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本文以韩国为例从发展经济学的角度探讨权威主义的起源。经济发展理论认为,一个经济发展取向的、能够提供政治稳定的、以理性和效率为诉求的硬政权是欠发达国家实现现代化的必要前提。权威主义本身所具有的发展型国家、普力夺主义和压制性发展特征满足了这些要求.这成为它得以上台的根本原因。  相似文献   
托克维尔《旧制度与大革命》分析了法国大革命前夕的社会状况,形成研究革命与社会运动的"变迁、结构、话语"三大要素。社会变迁主要集中在关注发展型相对剥夺。大革命前几十年的繁荣刺激了人们的欲望,旧制度无法满足持续上升的需求,人们就产生相对剥夺感而趋向变革。社会结构分为中央集权政治结构和分裂的阶层关系,导致整个国家缺乏中间地带的缓冲和各阶层的整合,革命将君主制顷刻毁灭。话语上,流行的"文学政治"要求自由和平等,激起人们的变革热忱,却因过于理想化而脱离政治实际,缺乏革新社会的切实规划。  相似文献   
孙权是三国鼎立时期的一代英主,正是他的励精图治才使得孙吴在魏、吴、蜀三国中国运最长.然而,由于自身性格特点和客观环境变化,在他统治后期也出现了许多弊政,如猜忌杀戮重臣;虚伪自持,好大喜功;立嗣举棋不定,废长立幼;币制紊乱,刑法苛重,任用酷吏等.这些弊政耗费了大量财富,使得孙吴后期人才调零,权臣和宗室专权,加速了孙吴政权的衰亡.  相似文献   
抗战时期中国共产党根据全国的抗战要求和桂系的实际情况,开展了对桂系的统战工作,与桂系建立了良好的合作关系,推动了抗日救亡活动的蓬勃发展,促进了全国抗日民族统一战线的全面建立,为最终取得抗日战争的胜利起到了重要的作用.  相似文献   
A major proportion of the world’s population will be located in cities by 2030. With cities globally facing challenges due to the social exclusion of significant proportions of their populace, new thinking is needed on ways to correlate the competing socio-economic goals of various actors. This study sought to uncover the link between governance in cities as an innovation process and socio-economic regime transition towards a more equitable urban society. To do so, we draw on transition management thinking to consider urban regime transitions evolving in a temporal and incremental manner and in a multi-level context. We sought expansion from a delimited focus on socio-technical regimes in transition management literature to incorporate the notion of urban socio-economic regimes. This involved integrating aspects of reflexive governance and politics in a city context with a basic ontology of complex social systems and their evolutionary dynamics that underlies transition management approaches. Our focus is on learning by doing and experimentation as well as participation of citizens with other key city actors in a radically new process of mutual learning that creates social inclusion. The juxtaposition of national, city and community level interactions and their impact on socio-economic regime transition brings into sharp relief the issue of spatial scale and a lack of consideration in transition approaches generally. The study findings reveal a spatial orientation for creating new urban forms of reflexive governance as an innovation process taking place in transition arenas that can trigger new pathways to socio-economic change.  相似文献   
中国共产党执政能力建设包含三个基本雏度:夺取政权和巩固政权的能力、发展经济与文化的能力、民主与制度化建设的能力。三个难度的能力,既是执政党能力建设的基本层次,又代表了执政党不同执政时期的中心任务。三个维度统一于维护人民利益,特别是工农利益的社会主义建设事业之中。  相似文献   
依据中国第一历史档案馆所藏有关档案及《清实录》等资料,就光绪《安徽通志》职官志清代按察使表有关姓名、籍贯或旗籍、科第出身和任、署年份等史实予以订补。  相似文献   
从河源苏维埃政权的发展历程,可以看出中共红色政权的建立和存在必须具备一些基本条件,客观方面最重要的是国民党政权的分裂与内部混战;主观方面包括工农运动的基础、中共的力量与政策、红军的实力等,最主要的是红军的规模。从河源红色政权的失败可以看出,中共红色政权长期存在遇到的主要困难表现在:一是国民党政权逐步稳定和团结,越来越能够集中力量围剿红色政权;二是正规红军的规模与根据地规模比较小,难以抵挡国民党军队的围剿。抗日战争的到来,为中共根据地政权的长期存在提供了比苏维埃革命时期好得多的前提条件。革命的星星之火,终成燎原之势,红色政权终在全国确立。  相似文献   
十六国时期的“单于”制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十六国时期的“单于”制度虽源于匈奴,但在结构与功能上已发生变化,实际上是魏晋南北朝时期胡、汉化涵化的结果,也是这一时期化变迁的标识之一。  相似文献   
This article addresses the topic of transition and system change, and proposes endogenous regime transformation as alternative transition path to technological substitution. Using sociological and institutional insights, the dynamics of regime transformation are conceptualised. Two characteristics are pressure from outsider groups and adjustments in cognitions, norms and formal rules, enacted by regime insiders. The transformation perspective is illustrated with a historical case study, the hygienic transition from cesspools to integrated sewer systems in The Netherlands. The case study is used to make additions to the transformation perspective, particularly with regard to tactical and strategic games.  相似文献   
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