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话语系统中以“教师教育”取代“师范教育”,是我国传统师范教育向现代教师教育转型的标志。社会文化的转型及传统师范教育的弊端,使教师教育在我国的出现具有其现实基础。借鉴国际师范教育改革的做法,对我国的教师教育新形象进行设计的过程即是我国师范教育如何向教师教育转型的过程。  相似文献   
“探究———发现”教学指注重调动学生探究动机、促进知识发现和问题解决的教学。其基本理念包括 :学生是知识意义的建构者 ;学习是一种探究过程 ;学生是具有主动性和创造性的个体 ;教师是学习的指导者和促进者。“探究———发现”教学模式包括创设问题情境、收集信息资料、提出假设、验证假设、反思交流五个基本阶段。它以建构主义为理论基础 ,以多媒体技术为技术支撑。  相似文献   
The effects of query structures and query expansion (QE) on retrieval performance were tested with a best match retrieval system (InQuery1). Query structure means the use of operators to express the relations between search keys. Six different structures were tested, representing strong structures (e.g., queries with facets or concepts identified) and weak structures (no concepts identified, a query is a bag of search keys). QE was based on concepts, which were first selected from a searching thesaurus, and then expanded by semantic relationships given in the thesaurus. The expansion levels were (a) no expansion, (b) a synonym expansion, (c) a narrower concept expansion, (d) an associative concept expansion, and (e) a cumulative expansion of all other expansions. With weak structures and Boolean structured queries, QE was not very effective. The best performance was achieved with a combination of a facet structure, where search keys within a facet were treated as instances of one search key (the SYN operator), and the largest expansion.  相似文献   
被外界称为国有化的山西省煤炭兼并重组工作自实施以来备受社会的广泛关注。整理归纳2008-2009年山西煤炭国有化有关文件,山西煤炭国有化主要体现在政策出台背景、政策制定依据、基本内容、工作程序及保障措施等方面。  相似文献   
最高人民法院《关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》,在侵权领域内规定“第三人侵权致未成年人遭受人身损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。学校、幼儿园等教育机构有过错的,应当承担相应的补充赔偿责任”,为司法实践中处理此类问题提供了司法解释的规范依据。但是,理论界和审判实践对学校承担补充赔偿责任的问题存在争论。应正确认识与运用补充赔偿责任,将补充赔偿责任的研究定位于侵权法领域中。本文结合司法案例,在实证研究的基础上指出补充赔偿责任适用的法理依据。  相似文献   
被胁迫行为是英美刑法中的一种合法辩护事由。只要符合一定条件构成被迫行为,就应免除行为 人的罪责(应处以死刑的叛国罪与谋杀罪除外)。本文通过对被迫行为免责的理论依据及成立条件的分析。论证 了其合理性,并进而揭示了其对我国胁从犯刑事责任立法的启发与借鉴意义。  相似文献   
实施新《纲要》要有创新精神,要更新观念、统一思想,才能创新体育课程教学模式,观念是否更新直接影响体育改革的质量。因此,高校体育教师更新观念是教学模式改革创新的前提,而教师素质的提高又是更新观念的基础。高校体育教师只有努力提高自身的综合素质,更新知识、转变观念,才能更好地实现新《纲要》的课程目标。  相似文献   
立法依据是立法的前提性问题,它解决的是立法的正当性问题。阐述体育仲裁立法的理论依据、法律依据和现实依据,以期对我国体育仲裁立法提供有益的思路。体育仲裁立法的理论依据包括保护合法权益与体现体育精神的需要等方面,法律依据包括宪法、立法法、体育法、仲裁法。  相似文献   
Recognizing the importance teachers’ own voices play in their own professional development, the case study reported in this paper aims to illuminate the role that formal instruction and immersion in research can play in shaping teachers’ views of teacher-research and of themselves as future enquiring practitioners. The study was conducted with a group of nine overseas teachers attending a B.Ed. (Honours) degree in TEFL run by a higher education institution in Britain. Data were collected via questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and field notes from direct observation. Using a grounded theory methodology, the multiple sources of data were integrated into a theoretical model of ways of describing teacher research. The results of the study confirm previous assumptions that the highly-structured nature of the academic format of doing and reporting research may fall short of providing teachers with skills and tools for reflection that are easily transferable to practice.  相似文献   
学校特色发展实践的理论反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校特色发展问题的关键是深入而准确地揭示中国社会现实条件下学校特色发展的理论基础与实现机制.从学校与人、学校与政府、学校与市场、学校与社会、学校与文化等几个理论视野进行反思和考察可得出如下结论:学校特色发展的实质与目的是学校的自主发展;学校精神的重建是学校特色发展的核心与灵魂;提高学校的办学效益和增大人的活动自由度是学校特色发展的两大课题;从外控管理走向自主型校本管理是学校特色发展的必然选择;有限办学资源的优化配置与优质教育资源的打造是学校特色发展的重要环节.  相似文献   
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