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论新形势下图书情报专业人员的科研素质及其培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论新形势下图书情报专业人员的科研素质及其培养.王桂芳(辽宁省科技情报所)图书情报专业人员是指掌握一定的图书情报知识并具有一定的从事图书情报业务工作技能的人。图书情报专业人员,是分有层次的,一般的区分标准是专业技术职务。各个不同的专业技术职务,对专业人...  相似文献   

论文以英美国家为研究对象,以网络访问的方式调研美国图书馆协会和英国图书情报专业人员协会认证的LIS硕士课程,分析两者核心竞争力、核心课程及基本要求之差异,最后为我国图书情报学教育提出一些建议和对策,希望为我国图书情报教育提供一些参考,为我国图书馆员了解国外图书馆员应掌握的知识和技术提供一些借鉴,有助于图书情报事业的国际交流与合作.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查和网络、文献调查,探明了竞争情报人才应该具备的核心能力是信息沟通能力、信息搜集能力和信息分析能力,并将北京城市学院竞争情报方向学生的培养方向定位为竞争情报搜集人员。在此基础上,根据学院本科专业的教学特点,提出了竞争情报人才培养的专业知识模块体系,主要包括6个方面:基础知识、信息技术、管理知识、信息沟通表达、信息搜集整理和信息分析。并根据知识模块体系,系统地设计了竞争情报专业的教学和实践环节的课程设置。  相似文献   

安徽省高校图书情报工作委员会作为图书资料与情报管理专业技术人员继续教育培训基地,为进一步提高我省图书专业人员的基础理论知识和技能,为他们评定职称创造条件,将于2011年3月14-20日在安徽大学逸夫图书馆举办图书资料专业初、中级技术职称资格考试辅导班。  相似文献   

图书情报学视野下的知识管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章统计了1998-2009年中外图书情报学领域核心期刊(杂志)刊载的知识管理方面的研究论文,从论文的数量和研究主题两方面总结了学者对知识管理的关注与探索.作者重点评析了知识管理概念、知识管理与图书情报学的交融、知识管理的内容研究以及图书情报专业人员在知识管理实践中可能发挥的作用等方面的研究主题.  相似文献   

论知识管理与图书情报教育改革   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
文章分析了知识管理对图书情报业务的影响及新环境下图书情报工作人员的职业定位,重点介绍了国外图书情报教育机构对知识管理的反应及引进,并在此基础上提出了知识管理视角的图书情报教育机构改革思路。  相似文献   

法国的图书情报学教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对法国图书情报专业学会、专业人员资格的介绍,特别是课程教育的介绍,总结出法国在图书情报学教育领域的特色。  相似文献   

图书情报学毕业生的职业竞争力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从大众化教育带来的就业压力、用人单位对毕业生的素质要求以及图书情报学教育的现状入手,探讨影响图书情报学毕业生职业竞争力的原因。针对图书情报专业面临的各种挑战,分析图书情报职业人员应具备的核心知识和技能,指出图书情报专业教育应进行改革,承担更多的责任,并提出图书情报学毕业生职业竞争力培养的具体建议。  相似文献   

根据安徽省文化厅、人事厅皖文职改[2002]266号文件(《安徽省图书资料专业技术资格考试暂行规定》)要求,作为安徽省图书资料与情报管理专业技术人员省级继续教育培训基地,为进一步提高我省图书专业人员的基础理论知识和技能,  相似文献   

论陕西省图书信息人才的培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陕西省图书情报教学院系及时调整专业教学目标、教学内容、课程设置和教学人员知识结构 ,重视应用型、复合型人才的培养。图书信息学专业教育今后的两大发展趋势是模块化教学和图书档案整合。参考文献 9。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing interest taken in knowledge management (KM) by a wide range of practitioners as well as the library and information science (LIS) community, knowledge management is not systematically applied in libraries. Due to the complexity of knowledge, as well as the multifaceted nature of knowledge management, there is no consensus among LIS professionals regarding its relation to information management. In this context, the current study aims at exploring how library employees perceive knowledge management, as well as which KM tools and techniques are adopted by academic libraries. The results indicate that although practitioners are aware of knowledge management and appreciative of its benefits not only for library performance but also for LIS professionals' future career options, there is a lack of clarity on fundamental KM issues. Finally, academic libraries take steps towards capturing the knowledge of their users and internal explicit knowledge; however, social practices such as communities of practice, which facilitate tacit knowledge and expertise sharing, are not adopted.  相似文献   

This article presents results from a survey designed to assess the relevance of library and information science (LIS) expertise—here defined as those topics typically, but not exclusively, taught in LIS programs—for museum professionals. The topics covered in this article are information representation, information organization and access, information management, computer technologies, digitization technologies, interactive technologies, information policy, evaluation methods, and collaboration initiatives. An online survey assessed the degree to which museum professionals possess skills in these topics, perform work in these topics, and consider these topics important for future study. The article examines the relative value of each topic for museum professionals and discusses the importance of strengthening relationships between LIS and museum studies by better understanding the relevance of LIS expertise in museums.  相似文献   

知识管理态势下的图书情报学变革与发展   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
介绍知识管理的各种概念,从研究对象、研究重点、处理方式、组织地位、所起作用等5个方面对图书情报学和知识管理两者之间的差异进行比较;从研究对象、研究内容、研究方法、技术研究4个方面分析知识管理给图书情报学带来的变革;运用SWOT分析方法对图书情报学的学科竞争力进行评估,探讨知识管理态势下图书情报学的发展策略,并从学科建设和人才培养两个方面提出相应的学科发展建议。  相似文献   


Although the field of crisis management has grown considerably, academic curricula do not seem to have kept pace. This study investigates how library and information science (LIS) programs are addressing the need to provide adequate and relevant crisis management course content, so as to better empower librarians and other information professionals during community-based disasters and unpredictable circumstances. Twenty-eight ALA-accredited MLIS programs were evaluated. A four-phase model for evaluating crisis management content in LIS education (CM-LIS) has been developed. Crisis management topics were identified and categorized under the four phases: landscape survey, strategic planning, crisis management, and organizational learning. Six broad LIS subject modules were also identified to analyze the percentage of coverage of these topics. In the 264 course syllabi evaluated, curricula indirectly prepare librarians on how to meet and respond to crises and disasters within their communities; however, in many cases, this is given low priority. There is not a strong consideration for natural disasters and the societal calamities and unrest that dominate the media and occupy the minds of individual communities. This study gives insight into crisis-management education within LIS graduate degrees and should stimulate additional research to further investigate the preparedness of librarians and other information professionals to interact with communities in need in times of crises.  相似文献   

评述了国内现有的关于图书馆学、情报学、信息科学、信息管理学等学科关系的几种代表性观点,结合图书馆学、情报学、信息管理学等学科发展的实践,分析了各学科之间的关系,并对本科、研究生专业设置和课程体系提出了建议。  相似文献   

何南洋  金毅 《图书情报工作》2010,54(22):115-120
从国外图书情报学数据库(EBSCO LISTA)中提取知识管理领域的高频关键词,采用SPSS软件,通过因子分析、聚类分析和多维尺度分析方法进行可视化分析,绘制出知识管理的知识地图和战略坐标图,并将国外图书情报学领域中知识管理研究划分为5个主要的方面:知识管理的基本技术和理论,企业组织应用,共享与创新,知识服务、组织与检索,信息素养,并阐述和分析国外图情领域知识管理研究的现状和热点。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着信息技术的高速发展,学科之间的交叉融合趋势越来越明显,探索学科间知识交流活动,明确学科结构,对其学科发展具有重要意义。以图书情报学科为例,观察其知识的流入与输出情况,包括知识从哪个学科哪些方面流入以及输出到哪些学科哪些方面。[方法/过程]选择图书情报领域12种核心期刊作为数据来源,以CNKI的学科分类为标准进行学科划分,使用可视化软件工具Gephi,从参考和引证两个角度探讨图书情报学科与其他学科间的交叉融合情况。[结果/结论]图书情报学科与计算机科学、基础科学综合、经济管理等学科联系紧密,学科结构趋于稳定;图书情报学科的参考总量远远小于被引总量;自引率呈逐年下降趋势,和外部学科交流频繁。  相似文献   

健康信息学是实践性很强的交叉学科。随着大数据技术及数字医疗产业的快速发展,加强健康信息学教育,培养具有大数据知识与技术应用能力的健康信息学队伍,是“健康中国”时代和国家战略发展的必然需求。文章通过网络调研和内容分析法,以7所经过美国图书馆协会(ALA)认证的美国图书情报学院(LIS学院)为研究样本,讨论大数据时代健康信息学(Health Informatics,HI)教育在大数据相关课程方面的开设特点;分析加入iSchools联盟的中国6所LIS学院健康信息学教育状况,并与美国7所LIS学院进行比较,对我国开展包含一定数量大数据相关课程的健康信息学教育提出建议。  相似文献   

Wde assault is an important social problem that needs to be addressed by librarians and library and information science (LIS) re:;earchers concerned with the way in which battered women search for information. This paper reports on two studies in which the social1 service network is viewed as a type of information system and which question the effectiveness of community responses to the information needs of battered women. The results of these studies suggest several ways in which LIS professionals can better assist three client groups: individual battered women, social service providers, and public policy or decision makers.  相似文献   

Given the explosive growth of digital collections and the digital transformation of services in libraries, the need for management education in library and information science programs has grown. However, I contend in this article that confusion abounds like the “Tower of Babel” for LIS programs to accomplish this goal. A one size fits all approach does not work. Instead, management theory and principles need to be LIS-centric in accord with present day needs and conceptions. Management education also needs to be linked with scientific rigor to practice to meet the needs and expectations of LIS students. Rather than delivering management education that speaks the language of business, the content needs to resonate with the conditions for managing in the LIS context and to be supportive of the values of the LIS field. The article provides examples from research on management and innovation in libraries and other information-rich contexts. It also illustrates the types of issues that management education in LIS programs should address to deepen our understanding of the essential principles needed to manage information and knowledge.  相似文献   

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