意识的“西部大开发”计划采。他将他的惊天计划撰成《西域置行省议》一文,上奏道光皇帝,提出把东部、中部和南部城市中的无业人员向大西北迁徒创业,凭借国家的政策倾斜,让这些城镇“待业青年”到大西北去变成有屋有业的成功人士。在龚老先生的设想中,有两个地方的人是不用考虑西迁问题的:一是江浙一带的人,理由是江浙人筋骨柔软,耐不住长途跋涉之苦;再就是山西人,理由是“山西号称海内最富.土著者不愿涉,毋庸议。”  相似文献   

The process of cataloguing materials in Slavic languages is discussed. Various issues pertaining to this process are addressed. Special attention is given to the recent political changes in Russia and Eastern Europe, and how these changes are reflected in Slavic cataloguing services.  相似文献   

In January, 1983, the Dallas Public Library held the second of two skills refresher workshops for youth librarians. The first workshop was of a practical nature, dealing with programming; the second was designed as a philosophical discussion of materials selection. The workshop began with four librarians presenting their views on materials selection for children. Following the presentations, there was a general discussion among youth librarians from all 18 libraries in the system of the use of reviews in selection. The following article contains the four presentations and a summary of the discussion.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect on the use of library materials of various possible changes in library policy on circulation rules, for example, or on the buying of duplicate copies, one must estimate the potential demand for the material, not just the actual use under existing policy. Although the concept of the potential demand, for a book, for instance, is a rather vague one, this paper shows how it can be defined and evaluated in terms of the more definite and more easily measurable quantities of yearly circulation rate and mean loan period for borrowed books. The estimates are statistical ones, the average demand per book, the probability that a book that circulates m times a year has a demand, etc. Graphs and tables are given that show how these quantites can be evaluated once one knows the mean per-book circulation and the mean length of time a book is out of the library per circulation, for a portion of the library that is fairly homogenous in regard to use (such as all science books, or all biographies). The analysis is then used to show how one can, by the use of the tables and graphs, estimate how much a change in the allowed length of loan period will change the average per-book circulation, or what the quantitative effect would be if duplicate copies were bought for all books that circulated more than m times, as well as other measures of library utility that depend on demand rather than directly on past circulation.  相似文献   


The South Pacific is an area of emerging importance to lawyers in North America and throughout the world. Dr. Care's bibliography provides a comprehensive introduction to the legal materials of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.  相似文献   


This article analyzes data gathered over a year-long survey of library employees' opinions of sexually related materials in library collections. Surveys generally examine patron attitudes rather than the attitudes of library employees, whose attitudes and beliefs can have a strong effect on the collection. The researchers discovered themes in the data, such as varying definitions and differences between pornography and erotica, legality issues and misconceptions, differing perceptions of censorship dependent on library type, and a possible lack of acceptance of non-heteronormative material. The survey and analysis serve as a contribution to the ongoing discussion of appropriateness of sexually related materials in libraries.  相似文献   

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