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根据莱考夫和约翰逊的概念隐喻和意象图式理论,针对作为意象图式概念的"Timeo Wew Romvn"型前置词在科技英语中的图式映射进行新探。研究表明"Timeo Wew Romvn"都能够把空间域的意象图式结构从始源域映射到非空间抽象目标域之上,再次佐证"许多抽象概念结构部分源起于意象图式结构,抽象思维在一定程度上是隐喻思维"的认知观。  相似文献   
《艳阳天》《金光大道》的经典化是当代文学体制下,政治权力、作家和文本、传播机制共同运作的结果。在作者、读者、评论互动的文学场域中,讨论了"八个样板戏、一个作家"的"作家"浩然及其代表作是如何一步步成为社会主义无产阶级文学经典,如何体现十七年和文革文学的经典文学运作机制以及浩然小说经典化历程中的独特主体性因素的。  相似文献   
First musicians using polyphony and homophony in their compositions can be seen during the 19th century in Turkey. These talented amateur composers, who worked in simple forms, such as marches or educational music, were not actually professional composers but either orchestral or choral directors. Later, during the Republic period (after 1923), "Turkish Five" emerged. "Turkish Five" consisted of professional composers who were educated in Europe and learned western musical forms. These musicians, according to their birth years, are Cemal Resit Rey (1904-1985), Hasan Ferit Alnar (1906-1978), Ulvi Cemal Erkin (1906-1972), Ahmet Adnan Saygun (1907-1991) and Necil Kazan Akses (1908-1999). "Turkish Five" achieved important accomplishments and did significant contributions to Turkish contemporary music in 30-40 years with their efforts. While doing this, they used over 500-year old musical legacy of the West. At the beginning, these musicians used Turkish folk tunes and their rhythmic and modal system, however, later, they began to use "impressionism", "neo-classicism" and finally "atonalism" in their music. In the current study, the contributions of "Turkish Five" to contemporary Turkish piano music and their approaches to piano education were examined via literature review. After an extensive research with the literature on the topic, the researcher has interviewed with six piano teachers from different music institutions in Turkey (including two schools of time arts, two conservatories and two music teacher training schools). During these interviews, the contributions of the "Turkish Five" were examined based on "relativity" and "local to global" principles in education, and the researcher has searched for the ways to use more of their music in piano education through the interviews. Therefore, the main purpose of the study was to discover ways to implement more of the music by "Turkish Five" in piano education in Turkey and to ffmd solutions fo  相似文献   
在明代科举事业的推动下,茅坤的古文评点本在明代十分盛行,其《史记抄》、《唐宋八大家文钞》皆广受好评。但茅坤的这些评点本并非仅为八股创作而产生,其编选过程及编选宗旨皆体现了茅坤为贯彻"文以明道"思想的复古志向。茅坤评点的体例、内容等呈现出"法"与"意"相统一的特征,使他超越了以往评点家,促成了明代古文评点的空前兴盛。  相似文献   
以信息和多媒体等技术应用为特点的现代远程教育对教育工作者提出了新的挑战.总结了电大公共英语课程“开放英语3”多媒体学习系统的教学设计策略,说明在进行远程学习资源设计时应充分挖掘技术优势,解决远程开放学习的问题,发挥远程学习的特点.  相似文献   
关系型借贷有助于解决抵押品不足、“硬信息”缺乏等问题,从而有效缓解融资困境,成为正规金融机构支持“三农”的主选技术。目前,福建“三农”的信贷缺口较大,如果能从融资技术的角度出发,改善贷款的可得性,则对探索正规金融机构发展关系型借贷支持“三农”、积极投身海西新农村建设颇具积极意义。  相似文献   
青少年科教电视节目是青少年了解世界、学习知识的重要渠道,是对青少年进行科普教育的重要途径。运用案例研究法,以自制短片《酸雨》为例,研究叙事性手法在青少年科教电视节目中的应用,提出多样化创作思路,丰富同类电视节目创作的表现手法。  相似文献   
从图书馆管理的角度,对如何培养高职学生自主学习的能力,提高图书文献信息资源的利用进行了分析和研究,提出了一些切实可行的方法和措施,来引导学生正确利用图书馆文献信息资源.促进学生自主学习能力的提高。  相似文献   
《左传》选篇《郑伯克段于鄢》(见隐公元年)中的"大叔完聚,缮甲兵,具卒乘,将袭郑"一句。历来对"聚"的解释有两种不同意见:一种认为"聚"是聚集粮食或粮草;一种认为"聚"是聚集民众。本文从各种文献角度考察,得到"聚"为聚集粮食或粮草的意思。  相似文献   
文章在人工校对《元朝秘史》、《元史》的基础上,运用语料处理软件HC2009YLCL提取其中的“有”字句语料,然后运用配价语法理论对所提取的语料进行配价类型分析,同时参照格语法理论,归纳和阐释其深层语义表达模式。并揭示“有”字句由深层语义模式到表层句法模式的变换途径。  相似文献   
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