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随着医学科学技术的飞速发展和人民群众健康保健意识的不断提高,医学科技新闻越来越成为各种媒体的"宠儿"。笔者就多年医学科技新闻的采写谈点体会。 医学科技新闻应该"沉下去",更多地关注与群众密切相关的问题,在确定选题、构思报道思路时,应把目光对准寻常百姓关注的  相似文献   

医学科普是整个科学普及工作中重要一环。医学科普报刊是以内容通俗,形式生动,及时向公众传播医学科学的媒体。改革开放20年来,全国医学科普报刊从无到有,从小到大,目前已有百余家。如何进一步办好医学科普报?首先要加强医学社会新闻的报道。医学社会新闻贴近公众...  相似文献   

李法宝 《编辑学报》2013,25(5):426-428
新闻敏感是人们发现和判断具有新闻价值的事实的能力。本文分析医学科普期刊强化新闻敏感的必要性,并探讨医学科普期刊如何提高新闻敏感性。  相似文献   

胡泳 《中国广播》2014,(10):104-104
在宗教强盛、科学幼弱的时代,人们把魔法信为医学;在科学强盛、宗教衰弱的今天,人们把医学误当作魔法。客观真实地报道新闻,特别是医学事件,不因为误会和误导夸大医学的“魔力”,则是媒体人的操守。  相似文献   

李跃军 《新闻前哨》2000,(12):36-37
医学科技新闻是科技新闻的一个分支,它的任务是传播医药卫生科技方面的新信息、新技术、新成就、新风貌等。由于其报道自身、客体及受众的特性,采编人员应牢固树立新闻意识,把握以下原则,以增强医学科技新闻的可读性、新颖性、知识性。一、坚持公正的科学态度,报道事实准确、实事求是。科学性是医学科技新闻的灵魂,它要求选题必须在科学上具有重要价值;报道内容要具有科学上的准确性,符合科学原理;写之前要分析是真科学,还是伪科学,如心灵感应、伪气功、思维传递等内容一般不宜公开报道。凡是直接用于人体的新疗法、新技术、新药…  相似文献   

张如梅 《传媒》2000,(4):31-32
医学科普刊物是否可以刊载社会新闻,迄今尚有争议。本人仅就这个问题作些探讨,愿得到同行的指正。 一、从医学模式的转变看社会新闻在医学科普刊物中的地位 伴随着人类社会的发展和科  相似文献   

医学科技新闻的腐败问题持续发酵,成为不少媒体和公众关注的焦点。新闻媒体肩负舆论监督的神圣职责,被社会寄予厚望,也是民主政治中几种监督的重要一种,而频频曝出的媒体自身的负面新闻,不仅严重损害了监督的公信力,而且已经逐渐蜕变成为医学科技新闻的"腐败"。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,改革的深入,新闻语体正打破“朴实性”、“模式性”的羁绊,向立体化、散文化的方向发展。而医学术语的深入和渗透使新闻用语更是锦上添花,增添了神奇的语言色彩。创造出崭新的艺术氛围,产生了色彩美、幽默美、形象美的修辞效果。一、医学术语在新闻语体中的表现形式医学术语作为一种信息载体,大量渗透在新闻报道中,使文章意趣盎然,别致新颖,韵味无穷,增添了新闻的价值观,获得了更广泛的读者群。笔者有幸读到《企业研究》1988年第二期上的一篇调查报道文章,现全文摘要如下(黑体字系医学术语,括号内系原文内容摘要)。  相似文献   

李伟 《新闻前哨》2014,(2):54-54,58
医学术语是医学科学技术基本用语的组成部分,伴随媒体的传播,医学术语逐渐进入公众话语领域。在新闻媒体开辟的健康频道、保健栏目中.医学术语的渗透使新闻用语锦上添花.产生幽默、形象的修辞效果。不过,  相似文献   

医学科技新闻写作的三个结合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多年采写医学科技新闻的体会,笔者认为采写医学科技新闻必须做到专业性与新闻性结合、准确性与通俗性结合、微观性与宏观性结合.  相似文献   

News changes constantly. That change and the abundance of Web-based news resources available complicate finding the news. This paper reviews sixteen different online news sources for their coverage of recent health and medical issues; both general-interest and medical news sites are included. Three health-related news stories were searched in all resources within set time-frames to provide a comparison of coverage. Features and types of resources are described. The use of RSS feeds and weblogs to find news is also discussed with suggestions for using news aggregators to control the flow of information.  相似文献   

The world of medical advancements is moving at a record pace. New drug approvals, important discoveries, and the explosion of consumer information on the Web have prompted health professionals with the need to keep current with the latest news stories in order to satisfy patient questions. The medical librarian who keeps up with the latest medical news is a valuable resource for all health professionals. The following is a compilation of sites for medical news available on the Web. The sites are limited to those that do not charge a fee and that direct the user immediately to top health stories, as opposed to requiring the use of a search feature. This list is not exhaustive; rather, it represents some of the more common news sources.  相似文献   

我国医学期刊消息栏目存在问题浅析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
汪谋岳 《编辑学报》2001,13(2):86-87
抽查了1999年出版的14种国内医学期刊消息目的有关情况,发现1种期刊无消息栏目,13种有消息栏目的期刊111期共刊登316条消息,其中41.1%为征文通知,21.9%为征订通知,8.2%为出版信息,7.6%为学习班通知,6.0%为会讯,其他占15.2%,这表明国内许我医学期刊的消息栏目存在内容局限等问题,有待改进,对办好消息栏提出了建议。  相似文献   

美英著名医学期刊的新闻政策及其对医学信息传播的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晶  何煜  钟紫红  孔朝霞 《编辑学报》2011,23(3):277-279
美英著名医学期刊大多制定了新闻政策,其本质是建立在新闻封锁基础上的新闻发布,其中新闻封锁对作者和大众媒体均具有一定的限制性要求,新闻封锁在特定情况下也可解除。美英著名医学期刊的新闻政策在医学信息传播中可能具有正负2方面的作用,但在其不断完善的过程中负面作用的影响将越来越小。  相似文献   

顾艳  崔金贵  郭欣  李政萍  徐云峰 《编辑学报》2019,31(2):152-155, 158
科学普及是科技期刊重要的社会功能。公众科学素养的提升、信息需求的不断增长以及传播渠道的日益畅达,为科技期刊大众传播创造了有利条件。学术论文改写为科学新闻,有利于科研成果的推广及转化、期刊学术影响力的扩大及公众科学素养的提升。以一篇医学论文为例,探讨科学新闻素材及体裁的选择方法,并从新闻标题、新闻导语、新闻主体、新闻背景和新闻结语5个方面阐述如何将原论文改写为科学新闻,讨论了科学新闻的发布平台及传播效果。  相似文献   

中文医学期刊网站中发布专业网络新闻的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外已有许多医学专业的新闻网站,查找医学网络新闻非常方便,但国内还很难在网站中找到医学专业网络新闻.可在已创建的独立医学期刊网站中发布医学网络新闻,医学网络新闻中的原创新闻可由编辑撰写或作者提供,复制新闻可由编辑部人员从网络信息中收集,或者链接其他新闻网站.  相似文献   

Many publishers of medical journals actively court coverage by the news media. However, the extent and effect of these practices are poorly understood. After reviewing prior literature regarding the impact of news coverage on the citation rate of journal articles, this paper seeks to measure the extent to which medical journals with clinical significance use public relations practices to encourage news coverage of their articles, and the success that those practices had in increasing coverage by newspapers. Editors of 120 medical journals published worldwide with clinical relevance were surveyed; the response rate was 54%. Eighty per cent of respondents reported that their journal offered journalists at least one of press releases, access to full‐text articles, or press conferences. Editors whose journals used the practices in conjunction with an embargo reported higher‐quality news coverage than editors of journals that did not, but editors and journalists held differing views about the justifications for the specific practice known as an embargo.  相似文献   

应增强综合性医学学术期刊的新闻属性   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
高健  陈新石  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2009,21(2):99-101
根据办刊体会,结合国际主流学术期刊的经验,提出拓展新闻属性是保证综合性医学期刊可持续性发展的重要一环的观点。阐述学术期刊新闻属性的内涵及其与大众媒体新闻性的区别;分析增强综合性医学学术期刊新闻属性迫在眉睫的原因;阐述增强新闻性的措施与方法,以期为同人践行学术期刊新闻性提供更多经验。  相似文献   

Background: Health authorities, hospitals, commercial enterprises, and mass media all deliver health and medical communication in different forms. With such a vast amount of biomedical and clinical information available, any action to ensure the spread of clinically relevant news items is welcome. Objectives: This paper tries to define a new role for health science librarians in improving medical communication and reporting. Methods: Literature relating to the health and medical reporting is analysed to identify major difficulties encountered by health communicators. Results: There are two areas where health science librarians can develop new roles in health communication: (i) supporting journalists and health communicators in selecting sources and understanding scientific papers, and (ii) directly translating scientific information into news items, supplying a list of products in this direction (i.e. targeted newsletters, media releases, news items). New skills and competencies needed to cope with the new roles are described in detail in a suggested academic curriculum for health communicators. Conclusions: A better understanding of the mass media's needs can provide much needed support in the field of health communication.  相似文献   

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