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This article studies similarities and disparities between the two nations England and Norway as they could be observed before and during the London 2012 Olympics, and discuss them in the historical perspective of geopolitical and sportive relations. The main perspective is how these relations have been seen and experienced from Norway. The article also studies whether the London Olympics of 2012 did present new forms of relationships between the two geographical neighbours. The article discusses the role of ball games, preferably team handball at the 2012 Games, as one example of where sporting interests differ. The article reflects upon these matters in a historical context. It builds upon traditional historical methods, document and media analysis. It also looks at the 2012 London Olympics against the background of the former London Games of 1908 and 1948, and the overall historical sports relations between England, ‘land of sport’ and a small country like Norway, who generally has been on the receiving end of these interchanges. Such asymmetric relationships invite to a critical use of perspectives like cultural imperialism and post-colonialism. The article discusses whether such perspectives can be fruitful also when one discusses matters between the so-called First World nations. As the title of the article indicates, Norway and England are both close, politically and culturally, while also being strangers to one another, e.g. in parts of the sports culture. The 2012 Olympics seemed to reinforce this impression.  相似文献   
Sport and politics have a close relationship. Political conflicts are re-enacted, reflected and reinforced on international sports stages. In East Asia, the past casts a long shadow! It darkened the London 2012 stage. Controversy followed a South Korean football player's celebration at the London Olympics semi-final match between South Korea and Japan. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) banned the player Park Jong-woo from participating in the bronze medal ceremony. He was accused by the IOC of a political act that violated IOC and FIFA regulations. Park's celebration included holding up and carrying around a sign, which was interpreted by the IOC as a political message about a South Korean territorial dispute with Japan. The incident became a lead story in the South Korean media. The IOC's decision caused intense nationwide indignation and an outpouring of anti-Japanese sentiment. It was not a unique incident. This essay examines media representations of the incident and how political controversies between South Korea and Japan are reproduced, intensified and exacerbated by media reporting of international sports events. In South Korea, insult was added to injury by the fact that IOC's disapproval of Park's behaviour was contrasted in the South Korean media and by the public with the IOC's silence regarding the Japanese gymnastics team's uniform emblazoned with the ‘Rising Sun’ flag. The evidence from the incident is clear. Mega-sports events can be inflammatory occasions for the expression of hostile and heated political expression. Nowhere is this more the case than in East Asia with its long history of fierce national animosities and memories of national hostilities and humiliations. Throughout East Asia, international sport has become a potent medium for perpetuating painful memories!  相似文献   
采用文献资料法对英国的奥运"金牌战略"进行剖析,为迎接2012年伦敦奥运会的到来,同时也为实现竞技体育本身的政治、经济价值,英国政府通过加强体育管理,采取政策措施,加大投资等方式在短时间内取得了斐然成绩,并对赛后遗产进行妥善规划。作为2008北京奥运的主办国,中国在今后发展竞技体育的过程中当汲取其成功经验,进一步完善举国体制,政府与社会共建,协调发展体育事业。  相似文献   
严石 《湖北体育科技》2013,32(5):472-473
对伦敦奥运会皮划艇项目单人艇决赛成绩进行统计分析,认为欧洲国家仍然在该项目中处于垄断地位,男子单人皮艇200 m竞争最激烈。通过与中国队的比较分析,对发展中国皮划艇项目提出建议。  相似文献   
从北京到伦敦,随着奥运主场的转移,TOP赞助商中的中国企业阵容也随之改变,尤其是大陆企业出现了大面积撤退的情况,几乎销声匿迹。那些在四年前不惜重金共襄盛举的赞助商和供应商们似乎放弃了进军伦敦奥运战场。调查发现,中国企业的大面积撤退与业绩并无太大关联。结合国外企业成功开展奥运营销的关键因素与中国企业体育营销存在的问题探讨对此现象的思考。  相似文献   
采用文献资料、数理统计等方法,对第30届伦敦奥运会奖牌分布特征进行研究,结果表明:美国继续称雄奖牌榜,但其霸主地位正受到强有力的冲击;俄罗斯表现稳定,女子项目处于世界领先地位;英国创造了近三届奥运会的最佳战绩,其他欧洲国家传统优势项目继续保持领先;非洲军团在中长跑项目上的统治力有所下降;亚洲、大洋洲和南美洲田径整体水平依旧落后,继续充当世界田坛的配角;中国军团取得了参加单届奥运会获得奖牌数最多的优异成绩,但落后局面依然没有改变。  相似文献   
运用数理统计等方法对中国男篮在伦敦奥运会上的攻防技术统计进行统计分析,研究表明:中国男篮身高优于对手,但队员年龄结构不合理,体重和克托莱指数仍处于劣势;在进攻方面,中国男篮存在投篮次数的不足的问题,特别是3分球投篮数与对手差距较大,助攻能力上与对手的差距也较大;在防守方面,中国男篮在盖帽、抢断技术上与对手差距不显著,而篮板球总数上具有显著性差距。并对中国男篮存在的问题提出针对性建议,旨在为中国篮球竞技能力的提高提供参考。  相似文献   
杰克·伦敦是美国文学史上一位重要的批判现实主义作家,《马丁·伊登》是他的代表作,揭示了美国20世纪人们狂热追求"美国梦"的失败.小说的主人公马丁·伊登希望通过自己的努力跻身于上流社会,但进入上流社会后,他反而更加痛苦、精神更空虚,陷入无法自拔的境地,最后以自杀的方式结束自己悲惨的一生.这是杰克·伦敦思想的真实写照,他以同样方式结束了自己的生命,可见,马丁的人生悲剧也是杰克·伦敦的人生悲剧.  相似文献   
伍尔夫的作品几乎都涉及到伦敦这座城市,其呈现出来的伦敦文化符号我们可以从上流社会生活缩影、现代都市、建筑地标等方面进行解读。伍尔夫作品中伦敦文化符号的呈现,缘于她的伦敦想象,对其进行研究,可以使我们对伍尔夫的作品有着更为本质的理解。  相似文献   
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