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哲学家是柏拉图早期思想之中的一个十分重要的概念,寄托着他的美好理想,也是他展望人类光明未来的一个支点。但是,与今天人们所谓的哲学家有着不小的差距,这也是他的哲学思想的核心所在。  相似文献   
经济哲学不单是经济学家的创造,也有哲学家的一份辛劳。为今之计,不是彼此互相排斥,而要加强联合,协同攻关,特别是要努力在对方的领城“脱毛”。任何固步自封、骄狂自大,都是不利于学科发展的。  相似文献   
萧岛泉同志的著作《一代哲人杨献珍》以丰富翔实的材料向人们展示了著名马列主义理论家、哲学家、教育家杨献珍的哲学思想,为后人留下了珍贵的精神财富。  相似文献   
陶渊明诗中的叠词,为其状物写景,叙事抒怀增添了不少风采,更主要的是,从另一个侧面印证了陶渊明对大自然十分倾心,是一个自然的人,一个自然的诗人,一个自然的哲人。他对自然人生的追求,他对大自然的热爱,今天仍然具有警世作用。  相似文献   
The paper presents the unique philosophy of Moshe Ben Joshua of Narbonne (d. 1362), known as Moshe Narboni. Narboni wrote some fifteen different treatises dealing with various subjects: philosophy, Kabbalah, Biblical exegesis and medicine. The philosophical issues he addressed were logic, psychology, physics and metaphysics. Narboni was a keen disciple of the outstanding Jewish thinker Moses Maimonides, as well as a devoted commentator on works written by prominent Muslim philosophers: Al-Ghazālī, Ibn Bājja (Avempace) Ibn .(T)ufayl and Ibn Rushd (Averroes). Narboni adopted the Averroistic view, held also by Maimonides, maintaining that religion was founded on philosophical principles, offering a popular adaptation of philosophy in favour of the uneducated mass. He thus felt that Judaism and Islam were both truthful monotheistic religions, teaching their adherents the same basic principles. However, he did regard Judaism as superior in three major aspects: i) Judaism is more ancient than Islam, and thus was the source for Islamic basic beliefs; ii) the Jewish law teaches the ideal way of life; iii) the Hebrew language lends to the concept of the Deity.  相似文献   
Scholars have traditionally considered Aquinas’ theory of happiness as fundamentally Aristotelian. However, this interpretation does not seem an adequate characterization of Aquinas’ doctrine that appears as the result of the influence of several traditions. In interpreting Aristotle, Aquinas is influenced by two Byzantine Neoplatonic commentators of Aristotle – namely, Eustratius and Michael of Ephesus. In developing his theory, Aquinas tries to harmonize the Aristotelian perspective with Latin Neoplatonic notion of perfect happiness, put forward by Augustine, and both the Greek theory of the human intellect proposed by Pseudo-Dionysius and the Arabic doctrine of the human soul, expressed by the Liber De Causis. The Sententia libri Ethicorum provides the best opportunity to trace how Aquinas’ doctrine arises out of a dialogue between these different traditions.  相似文献   
虞集是中国元代著名文学家、理学家,本是朱学传人,但能破除门户之见,对陆九渊心学颇具研究,并对其作出实事求是的评价,这在当时实属难能可贵。他于660多年前写出的著名文章《新建陆文安公祠堂记》,博大精深,光彩照人,是象山文化建设的重要里程碑,对促进象山文化建设和推动陆学发展有着极其重要的历史价值和现实价值。  相似文献   
教育学需要哲学,哲学也需要教育学,这是它们共同繁荣之所需。哲学家兼为教育家,教育家兼为哲学家,在古代依稀可见,在近代则成为先进文明的象征,成为发达的文化与教育必不可少的条件。中国教育在自己的发展进程中必然伴随着理论兴趣、哲学兴趣的提升,伴随着教育理论与哲学学术共同的繁荣,这是伟大社会变革所必需的,又是眼下我们所缺乏的。  相似文献   
中国文化的精华,不是靠书本流传的,而是靠一代代圣贤大哲的人格传承的;中国文化的精髓,不是靠政令昭彰的,而是靠一代代思想精英的精神彰显的。纵然读书万卷,不如读懂大师一人。  相似文献   
19世纪初期的法国人布里亚—萨瓦兰是西方人尊奉的美食学鼻祖,他的传世名著《味觉生理学》(中译本叫《厨房里的哲学家》)被称为"两百年不衰的饮食圣经"。他略晚于中国袁枚,我们将《味觉生理学》和《随园食单》对照阅读,很容易体会到中西食学美食思想的异同。  相似文献   
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