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对于图G的正常k-全染色f称为G(V,E)的k-均匀全染色,当且仅当任意2个色类中的元素总数至多相差1.χet(G)=min{k|G有k-均匀全染色}称为图G的均匀全色数.利用均匀边染色的相关结论,讨论并得到了图Sn+Fn和Sn+Wn的均匀全色数.  相似文献   
This paper reviews astronomy education research carried out among school students, teachers, and museum visitors over a 35‐year period from 1974 until 2008. One hundred and three peer‐reviewed journal articles were examined, the majority of whose research dealt with conceptions of astronomical phenomena with 40% investigating intervention activities. We used a conceptual framework of “big ideas” in astronomy, five of which accounted for over 80% of the studies: conceptions of the Earth, gravity, the day–night cycle, the seasons, and the Earth–Sun–Moon system. Most of the remaining studies were of stars, the solar system, and the concepts of size and distance. The findings of the review have implications for the future teaching of, and research in, the discipline. Conceptions of the Earth and the day–night cycle are relatively well‐understood, especially by older students, while the Moon phases, the seasons, and gravity are concepts that most people find difficult both to understand and explain. Thoroughly planned interventions are likely to be the most effective way of implementing conceptual change, and such studies have been well‐researched in the past 15 years. Much of this recent research has worked with constructivist theories resulting in methodological and theoretical insights of value to researchers and practitioners in the field. It is recommended that future research should work across the disciplinary boundaries of astronomy education at school and teacher education levels, and aim to disseminate findings more effectively within the education systems.  相似文献   

Through the study of an article written by the young Hemingway in The Toronto Star Weekly dated from May 15th, 1920, these lines offer an additional insight into the writer’s personality, and more specifically the reasons for his admiration for boxing. Entitled ‘Prizefight Women’, this article relates the reactions of a crowd during a traditional pugilistic meeting featuring the ‘French Idol’ – Georges Carpentier. If throughout his life, Pap displayed his taste for this sport, it appears that the main reasons for his fascination were already revealed in this writing.  相似文献   
文章阐述了星—角连接中线电压和相电压的关系及线电流和相电流的关系,并阐明了在实际中如何来计算星—角连接电路的有关问题。  相似文献   
介绍了常用的搜索算法思想,重点剖析了采用启发式A*算法实现大地图与复杂地形的最短路径搜索,在对估价函数特性进行分析的基础上,讨论了它的几个一般构造原则,并简要介绍一些常用的启发函数。  相似文献   
中国现代散文史上,萧红的散文中蕴含着丰富的“青春主题”。萧红的散文站在女性立场上,用独特而率真的青春笔触,展示了女性青春坎坷的成长之路和现代女性青春复杂而悲凉的内心世界。萧红富有才情而又饱含感伤的散文使读者感悟到作者当时的青春生命状态,也为我们认识和研究那个时代的青春问题提供了很好的文学材料。  相似文献   
七夕是中国民众传统岁时生活中的一个重要节日,也是历代文人士大夫竞相歌咏的对象。唐代七夕诗不仅数量很多,而且内容很丰富,是唐代七夕节俗的生动写照,反映了唐代七夕节的主要节俗活动及其文化内涵。  相似文献   
韩剧《来自星星的你》不仅创下了收视率新高,更是引发了青年群体新一波的“韩流”热潮。在透视青年“星你”热现象的同时,我们更应该辩证思考其对于青年的影响。“星你”热浪的掀起,一方面对于青年的审美能力、创新适应性、文化视野与社会化进程都具有积极影响,但我们更应该关注的是它对于青年人生、价值观塑造过程中可能产生的负面因素,并提出一些可行性对策思考。  相似文献   
司命神在先秦两汉时期是主管人的生死、寿命和命运的神祗,它是官方与民间共同信奉的神灵.由于星占学的影响,司命神在汉代被进一步人格化,同时司命神被赋予更多的神性职能.司命神执行诸多职能的最终目的是为了劝勉人们诛恶行善,而民众信仰司命神多是为了求得延年益寿或消灾免祸.  相似文献   
简析了NBA全明星赛获得成功的各种因素,其中包括夺目的明星基础、成熟的包装设计、全球化的发展策略和不断创新的明星表演思维;剖析了NBA全明星赛的文化内涵,具体包括NBA全明星赛是NBA职业联盟发展的历史驱动,是美国好莱坞娱乐精神的体现,是美国商业文化的体现,是美国多元文化、青少年和残疾人人文关怀的综合体现。指出了我国CBA全明星赛存在的不足,主要有模仿过度、创新不足,只见比赛、娱乐不足,场馆软硬件服务不足,主办方运营困难重重。最后,指出了NBA全明星赛对CBA全明星的若干启示。  相似文献   
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