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Objective: This prospective randomized clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the necessity of drainage after total thyroidectomy or lobectomy for benign thyroidal disorders. Methods: A total of 116 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy or lobectomy for benign thyroidal disorders were randomly allocated to be drained or not. Operative and postoperative outcomes including operating time, postoperative pain assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS), total amount of intramuscular analgesic administration, hospital stay, complications, necessity for re-operation and satisfaction of patients were all assessed. Results: The mean operating time was similar between two groups (the drained and non-drained groups). The mean VAS score was found to be significantly low in the non-drained group patients in postoperative day (POD) 0 and POD 1. The mean amount of intramuscular analgesic requirement was significantly less in the non-drained group. One case of hematoma, two cases of seroma and three cases of transient hypoparathyroidism occurred in the non-drained group, whereas one case of hematoma, two cases of seroma, two cases of wound infections and two cases of transient hypoparathyroidism occurred in the drained group. No patient needed re-operation for any complication. The mean hospital stay was significantly shorter and the satisfaction of patients was superior in the non-drained group. Conclusion: These findings suggest that postoperative complications cannot be prevented by using drains after total thyroidectomy or lobectomy for benign thyroid disorders. Furthermore, the use of drains may increase postoperative pain and the analgesic requirement, and prolong the hospital stay. In the light of these findings, the routine use of drains might not be necessary after thyroid surgery for benign disorders.  相似文献   
在当今社会,传统的价值观念已经发生深刻变化,膨胀的欲望导致了人性的扭曲.青年作家毕飞宇以冷峻沉静的笔锋塑造了筱燕秋、玉米等典型形象,勾勒出当今社会女性这一弱势群体的生存景观,多方位地展示并探寻造成当代女性悲剧性命运的原因,真切地反映当代人在目前社会转型期的生活状态和精神处境.  相似文献   
那年,我在离家很远的地方上学,那是十四年来第一次离开父母,在一个寒冷的冬日,宿舍里的同学都上课去了,我病倒在宿舍,高烧,咳嗽,全身疼痛无力,那时,我连坐起来的力气都没有,躺在床上,眼泪像断了线的珠子,把枕巾都湿透了。不知过了多久,我睁开眼,已是中午,同学们正在吃饭,见我醒了,一个女同学连忙  相似文献   
1病例介绍患者男性,43岁,汉族,已婚,农民,河北赤城县人。主因发热、乏力、关节疼痛2个月,阴囊肿痛、双下肢疼痛10d于2005年8月30日入院。患者于入院前2个月无明显诱因出现发热,体温达38.5℃,伴明显乏力、多汗,以夜间为著,双侧膝关节、踝关节疼痛,呈游走性,关节无红肿及活动障碍,无晨僵及皮疹。曾在当地医院就诊,按“风湿热”给予“青霉素”静点及解热镇痛药物口服,效果不佳,仍间断发热,无规律性。  相似文献   
目的 比较不同理疗方法治疗延迟性肌肉酸痛的疗效,为最佳治疗方式的选择提供参考依据。方法 计算机检索中国知网、万方数据库、维普数据库、PubMed、Web of Science、EMbase、The Cochrane Library搜集不同理疗方法治疗延迟性肌肉酸痛的随机对照试验类文章,检索时限均从建库至2022年5月20日。运用End Note X9.1筛选文献,采用Cochrane风险偏倚评估工具对纳入的文献进行质量评价,采用Stata 16.0进行网状Meta分析。结果 共纳入28项随机对照实验,包括836例延迟性肌肉酸痛患者。网状Meta分析结果显示:1)在减轻肌肉疼痛方面,电磁场疗法(SMD=-1.09,95%CI [-1.93,-0.24],p=0.012)、光疗(SMD=-1.02,95%CI[-1.64,-0.39],p=0.001)、电刺激(SMD=-0.79,95%CI [-1.26,-0.31],p=0.001)、超声波(SMD=-0.70,95%CI[-1.16,-0.25],p=0.003)、冷疗(SMD=-0.63,95%CI[-0.86,-0.40],p&l...  相似文献   
2010年1月,曾扬言"被人看见我穿着平底鞋对我而言简直如同世界末日"的时尚辣妈维多利亚·贝克汉姆(人称贝嫂)脚上亘古不变的高跟鞋换成了平底鞋,竟成令时尚界和娱乐圈竞相讨论的话题。原来,就在2009年年末,贝嫂被美国娱乐新闻图片社(Splash News)记者拍到两只脚的大拇趾一侧均鼓起大包,严重外翻变形,好友透露她患上了拇囊炎,每天都在忍受疼痛。贝嫂自己也承认,疼痛影响了她走路的优美姿势。  相似文献   
一.作文题目 成长总是避免不了疼痛——少年的成长就像静夜下小草的拔节声。回望疼痛,是为了过滤生命,从疼痛中汲取成长的养料。请以“痛”为题写一篇作文。  相似文献   
一二三四,一二三四,像首歌。绿色军营,绿色军营,教会我……——《一二三四歌》绿色——是眼睛的直观感受,肃静——是内心里强烈的震撼,这便是我对军训的第一印象。凝重庄  相似文献   
之前,我并不看好他。认为他太浮夸,而且带着80后的放浪,何况,他辜负了一个我喜欢的女子。可是那天,他感动了我。他是谢霆锋,一个正如日中天的歌手、演员。  相似文献   
疼痛是真实存在的吗?节日临近,于是买了相当数量的糖果,结果因为吃多了零食而牙疼了整整两天,晚上难以入睡时,胡思乱想,最后想到这个问题。  相似文献   
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