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文章分析了太原科技大学图书馆在查收查引工作中遇到的问题,在总结国内相关研究成果的基础上,提出从制度、流程、规则、存档四个层面规范查收查引工作,通过此项举措,使查收查引工作实现了质的飞跃。  相似文献   
安徽政治人物群体在中国近代史上占据重要地位。从区域人文地理学视角考察,这一人物群体在数量与密度的区域分布上具有鲜明的地域特征,呈现出由江淮之间向南北两端衰减的分布趋势,并在人物分布的区域变迁中形成了沿江与皖西北两条各具特色的人物分布带。  相似文献   
《怀念声名狼藉的日子》是池莉反映知青生活的一部力作,它以对个体生命的高度尊重,对成长的青春记忆的无限激情,完成了对新市民小说的一些超越、对知青小说的新的开拓与探索。通过文本细读和横向比较,试图从另类知青文学书写、特殊时代的青春记忆这两个方面对小说进行解读。  相似文献   
在本土文化报道上发挥优势,是目前地市报副刊展示实力的突破口。要做好本地文化报道,就要深入挖掘地方的历史文化资源,敏锐洞察文化现象,以开放的视角立足本土,切中传统文化与当代的契合点。在处理好报纸副刊的新闻性与文艺性关系的同时,紧扣时代特征,坚持内容为王,以量取势,以质夺势,在写作角度、写作方法上,力求本土化。  相似文献   
National policies aimed at fostering the effectiveness of scientific systems should be based on reliable strategic analysis identifying strengths and weaknesses at field level. Approaches and indicators thus far proposed in the literature have not been completely satisfactory, since they fail to distinguish the effect of the size of production factors from that of their quality, particularly the quality of labor. The current work proposes an innovative “input-oriented” approach, which permits: (i) estimation of national research performance in a field and comparison to that of other nations, independent of the size of their respective research staffs; and, for fields of comparable intensity of publication, (ii) identification of the strong and weak research fields within a national research system on the basis of international comparison. In reference to the second objective, the proposed approach is applied to the Italian case, through the analysis of the 2006–2010 scientific production of the Italian academic system, in the 200 research fields where bibliometric analysis is meaningful.  相似文献   
以“胸怀大局、自信开放、迎难而上、追求卓越、共创未来”为主要内容的“北京冬奥精神”生成于北京冬奥会、冬残奥会筹办举办的生动实践中。该文以北京冬奥精神的生成机理、时代价值和传承弘扬为具体研究对象,采用文献资料分析、历史叙事、史论结合等方法开展综合研究。研究认为,巨大的制度优势、坚实的综合国力、优秀的文化基因共同作用,构建了“北京冬奥精神”的生成机理;“北京冬奥精神”丰富了中国共产党人的精神谱系,孕育了新时代伟大实践的精神标识,彰显了人类文明进程中的中国智慧和中国力量,为新发展阶段全面建设社会主义现代化强国提供强大动力,呈现出鲜明的时代价值。作为中国精神的重要呈现,在中国特色社会主义伟大事业进程中传承弘扬“北京冬奥精神”,将其升华为人们认识世界和改造世界的思维方式和价值规范,有利于提升形塑国家形象的实践能力,从而实现精神力量的创造性转化和创新性发展。  相似文献   
Is more always better? We address this question in the context of bibliometric indices that aim to assess the scientific impact of individual researchers by counting their number of highly cited publications. We propose a simple model in which the number of citations of a publication depends not only on the scientific impact of the publication but also on other ‘random’ factors. Our model indicates that more need not always be better. It turns out that the most influential researchers may have a systematically lower performance, in terms of highly cited publications, than some of their less influential colleagues. The model also suggests an improved way of counting highly cited publications.  相似文献   
佘稳 《中国科技纵横》2014,(14):229-230
介绍了采用DDS-70电气伺服振动三轴试验装置测定海底浅层饱和砂性土液化动力特性参数试验过程中出现的若干问题,如土样制备过程中问题、土样成分及包含物对试验影响、试验中轴向振动应力施加常见问题、土样重塑试验对试验结果影响,以及对试验数据结果的可靠性进行分析。  相似文献   
粤东客家地区,位于闽、粤、赣三省交界之地,是世界上客家人最大的聚集地,其地理条件是以山地、丘陵为主体,自然灾害频发,由于独特的社会结构和相对恶劣的自然条件,其灾害的社会救助机制和方式特殊,加强对近代粤东客家地区灾害的社会救助研究,有助于我们更有效地构建灾害的社会救助机制,减少自然灾害的危害,更好地维护社会稳定,促进社会健康发展。  相似文献   
In this paper, I consider the problem of truth telling through the notion of parrhesia as developed and explicated in Foucault’s last lectures at the College de France (1982–1983 and 1983–1984) and the figure of the pariah that runs throughout Arendt’s work. In tracing connections and tensions in the way the two thinkers explore questions and dilemmas around the courage to tell the truth in philosophy and politics, I look into the current climate within the UK academia, where there is a lot of ambivalence about whether people mean what they say or say what they mean anymore. In a Foucauldian mode of inquiry, I raise the question: what is the role of the academic when going through ‘dark times’, vis-à-vis questions of truth telling; what are the conditions of possibility for truth telling itself to be recognised as a question or a problem and how can we start mapping the effects of what we as academics do or refrain from doing?  相似文献   
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