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陈坤宣布今年计划整容 陈坤在北京一高校举办的学生见面会上出人意料地宣布,他新年计划做整容手术。他坦承对自己外貌不是很满意,希望能变得“man”一点,“就像姜文的风格”。  相似文献   

《华尔街日报》(WSJ)【2007年11月13日报道】新闻集团董事长鲁珀特·默多克表示,他计划取消《华尔街日报》网站的订阅费,公司正在研究对网站实行免费的计划。他相信,此举将大大提高网站的访问人数及相关广告收入。他希望,免费订阅后,《华尔街日报》网站订户将从目前的100万至  相似文献   

<正>2009年8月,我们学校新来了一位党支部书记,他来自机关,原先没有做过基层书记。他碰到了第一个难题:新学期马上就要开始了,如何接手书记的工作?正当他犯愁的时候,突然间想到了学校的档案室。于是,他兴冲冲地来到档案室,想从这里寻求帮助。一进门,他就对档案员说:"我刚来,马上要制订党支部工作计划了,以前没有写过,可否借阅以前的计划参考一下?""行啊!"话音刚落,档案室工作人员立刻进入库房,不消多时,就把去年及前年的党支部  相似文献   

容闳作为沟通中美文化的先行者,最重要的历史贡献是促成幼童留美计划。独特的教育经历在他文化认同观念的建构过程中发挥着重要作用,也对他日后的教育改革实践产生了深远影响。对容闳的教育经历进行解读,能够帮助我们更好地理解他的文化认同观念和教育改革实践。  相似文献   

化名为“奥利安”的古巴特工何塞·费尔南德斯·布雷内斯在美国逗留3年之后,于今年6月12日回到古巴。7月2日,他在首都哈瓦那公开露面、举行记者招待会,宣布他曾打入到由美国政府出资主办的反共、反古宣传机构“马蒂电视台”,帮助挫败了该电视台的广播计划。布雷内斯现年52岁,身材瘦小、头发已开始转为灰白,因此相貌比实际年龄显得更老一些。谈起他在美国执行的秘密使命,他说,他是古巴情报部门的“一名资深特工、一名老革命”,破坏美国对古巴的宣传计划是为了保卫他的祖国。  相似文献   

1987年,张炜开始了系统的行走计划、工作计划。这使他更大地点燃了创作激情,开始了《你在高原》的呕心沥血、披肝沥胆的行程。  相似文献   

十多年前,大卫·艾博尼(David Abney)代表UPS第—次来到中国。他在飞机上俯视夜色中的上海,到处霓虹灯闪烁,恍如在拉斯韦加斯的上空飞行。两天之后,他去了北京,也看到了几乎同样的景象。政府官员们和他见面。向他展示了雄伟的计划。艾博尼意识到自己所见到的正是这个巨变的初期,“中国正要大展宏图”。这是他对中国的第一印象。  相似文献   

刘旭 《档案天地》2010,(2):22-25
伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生.早在1899年12月流亡国外时,就开始关心河北经济的发展。1912年9月。他先后到河北省张家口、石家庄、保定、唐山等地区视察经济发展状况。其发展河北经济的设想初步形成。1919年10月.在他制定的发展中国实业计划中.许多具体内容都涉及到河北经济发展计划。  相似文献   

威廉·富布赖特在美国可谓家喻户晓,在美国以外也有鼎鼎大名。他从1941年开始从政,当了30多年的国会议员,并且长期担任参议院外交委员会主席。他还是富布赖特教育交流计划的始作俑者。但他认为这不是他  相似文献   

在美国图书情报教育协会(ALISE)年度业务会议上,新任主席Ken Haycock构划了他关于ALISE的愿景和计划。他着重指出:通过共同的愿景和目标实现协会的巩固和发展,并以大会通过的计划为前进的基础。  相似文献   

Present day programs of computerized information retrieval overvalue the importance of retrieving "facts" without either attaching a scale of importance to the material with which they deal or ordering information in any way which corresponds to the order of human thought. The limitations of classification by subject heading become especially apparent when a body of information becomes, through new insight, pertinent to a new area of thought. That body of information thereby acquires new subject headings: thus one sees that the system of retrieval by subject heading can never serve to aid fundamental discovery. The dangers of the present approach lie in their devaluation of traditional methods. Critical reviews are devalued, personal knowledge of the literature is devalued, and a false impression is created that knowledge is the same thing as retrievable information. This diminishes respect for that sort of personal organization of knowledge which alone can serve creative insight.  相似文献   

试论注意力经济条件下的图书馆工作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
注意力经济是一种新理论,强调在信息社会里,最重要的是吸引人的注意力,谁获取了人们的注意力,谁就赢得了商机。把这一理论应用到图书馆工作中,是图书馆在激烈的竞争中求得生存和发展的新思路。  相似文献   

从对图书馆名称的语义分析入手,结合图书馆事业实践,将图书馆的本质解析为人类文明社会中大规模集成文献并提供知识服务的组织,并试析了组织意识、集成意识、知识服务意识和文明历史意识对图书馆理论和实践的历史发展的积极意义。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the activities of the Interstate Coordination Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICCSTI), which is aimed at coordination of the actions of states-participants of the CIS in the exchange of scientific and technical information, for the informational support of interstate scientific and technical cooperation. It examines the strategy and structure of information support of innovation processes as part of the innovative integration of the CIS, which is implemented together with the formation of an integrated information environment, as well as shaping the information infrastructure of the innovative integration of states-participants of the CIS based on the concept of scientific information to ensure programs and projects of states-participants of CIS in the sphere of innovations. We describe a distributed multilevel system of information support of innovation, which is designed for the integrated management of information resource sharing.  相似文献   

This article models media manipulation in which a sender or senders manipulate information through the media to influence receivers. This article shows that if there is only 1 sender who has a conditional preference for maintaining its credibility in reporting accurate information and if the receivers face a coordination situation without information about their opponents' types, the sender could influence the receivers to make decisions according to the sender's primary preference by manipulating the information through the media, which makes the report common knowledge. This is true even when the sender and the receivers have contradictory primary preferences. This result extends to the cases in which the sender has imperfect information or in which the sender's primary preference is to maintain its credibility. In the case of multiple senders, however, when there is enough competition among the senders or when simultaneous reporting takes place, the receivers could play their favored outcome against senders' preferences, which sheds light on a solution to the media manipulation problem.  相似文献   

知识产业在新经济增长价值链中的地位与作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
新经济是充满创新的经济 ,人的智能是创新的源泉。知识产业最根本的功能是提高人的智能 ,在新经济增长中起着决定性作用。与其他产业不同 ,知识产业既具有私人性又具有直接的社会性 ,这决定了它特殊的运作机理。图书馆属于知识产业 ,对它的功能和运作机理都可以从知识产业的角度进行再认识。表 1。参考文献 18。  相似文献   

In order for reference librarians to overcome feelings of inadequacy which they experience in aiding physically disabled patrons, they must educate themselves about the special needs of these patrons. This article will address the concerns, common mistakes, and difficulties involved in personal interactions with disabled individuals, particularly as they relate to the reference setting. In addition, specific steps will be described to minimize the difficult aspects of these interactions; these will be presented in terms of attitudinal and service activities. An attempt also will be made to describe aspects of these reference interactions which are unique to various health care settings.  相似文献   

渠红岩 《出版科学》2016,24(6):112-115
《古今图书集成》的内容复杂广博,如果没有合理科学的编排不可能成为备受赞誉的大型工具书,它开创的由“汇编”到“典”再到“部”的分类方法层次清晰,逻辑严密,便于查找使用。“部”下的“汇考”“艺文”“纪事”“杂录”“外编”是编者根据材料的性质分别归类的,即使相同的内容也可以归入不同的类别,反映出编者对文献资料多角度、多层面的认识。《古今图书集成》的每项专题都可视为一部专门性类书,对有关研究具有索引作用,这是其科学的编排所产生的内容集成之外的价值。  相似文献   


There is a missing link in the strategic introduction of new materials in conservation, which lies between the identification of new processes/materials and their widespread use in conservation treatments. Clinical trials to monitor the results of treatment success provide an effective procedure to evaluate the conservation process. This is now possible due to the increasing power and widespread use in conservation laboratories of computers, which provide an analytical tool for evaluating and examining treatments and procedures. Information, such as object condition, is routinely generated during the conservation of objects. To use this information statistically, it has to be structured to answer specific questions. Medical professionals have already established epidemiological techniques as a means of evaluating patient health and treatment performance. These techniques can be applied to conservation questions to provide statistically valid answers. This is an important tool with which to judge and prioritize strategies in the conservation process.  相似文献   

新信息环境下图书馆文献资源建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
蔡冰 《津图学刊》2000,(3):113-119
本文论述了新的信息环境对图书馆文献资源建设产生的一系列影响,以及图书馆为了适应新的信息环境在文献资源建设中应采取的对策。  相似文献   

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