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This paper examines how missionary educational institutions and Young Men’s Christian Association physical education and sport programmes, in conjunction with the nation-building project of the Nationalist government, transformed and modernized physical education and sport in China from 1840 to 1937. The concepts of cultural imperialism and nationalism are central to this study, to understand how the two interacted in the process of the development of modern physical education and sports in China. This paper argues that the cultural imperialism model is ineffective for an understanding of the impact of missionaries on Chinese society and the subsequent transformation and indigenization of physical education and sport in modern China. More precisely, the way in which Chinese nationalism played an active role in resisting, selecting, and reshaping the cultural products (modern physical education and sport) evidences a process that was an active negotiation, rather than a passive consumption, of Western culture. This said, Christian physical education and sport programmes had long-lasting effects on how physical education and sports became the way to define ‘modern’ bodies as they were incorporated into the wider education programme of modernizing China under the Nationalist government.  相似文献   
The Bible is the classic work of Christianity.The influence of the Bible on the British and American literature is profound and extensive.Therefore,one of the most profoundly influenced literature works-The Pilgrim's Progress,which was the British pastor and essay writer John Bunyan's representative work couldn't don't be involved.Thus,this paper is going to elaborate the influence of The Bible on The Pilgrim's Progress systematically by the conscientious reading and analysis.Firstly,this paper will introduce the background of The Bible,and its composing parts,and its relation with the British and American literature.Secondly,this paper will also emphatically recommend The Pilgrim's Progress and its author John Bunyan.At last,it will analyze the relation between The Bible and The Pilgrim's Progress.  相似文献   
在中世纪拉丁文文献中有一篇故事叫做《财宝》,它主要通过情节发展同时也通过人物形象暗示了基督教的三位一体学说。这说明在古代印度的思想中蕴含着基督教的因子,基督教的三位一体学说在形成的过程中吸取了印度的思想营养。在《财宝》故事的六个情节发展阶段中都出现了基督教神学思想的关键词,它们可以启迪读者做积极的联想,从而形成了一个以三位一体学说为中心的思想网络。  相似文献   
基督教历来就重视音乐的传播沟通作用,赞美诗是基督教通常教会仪式中的主要程式。富能仁利用无伴奏四声部合唱形式使傈僳族人改信了基督教。富能仁的宗教传播策略是一种隐蔽性的文化置换策略。傈僳族人能够接受基督教信仰,关键原因就是基督教在保留无伴奏四声部合唱这种傈僳族文化形式的基础上赢得了傈僳族的民族文化认同。  相似文献   
闭关锁国是清朝对外政策总体描述。不论是顺康时期的“禁海”,还是乾嘉道时期的一口通商,清朝也没有完全割断与西方国家的交往。总览鸦片战争前的西器东传和西学东渐,呈现出西器东传宽,西学东渐紧;西器东传快,西学东渐缨;西器东传畅,西学东渐塞的特点。天朝自大和文化专制促使朝廷错误地选择西器与西学,报复性的惩罚终于在鸦片战争中发生。  相似文献   
林语堂独特的人生经历使其拥有迥异于同时代作家的信仰历程,《信仰之旅》是对其不同时期信仰选择的最好诠释.以宗教为切入点,透过《信仰之旅》来探析林语堂的内心世界,比较儒教与基督教的异同,尤其是两者在代表人物、代表著作、教义精神和博爱思想等方面的不同和差异.  相似文献   
在婚姻问题上,基督教教义认为婚姻源于上帝的旨意,因此人们必须受到体现神意的伦理规范和制度的制约,以确保通过婚姻获得救赎。从结婚、离婚和再婚、生育制度三个角度,浅析了基督教婚姻伦理制度及其现代发展。  相似文献   
君士坦丁与李锡尼共同颁布的米兰敕令标志着罗马帝国对基督教态度的转变,也说明君士坦丁对基督徒扶植和保护的政策从帝国西部延伸到东部。尼西亚会议通过统一教义进而奠定了统一教会的基础。君士坦丁的基督教政策,既不是单纯出自宗教动机,也不是单纯出自政治动机,而是宗教体验与政治动机的有机统一。  相似文献   
哲学历来处于危险的境地,这意味着哲学本身时时面临死亡的威胁。苏格拉底的临终哲学遗言确立了哲学与人的死亡不可分割的关系,后世哲学家对遗言的接受及对苏格拉底之死的思索,使哲学成为“死的哲学”。这种受死控制的哲学基于古希腊的死亡观。要使哲学摆脱死亡的控制,必须依据其他的死亡观,即基督教的死亡观。即使克服了死亡的控制,哲学本身的死亡也在所难免,因为哲学终究是极少数人的事情。  相似文献   
对《圣经》语言、形象、结构等的借鉴,是中国现代文学受基督教影响的开端。但此借鉴主要是修辞性的,滤掉了它们在《圣经》中本有的意义。在思想内容上,现代文学对基督宗教的回应大体有两条进路。一是人类中心论的,即或者将之道德化,或者从民族和社会历史角度对之加以批判;二是上帝中心论的,对基督教表现出一定的认同,在一定意义上这堪称基督教文学。这两条进路贯穿于中国文学近百年的历程。同西方相比,中国基督教文学目前还不成熟,因其或者直接宣信式地张扬某种教义(如冰心的“爱”),或者从信仰立场出发外在地对生活做出某种评判(如北村),还未能真正进入基督教信仰在人灵魂和精神深处所引发的紧张与激荡。  相似文献   
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