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晋升锦标赛下,官员在有限任期内存在晋升预期差异,由此导致的短视行为的变化可能对创新产出造成影响。然而现有文献并未从官员晋升动机视角深入研究城市创新的制度动因,也未曾厘清官员任期等政治体制对创新活动的具体影响机制。本文利用2004—2016年285个城市的面板数据,通过多元统计回归分析,实证检验了官员任期如何通过经济增长目标影响城市创新的机制路径,并从土地财政、环境治理视角提出了新机制路径。研究发现:(1)相对于市长,市委书记任期对城市创新的影响更大,且呈现出显著的倒U型关系;(2)市委书记的更替显著抑制了城市创新水平的提升;(3)机制分析发现,市委书记的任期通过动态影响经济增长目标制定,土地财政依赖以及环境治理水平进而对城市创新产生影响。譬如当经济增长目标越高,官员越倾向于采用短视的扩张策略刺激经济,进而减少对创新活动的投入;(4)异质性分析发现在市场化条件较好,东部以及城市规模较大的地区,市委书记任期对创新的U型特征仍然显著。本文建议政府在推进财政分权体制改革时,应采用因地制宜的推进方式,将“有效市场”与“有为政府”更好地结合起来。本文研究结论丰富了晋升锦标赛理论的经验证据,有助于理...  相似文献   
NBA是当今世界职业体育联盟中的一个成功典范,其独特的经营模式和科学合理的管理制度体现新制度经济学的相关理论.衡量一个职业体育联盟成功与否的标准主要有整体规模、竞技水平、赢利能力和融资能力等四个方面.运用新制度经济学的交易成本理论、产权理论、契约理论和制度变迁理论分别分析了NBA在组织结构、产权制度安排、经营方式和创新意识四个方面的成功经验.不仅在理论依据方面为CBA联赛的发展提供参考,也在实践经验方面为CBA的成长给出了一些有益的启示.  相似文献   
文章以"北京2008武术套路比赛"为切入点,采用录像观察法、数理统计法对87名参赛运动员的洲别、国别、名次、平均难度动作编排及服装进行了研究,同时采用逻辑分析法对竞赛规程及相关官网资料进了深入的分析。研究表明:(1)竞技武术套路在世界各洲各地区的发展状况处于严重失衡状态,表现为两种形式,一种是洲际的失衡,一种是洲内的失衡;(2)国际竞技武术套路竞赛既有广泛的发展前程,又面临金牌毫无悬念的尴尬局面;(3)《2005年国际武术套路竞赛规则》中,采用同样的评分标准对男女运动员自选动作难度进行评分,这对于女子运动员来说是不公平的;(4)要促进竞技武术的国际发展,中西文化的融合仍很重要。  相似文献   
Task assignment, the core problem of Spatial Crowdsourcing (SC), is often modeled as an optimization problem with multiple constraints, and the quality and efficiency of its solution determines how well the SC system works. Fairness is a critical aspect of task assignment that affects worker participation and satisfaction. Although the existing studies on SC have noticed the fairness problem, they mainly focus on fairness at the individual level rather than at the group level. However, differences among groups in certain attributes (e.g. race, gender, age) can easily lead to discrimination in task assignment, which triggers ethical issues and even deteriorates the quality of the SC system. Therefore, we study the problem of task assignment with group fairness for SC. According to the principle of fair budget allocation, we define a well-designed constraint that can be considered in the task assignment problem of SC systems, resulting in assignment with group fairness. We mainly consider the task assignment problem in a common One-to-One SC system (O2-SC), and our goal is to maximize the quality of the task assignment while satisfying group fairness and other constraints such as budget and spatial constraints. Specifically, we first give the formal definition of task assignment with group fairness constraint for O2-SC. Then, we prove that it is essentially an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. Next, we provide a novel fast algorithm with theoretical guarantees to solve it. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments using both synthetic and real datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed constraint can significantly improve the group fairness level of algorithms, even for a completely random algorithm. The results also show that our algorithm can efficiently and effectively complete the task assignment of SC systems while ensuring group fairness.  相似文献   
This article proposes a new framework to model a scenario in which First Responders, citizens, smart devices, or robots explore the environment in an emergency situation, i.e., after an earthquake, assessing damages and searching for people needing assistance. While moving, the agents observe events and exchange the information collected with other agents encountered: to this end, they use messaging systems purposely adapted to use point-to-point network connections to allow local data exchange between agents even when global network connections are not available. As is common in Delay Tolerant Networks, exchanged messages are locally stored: when a global network is available, the agents can upload all the information collected by themselves and other agents they encountered to a Control Room or a database in the Cloud. Differently from traditional DTN algorithms such as Epidemic and Spray&Wait, we propose a solution that keeps track of agents that shared information along the path and assess the quality of the information collected by multiple agents through a reputation-based mechanism that is safer than majority voting. A simulator compatible with OpenStreetMap is presented, as well as simulated experiments in two Italian towns to validate the feasibility of the approach.  相似文献   
从当前管理实践出发,通过梳理现有文献,提出众包创新的本质为外部用户知识的有效获取和创新运用。构建双边视角下众包创新知识获取机制概念模型,分析双边视角下知识获取的关键影响因素,以及其对知识获取与众包创新绩效的影响机制。并探讨未来的研究方向,为提升众包创新绩效提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   
付巧 《图书情报工作》2016,60(23):143-148
[目的/意义]维基百科是众包模式应用的杰出范例,研究维基百科的检索系统有助于促进以众包方式编纂的同类网络百科全书的研究和发展。[方法/过程]通过对维基百科检索结构的系统描述,分析发现在众包编纂模式下维基百科检索系统的3个区别性特征。在此基础上,探讨维基百科检索系统存在的问题。[结果/结论]维基百科检索系统的区别性特征包括:检索系统功能的多样性、检索系统的开放性、编辑历史的可检索性;维基百科检索系统存在着超链接密度较高、网络文献问题频现、参见系统内容缺乏一致性等问题。未来的研究应在检索方式的设置和管理方面进行探讨。国内同类网络百科全书应在汲取维基百科先进经验的同时,结合自身检索系统设置的实际情况,不断完善各种检索途径的功能。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对2008年我国女子散打锦标赛运动员技术运用现状进行分析.研究表明:我国女子散打运动员技术运用基本成熟,但拳法技术粗糙,腿法技术单一,摔法运用能力不强,组合技术运用能力不突出的现象依然存在.因此,运动员应在提高功力的基础上,在技术的组合运用上狠下功夫,在全面发展的基础上突出自己的特长,以更好地适应不断发展的赛事要求.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 结合科技创新的形势和需求,通过引入众包来解决目前科技查新服务工作中存在的问题。[方法/过程] 概述众包理论,分析众包理论运用于科技查新服务的核心优势,并以实际案例探讨基于众包理论开展科技查新服务的主体构成、路径选择及运行模式。[结果/结论] 众包理论的核心思想可应用于图书情报科技查新服务,并将对科技查新服务相关工作的创新发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   
韩普 《现代情报》2018,38(7):19
为了推进智慧城市建设和管理中公众参与的进程,提升公众参与的层次和深度。基于公众参与理论和众包模式内涵,借鉴成功的众包实践案例,融入社会化媒体优势,本文构建了社会化媒体环境下公众参与智慧城市管理众包的概念模型。该模型包含了政府部门、众包项目运作方、社会化媒体平台和参与公众四大构件,通过社会化媒体公众平台实施,具有较好的实践性和可操作性。论文最后对模型进行了阐释。  相似文献   
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