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Science education in the United States will increasingly be driven by testing and accountability requirements, such as those mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act, which rely heavily on learning outcomes, or "standards," that are currently developed on a state-by-state basis. Those standards, in turn, drive curriculum and instruction. Given the importance of standards to teaching and learning, we investigated the quality of life sciences/biology standards with respect to genetics for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, using core concepts developed by the American Society of Human Genetics as normative benchmarks. Our results indicate that the states' genetics standards, in general, are poor, with more than 85% of the states receiving overall scores of Inadequate. In particular, the standards in virtually every state have failed to keep pace with changes in the discipline as it has become genomic in scope, omitting concepts related to genetic complexity, the importance of environment to phenotypic variation, differential gene expression, and the differences between inherited and somatic genetic disease. Clearer, more comprehensive genetics standards are likely to benefit genetics instruction and learning, help prepare future genetics researchers, and contribute to the genetic literacy of the U.S. citizenry.  相似文献   
我很爱我的母亲,哪怕她会在我热泪汪汪时,强迫我给远亲们打电话,拨出号码并把听筒按在我的脸颊上,在这个时候,我仍然爱着她。她总是爱发威。有一次在杂货店里,她竟然一把将我丢到地上,以此警告我别没大没小。她是我的最爱,也让我抓狂。她真的有点"奇葩"。你会觉得让她吃商店里买的点心就像要了她的命似的。她在韩国长大,周围都是韩国人,后来嫁了个韩国人,接着在35岁左右搬到了香  相似文献   
All by Myself     
有很多事情我可以做 自己动手; 我会梳头和系鞋带 自己动手; 我会洗手和洗脸 自己动手;  相似文献   
研究表明:经过耐力训练的运动员其肾上腺素分泌水平在低血糖时和经过相同的有关工作负荷后要比没经过训练的个体高。我们假设运动训练能增加肾上腺髓质的分泌能力,为证明这一假设对胰高血糖素(每70公斤体重1毫克,静脉注射)、急性血碳酸过高(吸入的氧只有7%)和急性低气压缺氧(吸入的氧分压只有87毫米汞柱)的作用进行了研究。研究对象是8个经过耐力训练的运动员和7个从事办公室工作的成年男性。前者为检测组(氧摄入量=66毫升/分/公  相似文献   
仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚,尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府,可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧人类或禽兽的那份冷漠。  相似文献   
现代世界革命运动和民族解放运动的发展证明,关于经济形态的学说不仅具有理论意义,而且具有实践意义。同这个那个国家对社会发展道路的选择和实现某些社会改造联系在一起的许多非常实际的问题的解决,都在某种程度上取决于对社会经济形态发挥  相似文献   
基因兴奋剂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于衰老和疾病,骨骼肌会丢失,一种修复或重建的基因疗法已准备进入临床,但某些优秀运动员也期待用它来提高成绩。基因兴奋剂使竞技体育变质的日子不远了。  相似文献   
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