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《山海经》作为我国古书第一部图文并茂的古书,讲述了上古时期山川、海河的基本面貌以及远古的神话故事,其中也传达出上古时期人们的生死观念。《山海经》质朴的生死观念中却蕴含着美的特质。  相似文献   
美国戏剧家阿瑟·密勒在戏剧《推销员之死》中塑造了几位耽于身份认同危机的人物,威利·洛曼和他的两个儿子向往成功,但在追寻成功的道路上不能认清自己的身份角色,酿成了家庭悲剧.本文从认同危机角度,分析他们的认同危机是如何在现实与梦想的矛盾中产生并形成悲剧的.  相似文献   
托马斯·曼的小说《威尼斯之死》因其扑朔迷离的神话色彩成为一部光芒璀璨的经世之作。许多批评家都从神话原型对艺术家的悲剧进行分析。但是大部分评论文章都简单地把艺术家悲剧的原因归咎于情感与理智的失衡,没有对艺术家悲剧的源头进行分析和论证。文章运用神话原型批评对小说中的神话元素加以分析,论证了艺术家的悲剧是他们追求唯美主义的必然结果,这一悲剧是注定的。  相似文献   
戏剧具有双重性文学特征,即可作为一种纯文学体裁供读者欣赏(案头剧),又可用于舞台演出给观众看。译者在翻译剧本前必须明确自己的预期目的:是给读者看,还是让观众看。该文从目的论角度对《推销员之死》的两个中译本进行比较分析,旨在揭示不同翻译目的对翻译方法和翻译效果的影响。  相似文献   
李倩倩  轩治峰 《海外英语》2012,(11):255-256
死亡历来是各个民族讳莫若深的委婉话题。该文从认知隐喻与"死亡"委婉语入手;试图从认知隐喻视角来解读英汉"死亡"委婉语这一人类共有现象,并探究这些委婉语背后折射出的中西文化差异,以期能为两种语言学习者提供一些管窥之见。  相似文献   
许丰田 《海外英语》2012,(12):231-233
American Dream refers to the belief of the majority of Americans.Through hard work,thrift,and determination,they can surely achieve a better life and live a comfortable life.Such an American Dream has a profound influence on several generations of Americans.American Dream has a close relationship with people’ s working life and cultural activities.Death of a Salesman is a typical play about the pursuit and the illusionary of the Dream follower.In Death of a Salesman,the American Dream is the main hero as well as Willy Loman’ s spiritual pillar.The pursuit,the realization,and the disillusionment of the American Dream develop with Willy and his family.  相似文献   
Comprehensive reviews of child death are increasingly conducted throughout the world, although limited information is available about how this information is systematically used to prevent future deaths. To address this need, we used cases from 2005 to 2009 in the U.S. National Child Death Review Case Reporting System to compare child and offender characteristics and to link that information with actions taken or recommended by review teams. Child, caretaker, and offender characteristics, and outcomes were compared to team responses, and findings were compared to published case series. Among 49,947 child deaths from 23 states entered into the Case Reporting System during the study period, there were 2,285 cases in which child maltreatment caused or contributed to fatality. Over one-half had neglect identified as the maltreatment, and 30% had abusive head trauma. Several child and offender characteristics were associated with specific maltreatment subtypes, and child death review teams recommended and/or planned several activities in their communities. Case characteristics were similar to those published in other reports of child maltreatment deaths. Teams implemented 109 actions or strategies after their review, and we found that aggregating information from child death reviews offers important insights into understanding and preventing future deaths. The National Child Death Review Case Reporting System contains information about a large population which confirms and expands our knowledge about child maltreatment deaths and which can be used by communities for future action.  相似文献   
《生死场》是萧红的成名之作,作品呈现出了阶级反抗、民族复仇。以及女性生命体验的三重纠葛。众多文本主题交错,给予研究者以深刻而复杂的文本研究空间。萧红这位依靠天赋创作的女作家以一种近乎原生态的写作方式,将人性最本能的反抗与退缩展现在世人面前,这里有着最真实的反抗话语,也有着最现实的关于反抗的迷茫:小人物的迷茫,萧红的迷茫。  相似文献   
王统照1925年发表的七幕话剧剧本《死后之胜利》讴歌了"爱"与"美"的思想及为"爱"与"美"献身的艺术家,暴露了黑暗的现实,鞭挞了假、恶、丑,也表现了爱情婚姻和个性解放等社会问题。它通过以现实主义为主,以浪漫主义、象征主义为辅的相协调的创作方法,塑造了剧中人鲜明的人物形象和发展性格;通过不断的冲突和悬念达到高潮,形成递进式的上升结构。它的语言既有典雅精炼的传统风格,又有强烈的现代气息。它受到王尔德《莎乐美》的影响,但又避免了唯美主义。它的局限性主要是对"爱"与"美"的表现太理性化。但在20世纪20年代中国现代戏剧的开创期,还是唯一的七幕写实浪漫象征悲剧,特别是它对演员表演神态的舞台指示的实践和理论是一大贡献。  相似文献   
This article analyzes the struggle over the <victim> ideograph following former Illinois Governor George Ryan's decision to commute all state death sentences in 2003. A therapeutic rendering of the <victim> ideograph typified mainstream opposition to Ryan's move. This approach personalized the death penalty at the expense of discussing its social and political implications. In contrast, the discourse of George Ryan and his supporters offered a material <victim> hood grounded in political, historical, and economic contextualization. By performing a historical materialist critique of this dialogue, I conclude that rhetorically deploying the figure of a material <victim> is an indispensable strategy for the abolitionist movement in that it allows activists to capitalize on the ideological constraints of liberalism while maintaining an awareness of capital punishment's implications in a capitalist society.  相似文献   
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