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《颜氏家训》是我国第一部系统论述家庭美育的专著,其内容之赡博,影响之深远,在我国美育史上很难有与之相匹敌的;尤其是威严有慈、爱不偏宠、言行结合和学以致用的方法论,就当前我国家庭美育的状况而言,更有着极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
家庭环境和所受的私塾教育对苏颂成为科学家起了十分重要的作用。宋代皇帝与朝臣推崇医药学和天文历法的国策,百姓重视医药和天文历法的民俗,促成了举世瞩目的《本草图经》的编撰和水运仪象台的研制。《本草图经》的编撰和水运仪象台的研制都是苏颂主持的,它们是中华民族引为骄傲的科技成就。可以说是宋代社会造就了伟大的科学家苏颂。  相似文献   
教师家庭化理具有多重性有示范性。教师作为子女,须赡养父母,尊敬老人;作为父母,须抚养、教育子女,关心子女健康成长;作为夫妻,须在人格上相互尊重,情感上相互信任,生活上相互关心,事业上相互支持。  相似文献   
鸦片战争以降,中国逐渐沦为半殖民地半封建社会,政治、经济、文化与社会生活等方面都发生了巨大的变化。同时,中国也经历了一场全面而深刻的社会转型,其中就包括传统家族的转型。山东临沂大店的庄氏家族,历经明清两朝500余年的发展。为了适应新的社会环境,在清末民初几十年的时间里,大店庄氏在族人身份、族人的教育、家族结构、家族居住地等方面逐渐实现了转型。转型基本成功,但不彻底,具有多方面的特点。  相似文献   
顾氏移民宗族在明代随移民高潮进入贵州,其政治军事活动直接促进了贵州省治的建立,从而成为开发贵州的先锋。值得指出的是,移民宗族的一支进入黔东南苗疆,使顾氏宗族分衍为汉、苗两支系,两支系共同促进黔东南苗疆的开发。明清以来,汉苗两支顾氏宗族共同发展,一方面承继了中原的汉族文化,另一方面促进了汉苗民族文化的融合。  相似文献   
对"三农"问题的一点政治学反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“三农”问题归根结底是农民问题——是农民的生存和发展问题,是农民的人权(农民的生存权和发展权)问题,是农民的利益问题,是农民的权利问题——是农民在国家权利资源分配中的地位问题。解决“三农”问题,当前首要的是明确农民在国家权利资源分配中的地住,给予和保障农民享有充分而平等的经济权利、政治权利、文化教育权利和社会保障权利,或者换一种说法,就是“给予农民以国民待遇”。  相似文献   
本文应用计量经济学的方法,建立家庭收入的数学模型和家庭收入的分布函数。分析影响家庭收入的主要因素,同时确立家庭收入与其主要影响因素之间的定量关系。然后,把家庭收入拟合于三参数的对数正态分布,并用迭代的方法求出分布的参数。  相似文献   
Reading is a complex activity that is related to factors from the cognitive, ecological, and psychological domains. However, few studies have investigated the mechanisms underlying word learning by including the factors from the three domains in Chinese children. One hundred and ninety-four Chinese first graders completed tasks on cognitive abilities and word reading ability and a questionnaire relating to the psychological domain, their parents answered questionnaires relating to the psychological and ecological domains. The cognitive factors in the present study involved general (i.e., working memory) and reading-specific (i.e., vocabulary and morphological awareness) abilities. As ecological factors, the parent-reported family socioeconomic status (SES) and home literacy environment (HLE) were used to indicate parents’ resource characteristics of the literacy interactions at home. As psychological factors, an overall mental status was measured by the Conners’ Parent Rating Scale-Revised and reading self-efficacy were used to indicate children’s demand and force characteristics in the literacy interactions. The results of path analysis showed that, after controlling for age and nonverbal intelligence, the reading-specific cognitive abilities had a direct effect on word reading. Working memory, HLE, and reading self-efficacy contributed to word reading through the reading-specific cognitive abilities. Family SES facilitated HLE, which subsequently benefited the reading-specific cognitive abilities, and then assisted word reading.  相似文献   
《颜氏家训》的人文关怀及现代启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《颜氏家训》是我国家训里程碑式的著作。它集前代家训之大成,不仅以内容的丰富性、理论的系统性,文体的范式性,将家庭教育与社会大众化生活紧密结合,事理与亲情融合,言训与心育并用,而且在严肃的道统传承和尊长期待中包含了浓郁、细致、深远的人文关怀。在社会高速发展,教育、尤其是家庭教育从观念到内容急需与时俱进的今天,我们以应试为功利目标的学校教育,在物化倾向重荷下向空心化、概念化、教条化嬗变的家庭教育,可以从中获得一点中国特色的人文关怀的启示,使我们在面对人、教育人、塑造人的百年工程中更富有人性化、人情味,更长于情感的、心灵的沟通与感召,从而促进青少年人文心理的建构,使他们逐步成长为走向世界的当代中国人。  相似文献   
This course, first presented by the Open University in 1980, is designed for independent study by people who, in the course of their working lives, come into contact with families suffering serious internal conflicts which place any members—adult or child—in danger of physical or emotional abuse in their own home. The course has been developed at a level which should make it a serious contribution to in-service training for a wide variety of professionals and experienced voluntary workers. It is unique in that it not only examines constructive and destructive aspects of conflict but also integrates written material (16 units) with an audiovisual component (8 TV programmes and 7 cassette tapes) on prevention, diagnosis and intervention relating to the whole spectrum of family conflict and violence including child abuse, sexual abuse, adolescent abuse, spouse abuse, abuse of and by the elderly and abuse of parents by their children. This paper provides a brief outline of the course aims, objectives and content together with information on its usage in the UK and the availability of certain components for international usage.  相似文献   
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