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&#  &#  &# 《出版与印刷》2015,(3):19-21
《期刊编排格式》1规定,期刊应当在每期固定位置登载版权标志,其内容包括期刊出版的年卷期等信息。而《文后参考文献著录规则》(以下简称国标)也指出:“凡是从期刊中析出的文献,应在刊名之后注明其年份、卷、期、部分号、页码”。2由此可见,年卷期和页码信息是参考文献检索的重要内容,其准确著录利于读者的溯源和查证。作者引用连续性出版物析出文献时,应该按照著录规范,准确著录出版物的年、卷、期及页码等信息;国标对“析出文献”的著录也有详细的规定。2然而,翻阅近年来出版的农业学报,常有卷、期等相关信息遗漏或著录不规范现象。笔者选取了几个较为典型的问题进行了原因分析,指出参考文献表中卷期页码的著录存在的问题,分析了页码著录信息不规范、卷信息缺失及卷期信息著录不规范的原因,提出了卷信息不宜省略、规范著录引文页码和卷期信息的建议。    相似文献   

出版时滞是学科“影响力期刊”认定的重要影响因素,引文数量会严重影响学科“核心期刊”的评定结果.从作者对引文标注的错误认识、作者对引用文献的错误观念、编者对参考文献的错误认识、广大作者对参考文献的应有认识等方面对期刊和论文引文标注与文献著录的标准化进行分析发现:广大作者规范标引和著录参考文献对期刊质量评估认定结果有重要影响,编辑出版人员仅起辅助作用,培养作者和编者的规范意识是提高期刊质量的重要途径.  相似文献   

冉强辉  伍烈尧 《编辑学报》1993,5(4):187-192
通过对我国38所高校自然科学版学报所载论文14717篇参考文献的调查与分析,得出如下结论:科技期刊学术质量评估体系中参考文献评估指标由近期文献引文率、核心期刊与经典专著引文率、外文文献引文率、中文文献引文率、篇均引文、无引文率等项内容所构建。另外,引文著录规范化率是否纳入评估指标体系之中,有待商讨。我们认为,为了全面提高科技期刊的学术质量,引文著录规范化问题理应引起科技期刊编辑的重视。如将此纳入评估体系中,首先必须确定出全国统一的科技期刊参考文献标准著录格式(目前标准不一致)。不然,评估既不合理,也缺乏可比性。  相似文献   

关于文后参考文献著录若干问题的释疑   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为更好地规范科技期刊文后参考文献的著录,依据GB/T 7714—2005及相关国家标准、国际标准,对著录实践中常见的一些疑难问题,如引文型文献是否必须著录引文页码,文献序号在正文中如何合理标注,标志符怎样准确使用,责任者项怎样正确著录,如何规范西文刊名缩写等,从著录的技术要求层面作出了简明的阐释,并对GB/T 7714—2005的某些疏漏提出了修订建议。  相似文献   

科技期刊文后参考文献英文刊名著录问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张铁明  颜帅  程朋军 《编辑学报》2009,21(5):461-462
随机选取2007-2008年出版的100种国内科技期刊,统计其文后参考文献中英文文献的刊名著录形式,发现存在著录形式混乱、刊名缩写不规范等现象.分析问题产生的原因,并提出相应的对策和建议.  相似文献   

应该重视科技期刊引文的内在质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
臧焰 《编辑学报》1995,7(3):167-169
目前,对科技期刊参考文献的研究,多局限在文后参考文献的著录格式方面,注意其外观的规范化,而对引文的内在质量,即所引文献内容是否准确、适当有所忽略。由于引文是科技论文的重要组成部分,其目的在于可对作者的某些论点、数据、资料提供科学根据,因此引文准确与否与科技论文的学术质量直接相关,从一个侧面反映了科技期刊的科学性和严肃性。为了探讨引文内容准确性与科技论文质量的关系,笔者以本人承担责任编辑的一期《中华医学杂志》为例,对其所刊出的全部论著中的引文原文逐一查阅,比较核对其引文是否准确,分析其对期刊内在质量的影响,并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

刘菲  李奎  高雪莲 《编辑学报》2016,28(6):555-557
在编辑核查参考文献过程中,经常遇到期刊中析出文献的引文页码前后会有一些字母或罗马数字,这些字母、罗马数字有何意义,该如何著录,GB/T 7714-2015《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》没有明确说明.我们查阅相关期刊及其网站,探讨这些符号的意义.结果发现,这些字母可能是文章栏目的英文缩写,也可能是期刊名称的缩写,而引文页码处著录的数字并非都代表页码,也可能是文章编号.单从著录格式很难看出这些符号的含义,因此在没有明确规范的情况下,建议按照美国国立医学图书馆PebMed给出的格式进行著录.  相似文献   

文章对2008—2015年期间的10种期刊执行GB/T 7714-2015《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》的情况进行统计,发现图书情报核心期刊的正文中标注引文序号不完整、标注在标点符号后、引用多次标注及参考文献序号中缺少[]、缺少引文页码、作者项著录不规范及参考文献标识与类型不规范等问题,并提出了规范参考文献在图书情报核心期刊中的应用方法。  相似文献   

引文和参考文献是学术著作的重要组成部分,其规范著录对提升学术研究水平,助力出版界打造学术精品,提升我国学术国际话语权具有重要意义。尽管相关国家标准和行业标准与规范实施已近十年,但学术著作引文和参考文献著录错误仍然普遍存在。本文结合编辑实践,从引文、引文注释和文后参考文献三个方面对学术著作中引文和参考文献常见著录错误进行辨析,并提出了从出版机构加强制度建设到编辑提高个人学术素养等多方面的解决之策。  相似文献   

在进一步学习GB/T 7714-2005[1]和总结近10年执行该标准经验的基础上,为使文献著录更科学合理,符合相关标准,《编辑学报》(以下简称“本刊”)决定从2015年第1期起变更几个著录细节,现说明如下. 1 期刊中析出文章“页码”的著录 GB/T 7714-2005对“页码”没有做出具体规范,但其示例均为析出文章的起讫页[1]9,人们由此自然联想到“页码”就是指起讫页.这其实是一种误解.按参考文献的提供目的划分,可分为引文参考文献、阅读型参考文献,前者指“为正文中的直接引语或间接引语而提供有关文献信息资源”,后者是“曾阅读过的文献信息资源”[2]3.可见,对期刊中析出文章的页码的著录应做具体分析,一律著录起讫页是不科学不合理的.析出文章如果作为引文文献引用,则应著录引用信息所在页;如果作为阅读型文献引用,则只需著录文章的起讫页或起始页.文献[2]就列举了一个期刊中析出文章作为阅读型文献引用的示例:“[2]黄祖洽.软凝聚态物理研究进展[J].北京师范大学学报:自然科学版,2005,41(1):24.”[2]70.该文的起讫页是“24-28”,而这里只著录了起始页.  相似文献   

林业类科技核心期刊文献引用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面、深入分析文献引用对林业类科技核心期刊质量的影响,通过资料分析,采用数理统计方法,选择同一层次的5家林业类科技核心期刊,对其2014年全年的参考文献的引用情况(篇均引文量、引文类型、引文语种、引文的时效性、期刊自引率)进行统计和分析.结果表明:5家期刊参考文献的引用情况不尽相同,篇均引文量需要提高;参考文献来源类型主要是期刊;语种以中文为主,其次是英文,其他语种引用比较少;参考文献时效性和期刊自引率控制较为合理,但有提升空间.通过统计数据分析,希望期刊编辑重视刊发文章引文的各项指标,从而提高刊发文章质量.  相似文献   

姚实林  张倩 《编辑学报》2020,32(2):169-172
针对准确引用和著录参考文献的重要性易被忽视的现状,对准确性原则的内涵进行解析,并阐明参考文献引用和著录的准确性原则与公开性、原始性、必要性、适当性、新颖性、代表性、标准化原则以及匿引、转引、崇引、滥引、诱引、曲引等不当引用行为的关系,认为编审稿件时应秉持严谨的作风,认真比对被引知识点与文后参考文献表中对应文献的关系,准确引用,按被引文献的原貌进行著录。  相似文献   

Occupational therapy, formally organized in the United States in 1917, is considered an allied health field. Mapping occupational therapy literature is part of a bibliometric project of the Medical Library Association's Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section's project for mapping the literature of allied health. Three core journals were selected from the years 1995 and 1996 and a determination was made of the extent to which the cited journal references were covered by standard indexing sources. Using Bradford's Law of Scattering three zones were created, each containing approximately one-third of the cited journal references. The results showed that three journals made up the first zone, 117 journals the second, and 657 the third. The most cited journal was the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. In the second zone, journals from twelve disciplines were identified. While MEDLINE provided the best overall indexing, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) was the only database that indexed the three most cited journals plus nine of the currently active titles in occupational therapy. MEDLINE could improve its coverage of occupational therapy by indexing the journals of the British, Canadian, and Australian national associations.  相似文献   



This study describes the literature of hospital pharmacy and identifies the journals most commonly cited by authors in the field, the publication types most frequently cited, the age of citations, and the indexing access to core journals. The study also looks at differing citation practices between journals with a wide audience compared to a national journal with a focus on regional issues and trends in the field.


Cited references from five discipline-specific source journals were collected and analyzed for publication type and age. Two sets were created for comparison. Bradford''s Law of Scattering was applied to both sets to determine the most frequently cited journals.


Three-quarters of all cited items were published within the last 10 years (71%), and journal articles were the most heavily cited publication type (n=65,760, 87%). Citation analysis revealed 26 journal titles in Zone 1, 177 journal titles in Zone 2, and the remaining were scattered across 3,886 titles. Analysis of a national journal revealed Zone 1 comprised 9 titles. Comparison of the 2 sets revealed that Zone 1 titles overlapped, with the exception of 2 titles that were geographically focused in the national title.


Hospital pharmacy literature draws heavily from its own discipline-specific sources but equally from core general and specialty medical journals. Indexing of cited journals is complete in PubMed and EMBASE but lacking in International Pharmaceutical Abstracts. Gray literature is a significant information source in the field.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to identify (1) core journals in the literature of physical therapy, (2) currency of references cited in that literature, and (3) online databases providing the highest coverage rate of core journals.


Data for each cited reference in each article of four source journals for three years were recorded, including type of literature, year of publication, and journal title. The journal titles were ranked in descending order according to the frequency of citations and divided into three zones using Bradford''s Law of Scattering. Four databases were analyzed for coverage rates of articles published in the Zone 1 and Zone 2 journals in 2007.


Journal articles were the most frequently cited type of literature, with sixteen journals supplying one-third of the cited journal references. Physical Therapy was the most commonly cited title. There were more cited articles published from 2000 to 2007 than in any previous full decade. Of the databases analyzed, CINAHL provided the highest coverage rate for Zone 1 2007 publications.


Results were similar to a previous study, except for changes in the order of Zone 1 journals. Results can help physical therapists and librarians determine important journals in this discipline.


  • More cited references were published in the last eight years studied than in any previous full decade.
  • Physical Therapy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (APMR), and Spine were the most frequently cited titles. Previous studies found APMR to be the most cited journal.
  • CINAHL provided the highest coverage rate for the most commonly cited titles, with MEDLINE and EMBASE providing the best coverage for the next group of titles.


  • Health sciences librarians and clinicians can use these results to identify important journals for developing collections and determining the need for access to back issues of journals.
  • Multiple databases are needed for comprehensive coverage of the physical therapy discipline


  • Health sciences librarians and clinicians can use these results to identify important journals for developing collections and determining the need for access to back issues of journals.
  • Multiple databases are needed for comprehensive coverage of the physical therapy discipline

The references cited in scientific articles are as important as any other part of the paper, because of their usefulness to the scientific community and to abstracting and indexing services and citation databases. I studied inaccuracies in references and in‐text citations in sample of 97 of the 519 peer‐reviewed journals accredited by the Iranian National Commission for Journal Accreditation Policy (Ministry of Research, Science and Technology). The target journals published 2,980 articles with 74,577 cited references and 108,151 in‐text citations. The results showed 36.6% as the average percentage error rate (range 5.6% to 61.3%). The mean number of errors in cited reference and in‐text citations was 2.7 per article, and the mean number of errors per journal was 690. For the entire sample of articles, 4,369 in‐text citations did not match any source in the list of references (4%), and 8,683 cited references did not match any in‐text citation (11.6%). The stakeholders in scholarly communication, especially authors, pay insufficient attention to the accuracy of bibliographic references. Peer‐reviewed journals should encourage the use of standardized journal policies and quality‐control measures regarding peer review, data quality and accuracy.  相似文献   

在开放存取蓬勃发展和高校图书馆馆藏电子化的大趋势下,高校图书馆的文献保障工作如何适应新的趋势,需要深入研究。本文以武汉大学2013年被SCIE、SSCI和A&HCI所收录文章的期刊类参考文献为研究样本,采用一种针对期刊类参考文献的以年为单位的引文检查方法,匹配世界主要开放存取期刊目录以及武汉大学图书馆馆藏电子和印本期刊目录,研究当前这三类期刊对样本参考文献及来源期刊的收藏和缺藏情况。以此探讨三类期刊在高校图书馆文献资源保障中的特征与趋势,以及开放存取期刊对馆藏资源建设的影响,为高校图书馆进一步优化期刊馆藏体系和提高文献保障率提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to identify and assess indexing coverage of core journals in cytotechnology. It was part of a larger project sponsored by the Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section of the Medical Library Association to map the literature of allied health. Three representative journals in cytotechnology were selected and subjected to citation analysis to determine what journals, other publication types, and years were cited and how often. Bradford's Law of Scattering was applied to the resulting list of cited journals to identify core titles in the discipline, and five indexes were searched to assess coverage of these core titles. Results indicated that the cytotechnology journal literature had a small core but wide dispersion: one third of the 21,021 journal citations appeared in only 3 titles; another third appeared in an additional 26 titles; the remaining third were scattered in 1,069 different titles. Science Citation Index Expanded rated highest in indexing coverage of the core titles, followed by MEDLINE, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, HealthSTAR, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). The study's results also showed that journals were the predominantly cited format and that citing authors relied strongly on more recent literature.  相似文献   

莫愚  王旭  谢秋红  贾津津  程林 《编辑学报》2015,27(4):405-408
通过Web of Science数据库的“被引参考文献检索”途径,将中华医学会123种非SCI期刊作为国内大量的非SCI科技期刊的代表,统计其刊载文献被SCI期刊引用的情况;以被引文献数量大于50篇作为高影响力期刊的筛选条件,分析其中高影响力期刊的被引文献数量、单篇被引文献最高引用频次、施引文献数量、施引文献最高被引频次以及施引文献的国家地区分布、出版年份分布,从而了解这些非SCI科技期刊的国际影响力.基于这一分析,认为SCI期刊并非是获得同行认可的唯一途径,国内大量的非SCI科技期刊应走“立足国内,面向世界”的发展道路,以踏实做专业领域内有影响力的期刊为目标;同时呼吁国家有关部门能对现行科研评价指标进行调整,鼓励质量上乘的稿件能选择具有影响力的国内期刊发表.  相似文献   

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