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20世纪90年代以来,凭祥红木文化产业凭借独特的区位优势、成本优势、资源优势和后发优势,成为中国红木文化产业的后起之秀。但同时也面临着同质化趋势、发展规模受限、工艺水平滞后和全国性品牌缺失等困境。为此,应调整发展思路,从增强核心竞争力、加强精细化生产、提高工艺水平和打造国内知名品牌等方面创新发展路径,促进凭祥红木文化产业健康和可持续发展,为我国蓬勃兴起的红木文化产业提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
翻译离不开文化的传递,翻译的主要任务是在的文(target text)中再现原文(source text)的思想内容,促进文化交流。文章从分析东西方文化意义完全不同的两组对应词“龙”和“dragon”与“东风”和“west wind”入手,阐明了翻译中的直译是值得推崇的文化传递途径,其能保留原语文化,使读者感到新鲜生动;能丰富译语文化,扩大读者的知识视野:能促进文化交流,丰富和提高民族文化。  相似文献   
“大众文化”作为一个20世纪新兴的文化现象,有着独特的内涵和特征,对于这一文化现象兴起的原因历来众说纷纭,大众文化兴起的原因主要表现为:(1)科技时代机械复制技术的成果;(2)大众精神层面需求的滋生推进了这一文化现象的产生与发展;(3)产业利润的驱使也推动了这一现象的产生。  相似文献   
英汉语在“时间是空间”、“时间流逝是运动”、“时间是金钱”、“时间是实体”等主要时间概念隐喻及相应的语言表达形式中虽有很多相同之处,但也存在着差异。这些差异来源于英汉不同的认知和社会文化背景。  相似文献   
在建立历史唯物主义的过程中,马克思把自己历史观和世界观意义上的人道主义改造为伦理学和价值学意义上来看待,是西方思想中固有的传统并且是占据主导地位的。这种人道主义偏重于对历史的人性化理解和解释,而缺少对人本身价值要求的真正关注;把人道主义当作伦理和价值学方面的准则和要求来看待,并把其当作理解人道主义的出发点和全部内涵.则是马克思人道主义思想对西方历史观和世界观的人道主义的超越。  相似文献   
现代新儒家文化观的内容十分丰富,但讨论最集中的问题主要有三个:第一是文化形上学,其主流的本体论形态是精神一元论,也有经济决定论和地理环境决定论的观.占‘;第二是中国文化观,在不遮蔽中国传统文化劣根性的同时,侧重弘扬其优越性;第三是西方文化观,在肯定西方近代文化精神合理性的同时,批判了其负面效应。  相似文献   
屈骚批评传统久远而源远流长,传统屈骚批评自汉代起便与儒学和经学结缘,批评家多服从政治伦理的评价,以思想内容的好坏、政教作用的大小来衡量屈骚,用汉儒说诗的理论和引此比彼的方法着力于对其思想内容及价值取向的挖掘,而对楚辞独具的诗义和艺术手法均有所忽视甚至表现为某种程度的歪曲。批评标准和批评方法的局限是古代屈骚阐释中最为显见的不足,对于传统久远而日益沉滞的屈骚批评而言,新的批评方法的出现显得尤为重要。这一新的方法终于在清末民初隐然成形。  相似文献   
This paper delineates the findings of a mixed methods study that investigated how Olympism education could strengthen competencies of human integration through delivery of physical, social, and critical literacy and conflict resolution literacy. The study introduced a curriculum model integrating Olympism values and conflict resolution strategies for the purpose of facilitating human integration. This integrated curriculum model was then tested among a group of young students who represent the two main ethnic groups Sinhalese and Tamils, in a war-torn society in Sri-Lanka. The intervention of this study provided pragmatic involvement for young students as the representatives of the next generation, in order to teach them the convergence and contradictions of perceptions of social reform ideals through sport. Results revealed that conflict resolution strategies combined with Olympism education integrated curriculum intervention significantly improved young students’ conflict resolution competencies, regardless of their gender or ethnicity. This study demonstrated significant gains in the ability of young students to learn about human integration through learning about Olympism within sport and physical education lessons, in regards to effective conflict resolution.  相似文献   
化与经济的相谐共生,既是化发展的内在要求,也是经济发展的必然趋势,在社会主义市场经济条件下,化建设必须走产业化道路,而产业发展要想上水平,上档次,则必须提高相应的化含量。  相似文献   
The aim of the this study was to establish age- and gender-specific physical fitness normative values and to compare percentiles and Z scores values in a large, nationwide sample of Greek children aged 6–18 years. From March 2014 to May 2014, a total of 424,328 boys and girls aged 6–18 years who attended school in Greece were enrolled. The studied sample was representative, in terms of age–sex distribution and geographical region. Physical fitness tests (i.e. 20?m shuttle run test (SRT), standing long jump, sit and reach, sit-ups, and 10?×?5?m SRT) were performed and used to calculate normative values, using the percentiles of the empirical distributions and the lambda, mu, and sigma statistical method. Normative values were presented as tabulated percentiles for five health-related fitness tests based on a large data set comprising 424,328 test performances. Boys typically scored higher than girls on cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and speed/agility, but lower on flexibility (all p values <0.001). Older boys and girls had better performances than younger ones (p?相似文献   
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