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While the improved management of education in developing countries is widely canvassed, training for management is frequently neglected. The premise of this paper is that a major impact can be made by identifying, selecting, training and supervising key cadres of local management. Since 1972, Tanzanian policy has been to decentralize planning and management responsibilities to regions and districts. However, in many regions there has been a breakdown of managerial capabilities of Regional Office teams. District officers have more tangible responsibility, and at a more local level, ward co-ordinators play a key role. A survey of practice indicates major weaknesses in management at regional and district levels, compounded by logistical difficulties, although there are many examples of innovative creativity, and training has been carried out in Tanzania and overseas. Training needs analysis has shown up 12 skill areas, which are presented here as targets for a training curriculum. In summary these are: knowledge of socioeconomic conditions and policies; statistics; financial control; management and maintenance of physical facilities; management of micro-projects; communication; personnel management; administration of public examinations; in-service training management; office administration; research and evaluation; and curriculum management.
Zusammenfassung Während man weithin eine bessere Organisation des Bildungssystems in den Entwicklungsländern fordert, wird die dafür notwendige Ausbildung häufig vernachlässigt. Anliegen dieser Studie ist es, diese Verbesserung durch die Benennung, Auswahl, Weiterbildung und Kontrolle von Angestellten in Schlüsselpositionen auf lokaler Ebene zu erreichen. Seit 1972 verfolgt die tansanische Politik eine Dezentralisierung der Planungs- und Verwaltungszuständigkeiten auf Regionen und Kreise. In vielen Regionen verschlechterten sich jedoch die Fähigkeiten des Personals der Regionalbüros im Verwaltungsbereich bis zur völligen Unzulänglichkeit. Kreisbeamte haben eine direktere Verantwortung, und auf unterer Ebene besitzen Gemeindebeamte eine Schlüsselrolle. Eine Untersuchung der Praxis fördert wesentliche, auf logistischen Schwierigkeiten beruhende Schwächen in der Verwaltung auf regionaler und Kreisebene zutage, obwohl es viele Beispiele innovativer Kreativität gibt und die Ausbildung in Tansania und Übersee durchgeführt wurde. Eine Analyse der Fortbildungserfordernisse hat bis zu 12 Lehrbereiche aufgezeigt, die als Ziele für ein Curriculum über Fortbildung genannt werden. Zusammengefaßt sind dies: Kenntnisse der sozial-ökonomischen Bedingungen und Politik; statistische Erhebungen; finanzielle Kontrolle; Verwaltung und Erhaltung der Einrichtungen; Organisation von Mikroprojekten; Kommunikation; Personalverwaltung; Durchführung von öffentlichen Prüfungen; Organisation der Fortbildung; Büroverwaltung; Forschung und Evaluierung und die Handhabung des Curriculums.

Résumé Si l'amélioration de la gestion de l'éducation fait l'objet de nombreux débats dans les pays en développement, la formation administrative, en revanche, est fréquemment négligée. Le présent article repose sur le postulat qu'un impact majeur peut être réalisé en identifiant, en sélectionnant, en formant et en supervisant les cadres clés de l'administration locale. La politique tanzanienne s'applique depuis 1972 à décentraliser les services de la planification et de l'administration en les installant dans les régions et les districts. Cependant, les capacités de gestion des équipes administratives locales font défaut dans de nombreuses régions. Les fonctionnaires de district ont une responsabilité plus concrète et, à un niveau plus local, les coordinateurs de commune jouent un rôle clé. Une étude de la pratique en cours indique les carences majeures de l'administration aux niveaux de la région et du district, amplifiées par les difficultés organisationnelles, bien qu'il y ait de nombreux exemples de créativité novatrice, et la formation a été assurée en Tanzanie comme à l'étranger. L'analyse des besoins de formation a révélé 12 domaines qui sont présentés ici comme les objectifs d'un programme de formation. Ces matières sont: connaissance des conditions et politiques socio-économiques; finances, gestion et maintenance des matériels et équipements; direction de micro-projects; communication; direction du personnel; administration des examens publics; direction de la formation en cours d'emploi; administration publique; recherche et évaluation; gestion du curriculum.
Are ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Science’ such universal notions that one curriculum can serve equally well in all societies, subject only to exemplification from local circumstances? Or do different human cultures construct and use ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Science’ so differently that each culture needs to construct its own curriculum to teach its own children? At issue is whether curricula developed in industrialised states can be readily transferred or adapted to developing countries.Taking as its starting point the fates of the Scools Mathematics and the Schools Science Projects in Kenya, — both adaptations of British models, — this paper reviews the research addressed to these questions. Its conclusion is that definitive answers are not yet possible. Nevertheless, what evidence there is seems to question the possibilities of transferability or even of simple adaptation.  相似文献   
Students in a college nonscience majors' biology course took tests designed to reveal their conceptions of respiration and photosynthesis before and after course instruction. Even though most students had taken at least a full year of biology, serious misconceptions persisted. Most students gave definitions of respiration, photosynthesis, and food which were markedly different from those generally accepted by biologists. These incorrect definitions were associated with more fundamental misunderstandings about how plants and animals function. Most students could not explain how animal cells use either food or oxygen. They understood plants as vaguely analogous to animals, taking in food through their roots instead of mouths. Previous biology instruction seemed neither to improve student performance on the pretest nor to prepare them to master these conceptions during the course. Course instruction did improve student's understanding, but misconceptions persisted for many students. These results raise fundamental questions about the effectiveness of curriculum and instruction in current high school and college biology courses.  相似文献   
Computers, once available exclusively to wealthy industries, are now rapidly becoming as familiar in preschool and kindergarten classrooms as block and crayons. Articles making claims such as Learning by Computers at Age 4 and Computers Preparing Preschoolers for Kindergarten now permeate the news media. Increasing numbers of child care centers, attempting to maximize public interest in computers, now readily advertise Computer Tutor in their literature. Computer Tutor is often even listed above other important qualifications such as certified teachers and professional affiliations of centers.Theresa Rubens has had extensive experience working with children in both family day homes and child care centers. Jennifer Poole is the Nursery Director at the First United Methodist Church in Carrollton, TX. James L. Hoot is Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education at North Texas State University in Denton, Texas.  相似文献   
This exploratory study examined the influence of gender and ethnicity on college student preferences for individualistic vs. relational‐focused counseling approaches. Overall, the results did not demonstrate significant differences across gender and ethnicity. However, there was a small tendency for women and African American participants to rate the counselor conducting the relational‐focused counseling approach more positively than did men and White participants, respectively.  相似文献   
Mechanisms accounting for the effects of mutually responsive orientation (MRO) at 7, 15, and 25 months in 102 mother–child and father–child dyads on child internalization and self-regulation at 52 months were examined. Two mediators at 38 months were tested: parental power assertion and child self-representation. For mother–child relationships, the causal pathway involving power assertion was supported for both outcomes. Diminished power assertion fully mediated beneficial effect of mother–child MRO on internalization and partially mediated its effect on self-regulation. For father–child relationships, MRO predicted self-regulation, but the mediational paths were unsupported. Paternal power assertion correlated negatively with both outcomes but was not a mediator. Although MRO with both parents correlated with child self-representation, and it correlated with self-regulation, this mediational path was unsupported.  相似文献   
The authors discuss the creation and evaluation of a CD‐ROM to train and support prepracticum, practicum, and internship site supervisors in a master's‐level counselor education program. The authors, from a small, rural, southwestern college, created and distributed a CD‐ROM containing video and document resources for this purpose. Small focus groups were then conducted to gather data to measure the CD‐ROM's effectiveness. Data showed strong support for the use of CD‐ROM technology in providing training of site supervisors. Recommendations are offered to improve future versions of the CD‐ROM.  相似文献   
The premise being that there is a significant correlation between communication in the classroom and the academic performance of students, this article approaches the learning process as itself a function of communication, whereby communication is understood as a two-way interactive process. This is not to say that learning is communicatiion, nor is it to say that academic performance exists in a simple causal relationship to successful classroom communication: Successful communication between the teacher and students is a necessary condition of academic achievement. Effective teaching presupposes effective communication. The teacher makes effective communication possible by identifying the needs of the students, addressing these needs at the appropriate level, and creating a relaxed atmosphere in which a free, democratic flow of discussion is possible. Active classroom participation is not in itself sufficient, however; the cognitive processes must be brought into play. If the needs of the students have been accurately identified, and if appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication is employed, the chances of success are correspondingly high.Effective teacher ccmmunication can be learned, and it is the responsibility of teacher training institutions and supervisory bodies, as well as of the teachers themselves, to ensure an adequate awareness of modern communication theories.
Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von der Prämisse, daß eine wichtige Korrelation zwischen Kommunikation im Klassenzimmer und der formalen schulischen Leistung von Schülern besteht, wird der Lernprozeß in diesem Artikel als eine Funktion der Kommunikation verstanden, wobei Kommunikation als ein wechselseitiger, interaktiver Prozeß angesehen wird. Das heißt nicht, daß Lernen Kommunikation sei oder daß formale schulische Leistung in einem einfachen, kausalen Verhältnis zur erfolgreichen Klassenzimmerkommunikation steht. Erfolgreiche Kommunikation zwischen Lehrer und Schülern ist eine unerläßliche Voraussetzung für die schulische Leistung. Wirksamer Unterricht setzt eine wirksame Kommunikation voraus. Der Lehrer macht die wirksame Kommunikation möglich, indem er die Bedürfnisse der Schüler feststellt, sie auf der angemessenen Ebene zur Sprache bringt und eine entspannte Atmosphäre schafft, in der ein freier, demokratischer Kommunikationsablauf möglich ist. Aktive Klassenraumbeteiligung allein ist jedoch nicht ausreichend: der kognitive Prozeß muß mit einbezogen werden. Wenn die Bedürfnisse der Schüler genau festgestellt worden sind und wenn die adequate verbale und nonverbale Kommunikation stattfindet, sind die Erfolgsaussichten dementsprechend hoch.Wirksames Lehrerverhalten kann gelernt werden und es gehört zu den Aufgaben der Lehrerbildungseinrichtungen, der Aufsichtsbehörden und der Lehrer selbst, ein angemessenes Verständnis von modernen Kommunikationstheorien zu vermitteln.

Résumé En partant de l'hypothèse qu'il existe une corrélation significative entre la communication à l'intérieur de la classe et les performances académiques de l'apprenant, cet article considère le processus d'apprentissage lui-même comme une fonction de communication, entendue comme un processus interactif à deux sens. Il ne s'agit pas de dire que l'apprentissage est communication, ni que la performance académique existe dans une simple relation causale avec une bonne communication à l'intérieur de la classe: Réussir à établir une bonne communication entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant est une condition nécessaire à une bonne performance académique. Tout enseignement efficace suppose une communication efficace. L'enseignant-facilitateur rend une communication efficace, en identifiant les besoins des apprenants, en y apportant des solutions au niveau approprié et en créant une atmosphère détendue failitant le déroulement libre et démocratique des discussions. Une participation active à l'apprentissage n'est pas une condition suffisante en soi, car les processus cognitifs doivent entrer en ligne. Une fois les besoins des apprents correctement dépistés et servis, et une bonne communication verbale aussi bien que non-verbale établie, les chances de succès sont accrues en conséquence.Savoir communiquer de manière effective peut être appris par l'enseignant, et il appartient aux institutions de formation des enseignants, au corps des superviseurs ainsi qu'aux enseignants eux-mêmes de se tenir informés et de tirer avantage des théories modernes de communication.
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