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三十年战争(1618-1648)是世界历史上第一次大规模的国际战争,它是欧洲中世纪各种矛盾的集体清算,而17世纪分裂的德国则成为了国际矛盾的焦点.1648年战后签署的<威斯特伐利亚和约>重新划定了欧洲各国的边界,有利于欧洲的和平和安定,形成了以国家主权原则为基础的威斯特伐利亚体系.但在全球化的大背景下这个体系遇到了巨大的挑战,有学者提出要超越这个体系的束缚,如何看待这个问题则是一个值得关注的课题.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]借鉴俄军平战一体情报体系的建设经验,拓展我军情报平台规模,提供力量部署、资源技术和态势研判的综合信息策略,完善危机预警体系和处理机制。[方法/过程]通过一手数据资料分析俄军平战一体情报平台理论基础、功能需求、数据运行和实战效果。根据情报平台数据运行范式的特殊性,数据采集后经数据感知层、管理层、活化层处理,从应用层输出数据分析结果。根据俄罗斯国家安全机构的特殊性,情报平台嵌入国家防务指挥中心之中,在处置社会突发安全风险和军事威胁过程中凸显平战一体属性。[结果/结论]俄军情报平台已达到理念与技术同步、理论与实践融合、平时与战时无缝对接的信息化高度,为我国情报平台的构建与发展提供了一种连接军队与社会、把握现代化建设与信息时代的全新方案。  相似文献   

The archives of private philanthropic organizations provide information about the history of immigration into the United States via documents related to the foundations' sponsorship of research, social, and educational programs aimed at absorbing a large number of newcomers. In addition, when U.S. foreign policy or world events stimulated philanthropic activities relating to the immigrants' country of origin, foundations reached out for support from existing ethnic communities in the U.S., or for expertise from individual émigré scholars. The records of Carnegie Corporation of New York and of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace from the first half of the twentieth century illustrate the use of private philanthropy archives for scholarly research into the history of Eastern European immigration to the United States.  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2019,22(2):181-193
Recently published reviews have begun the process of synthesizing the knowledge within the growing Sport for Development (SfD) field, but there is a need to critically evaluate the research on which these findings are based. This systematic review is a critical appraisal of both quantitative and qualitative evidence in academic and grey literature in the SfD field. The strength and quality of the research is assessed to provide a more nuanced understanding of the reported evidence of SfD interventions in six global cities (Cape Town, Hong Kong, London, Mumbai, Nairobi, and New Orleans). The results include several key findings: (a) there is a limited number of academic and grey literature with enough methodological details for critical appraisal; (b) the quality of methods and evidence in individual studies is largely classified as weak; and (c) there is a need for more rigorous, systematic research and evaluation efforts that are openly shared and assessed. These findings provide a foundation from which to suggest ‘next steps’ for SfD organisations and researchers.  相似文献   
This essay examines the commonplace argument that particular weapons have the power to end war forever. I argue that the basic form of the durable memetic phrasal pattern that emerges from the commonplace’s many iterations is Weapon X makes war impossible. I call this meme the perpetual peace weapons snowclone. Snowclones are formulaic communication patterns that enable users to swap out words, phrases, or images for one another without breaking the original pattern. To understand how and why the perpetual peace weapons snowclone remains cogent for weapons advocacy, I connect Erasmus’s concept of copia to the contemporary concept of snowclones. Taken together, collective copia and snowclones demonstrate how simultaneous linguistic flexibility and rigidity help memes and other rhetorical commonplaces to replicate. I then trace the perpetual peace weapons snowclone’s replication with a historical survey of the oft-repeated commonplace through the development of the atomic bomb, at which point the perpetual peace weapons snowclone transformed into an ideological principle that warranted Cold War nuclear deterrence theory and the Atoms for Peace campaign. The case study demonstrates how, in general, all kinds of commonplaces, memes, clichés, stereotypes, archetypes, and proverbs get reproduced across time and space when collective copia and snowclones interact.  相似文献   
文学中的女性形象是远古神话及宗教文化传统的折射,有着深厚基督情怀的托尔斯泰在《战争与和平》的人物长廊里塑造了一系列生动曲女性形象。通过从神话原型批评角度去讨论呈现出夏娃原型的中心人物娜塔莎,在两者形成的对应关系中体会该作品的特有意义,以此观照托尔斯泰对女性命运的思考,以及女性形象模塑中男权文化对女性世界的价值判断。  相似文献   
谁采访了巴黎和会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,中国新闻史学界多认为胡政之采访了巴黎和会,而且是"采访这次会议的唯一的中国记者"。本文作者方汉奇先生经考证,最近有了与自己以往不同的新发现。结论是,胡政之确实采访过巴黎和会,但并不是采访这次和会"唯一的中国记者"。有关巴黎和会进展情况的信息,包括来自会议现埸的直接采访,在会埸外和在巴黎市内进行的近距离的采访,和在法国及其周边地区进行的观察、分析和评论,是通过几个传者的群体,协作完成的。以记者身份进入和会会埸的,是第一群体。在巴黎市内奔走于会埸外的凡尔赛、公使馆、代表驻所等地进行采访的,是第二群体。在巴黎和会前后访问巴黎和欧美各国,撰写旅行通讯和时事评论文章,为读者提供有关巴黎和会的历史背景和外围材料的,是第三群体。  相似文献   
This article explores the importance of higher education to international women’s organisations such as the International Federation of University Women, the International Council of Women, the International Alliance of Women and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and asks how studying abroad contributed to the international cooperation and understanding promoted by these organisations in the interwar period. In particular, it assesses how the movement of ‘Eastern’ women, especially East Asian, to the West for educational purposes at the beginning of the twentieth century benefited the expansion of these organisations beyond Europe, North America and white settler countries such as Australia and New Zealand between the world wars, and to what extent the experiences of international students in the ‘West’ influenced their political activities back home and their involvement in international women’s organisations.  相似文献   
巴黎和会上中国代表希望收回对山东的主权,却由于日本的种种阴谋以及列强间的勾结与妥协而未能如愿,直到华盛顿会议山东问题才得以最终解决.从巴黎和会的悬而未决到华盛顿会议上山东主权的收回,美国在这一问题中起到了关键作用.美国背信弃义出卖中国利益,与日本关系敌敌友友,进而主导华盛顿会议,这些都成为解决山东问题的微妙却又关键的因素.  相似文献   
1943年举行的“联合国粮食与农业会议”是战时首次由当时所有联合国家参加的国际会议。粮农会议是罗斯福政府对盟国在战后展开国际合作的可行性以及国内政治和舆论倾向的一次考查 ,是对组建战后国际和平组织的一次预演和彩排 ,也是罗斯福关于国际和平与安全取决于经济和社会发展的理念的重要实践  相似文献   
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