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对2008年中国图书馆学会年会代表等198名图书馆员进行调查,探讨图书馆员人格及应对方式对其工作倦怠的影响,结果表明人格因子和应对方式对工作倦怠有显著的预测效应。针对调查结论提出预防和缓解图书馆员工作倦怠的对策:建立畅通的沟通渠道、提高图书馆员对图书馆的认同感、提供图书馆员压力管理和心理健康教育等相关学习和训练课程。  相似文献   

烟台地区图书馆员工作倦怠调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷调查的方法,选用国内修订的马斯拉奇工作倦怠量表通用版(MBI-GS),对烟台地区不同类型图书馆的275名图书馆员进行随机调查。检验了MBI-GS量表在我国图书馆行业的适用性,检测其信度和效度;t检验和方差分析结果表明,人口统计学变量会影响图书馆员工作倦怠水平。论文最后提出了预防、减缓和消除图书馆员工作倦怠的措施与建议。  相似文献   

用"图书馆员工作和生活状况调查问卷"对国内251名高校图书馆员进行调查,了解馆员主观幸福感现状并探讨馆员工作倦怠和主观幸福感的关系,发现高校馆员主观幸福感水平偏低,主观幸福感在高层次的尊重需求和自我实现的需求上的满意感不足,工作倦怠体现在成就感低落上,其工作倦怠通过三个典型变量可以解释主观幸福感总变异量的14.44%,最后提出了3条提高高校馆员主观幸福感的措施。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方法对唐山地区的236名图书馆员的工作倦怠现况进行实证研究,分析相关人口统计学因素对馆员工作倦怠的影响。研究结果显示,唐山地区高校和公共图书馆员工作倦怠整体程度不高;年龄、学历、馆型和工作部门等因素对图书馆员的工作倦怠水平有一定影响。  相似文献   

通过对工作倦怠的认知,本文从心理学的角度,分析了高校图书馆员工作倦怠的表现及根源,并提出一些对策性的思考,以防止高校图书馆员工作倦怠的产生和蔓延。  相似文献   

社会转型期高校图书馆员工作倦怠之探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对工作倦怠的认知,本文从心理学的角度,分析了高校图书馆员工作倦怠的表现及根源,并提出一些对策性的思考,以防止高校图书馆员工作倦怠的产生和蔓延。  相似文献   

通过对166位图书馆员的问卷调查,探究图书馆员情绪劳动及其工作满意度、工作倦怠三者之间的关系。研究发现图书馆员情绪劳动现象确实存在,但其工作满意度较高,工作倦怠行为只发生在个人成就感降低的维度中。情绪劳动中的表面行为维度与工作倦怠中的情绪耗竭维度呈正相关关系;情绪劳动中的深度行为维度与工作满意度呈正相关关系;情绪劳动中的深度行为维度与工作倦怠中的情绪耗竭维度和人格解体维度呈负相关关系;情绪劳动中的深度行为维度与工作倦怠中的个人成就感降低维度呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

用《中国城市居民主观幸福感量表》和《工作倦怠量表通用版》,对660名图书馆员进行多段抽样调查,了解馆员主观幸福感现状和工作倦怠对主观幸福感的影响,发现馆员工作倦怠对主观幸福感有显著的预测作用,工作倦怠三因素可以联合解释主观幸福感总变异的38.30%,分析认为图书馆员主观幸福感在安全性需求和尊重需求上满足度不高。最后提出了3条提高图书馆员主观幸福感的措施。  相似文献   

高校图书馆员工作倦怠现状调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
工作倦怠专指服务性行业中的个体在长期工作中所产生的身体和情绪的极度疲劳状态。本文采用修订的Maslach教师职业倦怠问卷对420名高校图书馆员进行调查,结果表明:①与其他群体相比,高校图书馆员工作倦怠比较严重,但其个人成就感较其他群体为高;②助理馆员、馆员与副研究馆员的职业倦怠程度最高;③科级干部在玩世不恭和成就感低维度得分最低;④个人收入感觉较高人群,其个人成就感最低。  相似文献   

通过对10位男性图书馆员的访谈,以及42位男性图书馆员的问卷调查发现,我国男性图书馆员在工作中情绪劳动现象明显,但其工作满意度较高,工作倦怠也并不严重,三者之间显著相关,男性图书馆员处在职业尴尬的矛盾境遇。一般人口学特征变量——年龄、工龄、收入对情绪劳动、工作满意度、工作倦怠均无显著影响。  相似文献   

在疫情等突发公共卫生事件防控过程中,图书馆应急管理水平和应急服务能力面临巨大挑战。本文结合疫情特点和图书馆工作实际,提出预防为主与防控结合、事件防控与业务开展并重、读者服务和社会服务兼顾、服务时空服务形式与服务内容灵活应变等图书馆应对的4项原则,构建出由预防准备、监测预警、应急处置、善后恢复等4个模块组成的图书馆应对工作框架,进而从法律制度建设、信息资源应急保障能力提升、场馆精准高效防控、信息疫情遏制、投入社会防控一线、构筑心理防护围墙等方面,指出图书馆应对的6条具体路径。  相似文献   

Proteanism is about the simultaneous disruption of place and the seeking of a new sense of place. These metaphorical concepts of the fluid yet grounded, the shape shifting and consolidation, and the evolving creation of a sense of place are applied to a discussion of changing organizational forms and communicative processes. These new formings within ever-changing forms are referred to as Protean Places. The protean concepts of sequentiality, simultaneity, and sociality are examined within the context of what we know about changing organizational forms, major communicative processes, and the history of a virtual customer service team organized across time and space. Finally, the metaphor of Protean Places and the case study are utilized to provide direction for future research, theory building, and practical application in organizational communication.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):97-113
News industry employers want recruits to meet their stated needs for an ever-expanding range of skills, and their wishes largely determine the form of journalism education. But traditional news work and career paths appear to be dissolving. Boundaries between work in journalism, PR and information brokerage are porous. Careers on which journalism graduates are embarking, like those of many journalists today, are increasingly likely to feature consecutive and concurrent periods of long-term employment, short-term contracts, self-employment, working in temporary clusters on specific projects—and perhaps outside media, news and communication altogether. In the light of these changes, this paper argues that educators should look beyond the demands of traditional employers of journalists and strive to give students the opportunity to become entrepreneurial self-employed agents, who might compete with, as well as serve, other media organisations. The argument here is that students need to gain skills and knowledge to act as reliable analysts and brokers of information in ever-more complex social and political contexts, and, in doing so, develop creative, innovative, experimental and entrepreneurial approaches to journalism. The paper concludes by highlighting several strategies to encompass these objectives within a coherent curriculum, but does not claim that these suggested solutions are exhaustive.  相似文献   

国内外老年人数字阅读研究述评   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
肖雪 《图书情报工作》2014,58(8):139-146
从老年人对数字阅读的感知与效果、数字阅读工具接触与使用、阅读文本搜寻与选择、阅读障碍与支持等方面总结国外老年人数字阅读研究成果,从老年人数字阅读接触状况与发展前景、数字阅读工具接触和使用、阅读内容等方面总结国内老年人数字阅读研究状况。分析发现,国内外研究在研究视角、研究内容与研究方法上存在相同之处与差距,指出国内外研究共同存在的不足,建议今后要加强研究的针对性、促进研究成果的整合、充实研究内容、完善研究视角。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过调研和梳理信息查询与检索领域情感相关的研究工作,梳理情感因素的界定和应用现状。[方法/过程]从情感视角出发,对国内外信息查询与检索领域中涉及情感的研究工作进行分析,从情感相关提法的概念、情感因素的类型、基于情绪理论的情感表示及其应用等角度进行分析。[结果/结论]情感相关提法多样,大致包括情感、情感因素两类,前者主要包括印象、情绪、情感、感情等。后者比前者更宽泛,还会涉及非情绪因素。总体而言,基于情绪理论界定和表示情感因素的研究最为普遍,大都沿用心理学中相关概念,较少进行严格区分。最后,从情感的概念、情感因素的类型、情感的测量与应用角度进行总结,并展望未来研究方向。  相似文献   

In this paper I examine the ways in which public discourse about the sperm donation industry in Israel, as appearing in mass media and advertising culture, bridges militarist, pro-natalist, and neoliberal ideologies. In constructing the sperm produced by combat soldiers as superior and in emphasizing the potential dangers of inferior sperm or the lack of enough sperm to meet demand, mainstream media and sperm banks adopt, utilize, and exploit a culture of fear that is linked to Israel’s perceived existential threat in order to serve their own commercial goals. At the same time, the tensions between national-collective and individual perceptions of gender and body occasionally rise to the surface, with media simultaneously embracing and questioning dominant cultural narratives concerning masculinity and militarism. Implications of the relations between media discourses of blood, sacrifice, and death, and those of sperm, reproduction, and cultural regeneration are discussed.  相似文献   

科学标本资源是科技资源的重要组成部分,科学标本资源分为八大类:植物种质资源、动物种质资源、微 生物菌种资源、人类遗传资源、生物标本资源、岩矿化石标本资源、实验材料资源及标准物质。本文在国家科技资源 共享平台建设和科技基础性工作项目数据汇交过程管理实践经验的基础上,研究科学标本的汇交要素、基础性资料元 数据标准,以及标本资源在名称标识、归类编码、原产地、来源、特征特性、图像、保存收藏信息、共享信息等8个方 面的共性描述规范。进一步以“中国古人类遗址”为例,通过数据表设计、原始数据分析与导入、元数据编写和数据文 档整理对标本数据进行整编,并探讨了标本数据库的应用前景,对国家科技计划项目执行过程中产生科学标本资源的 汇交、数据集成与共享具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Affordable and ubiquitous online communications (social media) provide the means for flows of ideas and opinions and play an increasing role for the transformation and cohesion of society – yet little is understood about how online opinions emerge, diffuse, and gain momentum. To address this problem, an opinion formation framework based on content analysis of social media and sociophysical system modeling is proposed. Based on prior research and own projects, three building blocks of online opinion tracking and simulation are described: (1) automated topic, emotion and opinion detection in real-time, (2) information flow modeling and agent-based simulation, and (3) modeling of opinion networks, including special social and psychological circumstances, such as the influence of emotions, media and leaders, changing social networks etc. Finally, three application scenarios are presented to illustrate the framework and motivate further research.  相似文献   


After several centuries of intensive collection development activity, the major research library collections of North America and Western Europe, taken as a whole, can be expected to provide reasonable coverage for all of the world’s languages and peoples. One might also expect that any two languages with a similar number of speakers and a similar publishing output might have similar profiles in terms of the amount and quality of materials available to scholars in Western library collections. For the Turkic peoples of the North Caucasus (Kumyks, Karachais, Balkars, Nogais, and a few others), however, this is not the case. This article (which is Part II of a three-part series) demonstrates that, despite the scholarly value, intrinsic interest, and potential geopolitical significance of publications in North Caucasus Turkic languages, these publications are severely under-represented in Western libraries and, relatedly, in Western scholarship about religion, politics, history, culture, war and revolution on the northern perimeter of the Muslim world. Print and online bibliographic resources for the study of the Turkic peoples of the North Caucasus are considered, and are used selectively to assess the strength of Western library collections. Part I of this article appeared in the previous issue of Slavic & East European Information Resources (vol. 18, nos. 3–4).  相似文献   

Through an exploration of works both within and outside the realm of library and information studies, an overview of subject access to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and questioning (LGBTIQ) materials is presented. Common critiques of classification and organization systems, subject access to specific LGBTIQ topics, subject access in specific information institutions, and solutions proposed in the literature are discussed. Special attention is paid to points of convergence and divergence across the body of literature, and unique solutions to the problems posed by subject access to LGBTIQ materials are highlighted. A conceptual lens through which to view subject access to LGBTIQ materials is also provided.  相似文献   

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