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杜甫的诗赋创作在他年轻时已得到文坛前辈的高度赏识。与他同时的著名诗人李白、王维、岑参、高适都与他有亲密交往或诗歌酬唱。杜甫晚年更有“新诗海内流传遍”的美誉。杜甫身后,著名诗人白居易、元稹、张籍、韩愈、李贺、李商隐、杜荀鹤等都盛赞其诗歌,或承继其直面人生的创作品格,或学习其博大多姿的艺术风神。总之,唐人对杜诗的接受,在他生前已经彰显,在他身后更为普遍。  相似文献   
The author chaired two Expert Groups of the OECD including that on privacy, whose guidelines form the basis of the legal regimes in Australia, New Zealand and many other countries. He reviews the success of those guidelines and the defects disclosed by time and by the remarkable advances in information technology since the guidelines were adopted in 1980. He then explores the revival of interest in the protection of privacy in the courts as a common law entitlement, instancing the recent decision of the Australian High Court in the Lenah Game Meats Case. The difficulty which the common law faces in responding to the challenge of informatics is then explored by reference to the decision in Dow Jones v Gutnik concerned with liability for defamation on the Internet. Finally, the author considers two contemporary problems: genetic privacy and terrorism. On the latter, he concludes with a reminder of the need to uphold civic rights, including privacy, so as to ensure that the terrorists, although losing, do not win.  相似文献   
金元两代对柳宗元文章的评论不多,但也有王若虚、辛文房和刘谧等人的重要评论。此时期虽部分延续了前代的韩愈优于柳宗元的主流说法,但也出现了柳宗元胜于韩愈的新论。由于特殊的时代性,两朝文人受儒家思想影响较小,他们对柳宗元文章的评价,大多是从文章本身出发,较为开放、宽松,从某个侧面折射了金元文人特殊的愿望和追求。  相似文献   
柳诗在宋代的接受与宋代的诗学思想有着紧密关联,诗学思想与人格境界之"平淡"追求,深深的影响了柳宗元诗歌在宋代的传播过程。宋代对柳宗元诗歌的接受主要从"陶柳"诗风异同论、"韩柳"诗风不同论、柳诗深得"骚学"论等三条路径展开的。  相似文献   
盛唐盛世造就了王维,造就了"荣光外映而秀色内含"的王维体,造就了以高华雅丽为主流趣味的王维时代。以王维为领袖的、以都城诗为中心的盛唐诗坛,其诗歌"词秀调雅,意新理惬"的主流趣味,即盛世贵族的时尚趣味,成为盛世诗歌美学的主流趣味,代表着盛唐诗坛最风行的主流势力。从王维诗歌的上层社会受众面的现象可推知,其诗歌在题材、意旨、气格和品级上迎合了上层社会的审美接受期待,而"一代文宗"的王维因为时代的造就,也成为盛唐诗坛的首席代表。  相似文献   
This study examined the mediating roles of three types of child aggression in the relation between harsh parenting and Chinese early adolescents’ peer acceptance as well as the moderating role of child gender on this indirect relation. 833 children (mean age = 13.58, 352 girls) with their parents were recruited as participants from two junior high schools in Shandong Province, People’s Republic of China. The results showed that paternal harsh parenting was only associated with boys’ aggressive behaviors and maternal harsh parenting was only associated with boys’ and girls’ verbal aggression. Adolescents’ verbal and relational aggressions were negatively associated with their peer acceptance. Verbal aggression was more strongly and negatively associated with girls’ peer acceptance. The results imply that in the Chinese cultural context, paternal harsh parenting may compromise boys’ peer acceptance through boys’ verbal and relational aggression as mediators, whereas maternal harsh parenting may impair children’s peer acceptance through children’s verbal aggression as a mediator, especially for girls. These results provide a theoretical basis for ameliorating the negative effect of harsh parenting on early adolescents’ peer acceptance by reducing their aggressive behaviors, with different strategies between boys and girls.  相似文献   
马荣荣 《海外英语》2011,(8):198-199
外来词是汉语词汇系统的一个重要组成部分,有着源远流长的历史。外来词语经过翻译进入到汉语体系。而不同的翻译方法体现了我国对外来词语的接受态度和能力。基于我国历史上出现的四次翻译高潮,该文试探讨这四个时期主要翻译方法的变化,从变化中透析我国对外来词的接受。  相似文献   
阐释与接受是从西方引进的或重文本或重读者的现代阐释学和读者接受理论.但回观中国人自己的文论成果,我们会发现,这些舶来的洋理论其实早就被我们的古人不同程度地言说过了.这说明中西方文论具有相通性,论者应从容面对和借鉴西方的文学理论,不必"言必称希腊".  相似文献   
青少年儿童同伴接纳研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同伴接纳在青少年儿童的社会性发展中起着重要作用,结合近年来国内外对儿童青少年的同伴接纳的研究,综述了青少年儿童的同伴接纳与心理理论、友谊、学校适应及学业成绩等的相关研究成果,望这些研究成果能在儿童、青少年的培养与教育中起到一定的作用。  相似文献   
本文对“接受式探究学习”这种新的教学方式做简要理论论述,并以高中课文朱自清的《荷塘月色》为例进行接受式探究学习的尝试性教学设计。这一新的教学方法为在课堂教学中学生知识教育与素质教育同时进行提供了教学实践的参考。  相似文献   
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