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于化东 《编辑学报》2021,33(1):86-89
近年来,国家非常重视科技期刊发展,尤其英文科技期刊国际影响力的提升.但是,目前我国科技期刊发展水平与国际期刊强国相比,差距较大.如何促进科技期刊国际化发展?稿源质量是期刊发展的生命线,同行评审是稿源质量的守护神.国内专家审稿存在诸多弊端,面向国际发展的英文科技期刊选择国际化审稿是必由之路.创建国际化审稿人专家库是每个英文科技期刊的必要选择.本文以《数学研究及应用》期刊为例,探索英文数学期刊创建国际审稿人专家库的必要性,以及如何建立和管理审稿人专家库,为国内期刊走向国际,早日成为国际一流科技期刊贡献绵薄之力.  相似文献   

高校学报开放办刊思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学报,尤其是重点高校的学报,其社会影响力远不如学校本身。对其进行开放办刊的探讨由来已久,提法也多种多样,如联合办刊、集约经营及开放稿源等。联合办刊和集约经营需要多个高校协调实施,并非一校一刊所能实现;开放稿源也不能给所有高校学报带来质的变化。普通高校学报稿源短缺,开放稿源后相对可以弥补其缺陷。对重点高校学报而言,并不能解决根本问题:一则其稿源并不缺乏,尤其是已经进入国际检索系统的学报;二则由于高水平文章多流入影响力更大的专业期刊,校外来稿并不见得代表作者研究的最高水平。因此,开放稿源并不能扩大学报的学术…  相似文献   

英文期刊要国际化,要有国外来稿,也是提高英文期刊学术质量和影响力的关键.作者结合<国际肝胆胰疾病杂志>(英文版)近几年增强国外组稿的体会,提出拓展国际稿源,提高国外论文比的一些举措.  相似文献   

鲍芳  冉强辉  张慧  高伟 《编辑学报》2014,26(4):380-382
《运动与健康科学》(英文版)创刊仅1年半,即被SCI和SSCI同时收录,成为我国第一种被SCI/SSCI收录的体育学术期刊。文章总结创刊初期取得成功的要素和实际操作经验,主要包括定位准确、及时填补学科领域空白,充分利用主办单位的学科和科研优势,组建高效运作的国际化编委会,认真执行与国际出版集团合作、获取国际优质稿源、实现审稿流程国际化等国际学术期刊规范化办刊路线,以及打造专业、精干的编辑团队。提出未来发展的主要思路。  相似文献   

在国际新闻同质化泛滥的现状下,谁有特色,谁就能吸引读者眼球.地方媒体如何才能摆脱国际报道稿源单一、缺乏特色的困境呢?  相似文献   

蒋巧媛 《编辑学报》2007,19(5):379-380
探讨科技学术期刊在市场经济大潮中如何实施精品战略.介绍《广西植物》的现状和发展,阐述它在改革办刊模式,拓宽稿源渠道;重视策划工作,加强选题组稿;优化整合稿源,强化学术质量;打造优势栏目,凸显刊物特色;执行国家标准,提高编辑质量等方面的做法和经验.  相似文献   

<中国药物依赖性杂志>拓宽稿源的几条措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵成正  刘彦红 《编辑学报》2001,13(5):297-298
介绍了《中国药物依赖性杂志》充分利用自身优势,将编辑与科研融为一体,开发稿源;参与各种活动,宣传刊物,争取稿源;为一线服务,开辟新稿源;提高刊物知名度,吸引高层投稿者等较有效的拓宽稿原的措施。  相似文献   

期刊稿源问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
李建安 《编辑学报》1995,7(4):189-193
目前我国期刊的稿源状况是稿源不足和稿源相对过剩并存,稿件数量和质量有下降趋势。稿件临界采用率对稿源具有调节作用,能够反映个体刊物的稿源特性及其量的变动规律。在分析稿源影响因子的基础上,提出了通过期刊内部挖潜,改善稿源状况的策略措施;并就与稿源有关的期刊布局等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

拓展稿源是高校学报学术强刊的关键   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨勇 《编辑学报》2009,21(3):245-246
学术质量是高校学报生存的基本问题,而稿源质量是学术质量的关键.针对某些高校学报质量不高的现状,讨论学术创新和刊物特色与学报质量的关系,结合学报优秀稿源流失的现象,提出开发稿源、发展学报的思路.出版实践证明,拓展优秀稿源是学术强刊的重要途径.  相似文献   

也谈我国科技期刊的国际化--兼与赵来时等同志商榷   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
葛赵青  赵大良  刘杨 《编辑学报》2004,16(6):457-458
从语言、稿源、管理体制和产业化经营等4个方面论述我国科技期刊的国际化问题.认为:作为国际化科技期刊,应当使用英语,中文期刊不符合国际化期刊的基本特征;稿源是关键,应当采取各种措施吸引世界各地的稿件;作为期刊国际化保障的管理体制,应当进行改革;产业化经营有利于我国科技期刊走向世界.  相似文献   

我国英文科技期刊不同发展时期的国际组稿定位与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丹 《编辑学报》2016,28(5):498-499
国际稿件数量和分布是衡量英文科技期刊学术内容国际化的显著指标,如何正确、有效地做好国际组稿工作对上述指标的提升具有决定性的作用.文章将我国英文科技期刊的国际化发展简要划分为起步期、发展期和稳定期3个不同阶段,分析不同阶段刊物的国际化发展特点,在此基础上探讨国际组稿工作的定位和基本策略.  相似文献   

《电子科技学刊》(英文版)的国际化实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康祝圣  王燕  谢暄 《编辑学报》2011,23(6):542-544
根据《电子科技学刊》(英文版)的办刊实践,论述流程语言国际化的意义和内容,探讨编委国际化和审稿国际化的有效途径,介绍稿源国际化的做法及成效。  相似文献   

Scholarly journals, especially in non‐English‐speaking countries, may perform very different functions depending on whether they are published for national or international audiences. Four hundred and sixty‐six academic physicians and non‐academic general practitioners in Croatia were surveyed on their knowledge about two Croatian medical journals: Lije?ni?ki vjesnik (published in Croatian) and Croatian Medical Journal (published in English). The physicians were also surveyed about the importance of all national and international journals published in Croatia, and the types of articles they thought should be published in these journals. More respondents rated national (n = 329, 72.6%) than international journals (n = 275, 63.5%, P < 0.001, Wilcoxon test) as very important for the medical profession. On the other hand, publishing in international journals was more often rated as important than publishing in national journals (n = 184, 42.5% vs. n = 125, 27.8%; P < 0.001, Wilcoxon test). Guidelines for clinical practice were rated as the most important publication item in national journals, and original scientific articles in international journals.  相似文献   

中国英文版科技期刊的出路:走向国际化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈柏福 《编辑学报》2011,23(3):236-237
走国际化发展之路,是中国英文版科技期刊的出路。从定位国际化、稿源国际化、审稿国际化、读者国际化及英文编辑素质培养等几个方面,探讨办好英文版期刊应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

医学期刊既有传播医学知识、交流科研成果、引导学术发展方向等功能,又有传承和构建人文精神,展现人文关怀的社会责任和义务.应在选题策划中自觉导入人文性原则,在来稿登记回复、审稿及退修、退稿信的撰写等环节上体现尊重、平等和公平正义等人文精神,并在编辑加工中强调期刊编辑的主体意识,保持期刊的风格和特色,在更高层次上体现期刊内在的人文素质.  相似文献   

蔡斐  李世秋  苏磊  李明敏 《编辑学报》2019,31(5):486-489
稿源是期刊的立足之本,而优质稿件则是一流期刊的必争之源。本文定义了一流期刊的特质,提出科技期刊应采取以下措施吸引优质稿件:弘扬家国情怀,培育忠实“粉丝”;建立具有执行力的编委会,聘用机制灵活;快速审稿,快速发表,争夺论文首发权。我们认为,在新时代,我国办刊人应该致力于提升期刊行业影响力,立足本土,面向世界,吸引优质稿件,提升学术质量,培育一流期刊。  相似文献   

Over the years, the number of journals indexed in Scopus has increased, although it varies significantly between countries. The increasing proportion of international journals of a country provides new venues for papers from that country to be seen by other researchers worldwide. In this work, we evaluate the relationship of a country’s scientific performance or publication success with both its journals’ quantity and quality. The specific objective of the study is to identify the relationship between the country’s publication success and the quantity and quality of those country’s journals indexed in Scopus during 2005–2014. The publication success of 102 individual countries, measured by their scientific productivity, impact and collaboration indicators, the quantity of country’s Scopus-indexed journals in 2014 (a total of 22,581 journals) as well as the quantity of its journals were investigated. Scopus-indexed journals are predominantly from Western Europe (48.9%) and North America (27.7%), with the United States and the United Kingdom dominate with a total 51%. The contribution from the peripheral countries is comparatively small, however there are a good number of contributions from the South-East Asian countries. Estonia is the fastest growing country in terms of having indexed journals in Scopus, following by Iran and Malaysia. Among the studied indices, it was found that publication success (total publications and total citations) of 102 countries are strongly correlated with quantity (number of indexed journals and number of documents published in indexed journals) and quality (citations per paper, SJR, h-index, CiteScore and SNIP) indicators of country’s journals. We can conclude that the scientific productivity of a country depend critically on the number of journals indexed from that country in citation databases. The study provides a context with which the relative success of publications can be assessed, yielding new insights into the scientific impact of individual countries and the performance of journals that they published.  相似文献   

立足于科技期刊传播能力的重要现实意义,对我国科技期刊在传播能力方面的不足进行分析,发现目前我国科技期刊在优质稿源获取、传播平台搭建方式、从业者素质以及内容建设等方面上存在问题。结合问题以及培育目标,从论文发表模式、精准传播体系、期刊品牌建设、搭建国际传播平台、提升期刊从业者专业性以及内容优化这6个方面提出相应的措施,以期提升科技期刊的传播能力。  相似文献   

This article considers China's English language journals (CELJs) and looks at two aspects of partnership with international publishers: the financial cost and their ability to deliver the quick success objectives of the journals. Success is defined as being indexed in international databases such as SCI (Science Citation Index) and Ei (Engineering Index) Compendex databases. Our research shows that 226 CELJs (57.8%) have an international publishing partnership with publishers such as Springer, Elsevier, and Wiley. A survey of 12 CELJs in Hubei Province, China, shows that 75% journals have financial pressures on the journal operation. The Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ( JRMGE ) is provided as an illustration of the operation costs of CELJs and to demonstrate the associated financial pressures. We conclude that although international partnership is an on‐going fashion at present in China, it has both benefits and limitations. We also propose that to reduce the financial pressure on CELJs, government funding should be differently apportioned, providing a better return on investment (ROI).  相似文献   

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