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问答社区是一种全新的参考咨询服务模式。文章通过其与图书馆参考咨询服务在服务模式、用户对象、咨询内容以及用人政策的比较分析,提出图书馆参考咨询服务应组建以咨询馆员为主体的专家团队、开展用户对参考咨询的评价、建立辅助性质的论坛服务等,以激发咨询馆员的工作热情与工作效能。  相似文献   

互动式知识问答分享平台对虚拟参考咨询服务的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,三大基于搜索的互动式知识问答分享平台主要有百度知道、新浪爱问知识人和雅虎知识堂.与图书馆虚拟参考咨询服务相比,三大平台在问答模式、知识公开性、系统功能、激励制度、后台专家等方面具有极大的优越性.因此,图书馆虚拟参考咨询服务必须借鉴知识问答分享平台的运作模式和服务机制,改进问答模式,引入互动机制,实施激励措施,优化检索功能,形成联合参考咨询的规模效应,从而促进虚拟参考咨询的创新与可持续发展.  相似文献   

通过调研美国著名Q&A网站WikiAnswers,综合分析网站的问题类目组织、问答组织与管理模式,总结其服务特色;并以广东省立中山图书馆联合参考咨询与文献传递网为例,从图书馆网站FAQ的改进、网络参考咨询服务的社会化以及图书馆网络参考咨询服务的拓展三方面展开,根据WikiAnswers的服务特点提出图书馆提升网络参考咨询服务质量的建议,并就如何实现参考咨询社会化及拓展图书馆的网络参考咨询服务提出见解.  相似文献   

中英文网络问答社区比较研究与评价实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对Web2.0环境下12个典型的中英文网络互动问答社区的基本信息、交互性、个性化服务等方面进行比较研究,并通过一个问答实验按照三个领域4类问题,对其回答问题的质量与效率等方面进行评价。研究结果对网络问答社区的进一步完善与发展提出建议。  相似文献   

数字参考咨询馆员作为知识导航员主要具有六大角色内涵:知识提供、知识中介、知识教员、知识组织、知识创建与出版、知识交流与推动。图书馆为读者提供主动性的数字参考咨询服务,包括提供主动定题服务和学科的信息内参或快讯,建立学科博客和信息咨询部微博。数字网络环境下参考咨询服务的创新包括:提供知识创新型参考咨询服务;借鉴Human Library模式、Second Life图书馆模式;借鉴先进的虚拟参考咨询系统,好的创新学科服务模式和基于搜索的知识问答分享平台模式。  相似文献   

复旦大学虚拟参考咨询系统探索与建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着读者对网络文献需求的日益迫切,虚拟参考咨询服务应运而生。复旦大学图书馆利用网络为读者提供常见问题回答、读者留言板、BBS等多种咨询服务,为虚拟参考咨询系统(VRS)建设提供有关的研究和服务基础。图书馆虚拟参考咨询系统主要包括:电子邮件咨询、实时在线咨询、学习资源中心等功能和栏目。该系统采用Chat技术和页面推送等技术;电子邮件咨询和实时在线咨询的有效内容被转入数据库,为开发智能化检索和知识库提供基础。知识库涉及一系列规则与标准,诸如元数据标引规则、服务标准以及咨询质量控制标准等,只有建立规则,才能提供优质的虚拟参考咨询服务。  相似文献   

网上参考咨询借助网络解答用户的问题,服务方式主要有BBS、FAQ、电话咨询、E-m ail咨询、表单咨询、实时咨询等。四川省高校图书馆中提供BBS咨询方式的数量最多,其次是FAQ服务,近一年开展实时咨询服务的图书馆数量增加迅速。四川省高校图书馆网上参考咨询服务的问题与对策主要有:FAQ加强分类浏览与检索功能;BBS借鉴维基百科,加强规范;利用嵌入式技术提高实时咨询的便捷;利用RSS主动提供信息服务;加强合作,建设联合虚拟参考咨询网。  相似文献   

本文采用网络调查、文献调研、访谈等方法,从规模状况、服务政策、咨询方式、咨询内容、咨询管理等方面对我国11家图书馆联盟合作式数字参考咨询服务现状进行调查与分析,针对存在的问题,提出以下促进合作式数字参考咨询服务发展的措施:强化图书馆联盟间合作,实现均衡发展;借鉴国内外成功经验,完善服务政策;丰富咨询方式,扩大用户选择途径;拓展咨询内容,开展智库与科学数据服务;加强人性化管理、用户管理和咨询馆员队伍建设,提升参考咨询服务水平。  相似文献   

在网络环境下,高校图书馆提供参考咨询的手段和方式更加方便灵活,读者或用户参考咨询的内容和要求也更加多样化。为适应这种需求,图书馆在参考咨询的平台上要更好地利用好网络环境,开发参考咨询网站,同时借助一些软件技术手段,主要从信息素养教育、知识管理、信息整合、知识服务、在线问答等模式,积极主动地开展信息参考咨询服务,不断提高服务效果。  相似文献   

1998-2003年我国图书馆网络参考咨询服务研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以CNKI中国学术期刊网检索系统为对象,对1998—2003年以来有关网络、数字(虚拟)参考咨询工作研究论文为主题内容进行了数据统计,并从开展网络参考咨询服务的必要性、传统参考咨询与网络环境参考咨询工作比较、网络咨询服务的内容与服务方式、咨询馆员的角色与素质要求以及国外研究等方面做了客观的分析研究。  相似文献   


In this article Jenkins and Beall, librarians at Auburn University, have identified free Web sites for providing answers to business reference questions most frequently asked in academic libraries. The authors determined these questions by polling other business librarians, researching the topic on the Internet and in business literature, and drawing upon their business reference backgrounds. Web sites were selected by searching the Internet extensively, querying other business librarians and business faculty, combing numerous business academic library Web pages, and experience by the authors in answering business reference questions via the Web. The researchers sought answers and noted productive sites for each question. Jenkins and Beall expect this article will help other librarians determine the most useful Internet sites for answering business reference questions. They also hope this research will provide guidelines for librarians in developing solid lists of essential Web sites for business researchers.  相似文献   

Social reference: Toward a unifying theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article addresses the need for a theoretical approach to reference research and specifically concentrates on a lacuna in conceptual research on social reference. Social reference refers to online question answering services that are provided by communities of volunteers on question and answer (Q&A) sites. Social reference is similar to library reference, but at the same time, it differs significantly from the traditional (and digital) dyadic reference encounter; it involves a collaborative group effort and uses wikis and other Web 2.0 infrastructure. This article proposes a sociotechnical framework to analyze, evaluate, and understand social reference that relies on a systems approach to the reference encounter, combined with an input–process–output (IPO) approach to virtual group work. The framework also accounts for the collaborative process of question answering and the interplay between technology and users in their contexts.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(74):91-101

Among the many ways the World Wide Web has changed libraries are the additional tools gained by librarians and library users for answering reference questions. In addition to the growing number of licensed resources providing the full text of articles from newspapers, magazines, academic journals, and reference works are the millions of free Web sites offering an incredible variety of information about everything. Locating the most useful of these sites and organizing them into categories on library Web sites can be enormously beneficial both to patrons and libraries. After deciding to make their sites reference portals, librarians must make a number of important decisions.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of Chinese e-government, Chinese citizens are encouraged to access e-government services as their convenience. However, the accessibility of Chinese e-government Web sites has been overlooked. This research study tries to provide an overview of the accessibility of Chinese local government Web sites. Three hundred twenty-four Chinese local government Web sites were examined to find out how accessible they are with reference to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG) published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This research found that all the surveyed Chinese e-government Web sites failed one or more W3C's accessibility measures and thus many disabled Chinese people may have substantial problems to access them. Several valuable recommendations are made based on the research findings and the China's actual conditions.  相似文献   

Core lists of recommended resources have long been used as selection tools for collection development in hospital libraries. However, hospital librarians now rely on the Internet for access to up-to-date information to supplement materials available within their libraries. Many libraries now either maintain a library Web page or provide input for their institution's Web page. The difficulty is determining what sites to include on their page. This article is a basic guide to recommended links for hospital libraries. It is intended as a starting place for hospital librarians who wish to create (or add to) a Web page of good links to be used for answering reference questions, or as a list for library users. The list is available as a link from the Sharp Health Science Library Web page where it will be updated at least annually. Links will be checked on a regular basis.  相似文献   

As agencies increasingly provide services via the Internet and government documents migrate to online agency Web sites, government service providers face a growing problem of how manage high volumes of public questions sent to government Web sites by e-mail. This article focuses on the increasing public demand for digital reference services.  相似文献   

论网站信息咨询服务模式   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目前,对于网站信息咨询概念的认识尚不统一。网站信息咨询的主要模式有:基于资源重组的知识化信息服务,依托应用系统的智能化服务,基于用户需求的个性化服务,基于实时联动的交互式咨询服务等等。网站咨询服务具有快捷方便、超越时空、动态发布、资源共享、智能管理、安全可靠、实时交互、服务主动等优点。其存在的问题主要表现于思想认识、经费投入和技术、法规保证方面。参考文献8。  相似文献   

This article contains the results of an empirical analysis and review of 199 American Bar Association-accredited law school library Web pages to identify the law library services for faculty that are advertised or promoted on law library Web sites. The analysis ranked the Web sites based on how thoroughly a law library communicates, or promotes on its Web site, the services it offers to faculty. The analysis also identified the percentage of law libraries advertising specific services for faculty, such as those related to library staffing, publishing support, teaching support, and research services. Suggestions are included for the promotion of the law library to faculty, including services some libraries are uniquely offering.  相似文献   

基于Web的信息服务效果的优化研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在因特网上寻找信息费时费力。基于Web的信息推送技术可以帮助图书馆开展主动信息服务。基于Web站点的信息服务效果的优化是一个系统工程 ,通过信息的收集、整理等过程 ,使信息系统处于优化状态 ,改善服务效果。参考文献 15。  相似文献   

图书馆虽然是非盈利的公益机构,但是侵权纠纷案件时有发生,影响了图书馆服务的社会效益。论文针对参考咨询工作中遇到的知识产权问题,结合首都图书馆参考咨询工作的具体实践,介绍了一些典型的咨询案例,总结了网络表单咨询服务、文献检索服务、文献传递服务、专题咨询服务、知识服务和用户培训服务中规避侵权风险的经验和对策。  相似文献   

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