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黄敏 《知识窗》2007,(10):29-29
今年7月30日,为了同反对党领导人贝·布托达成和解,巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫可能辞去军职.至此,穆沙拉夫同贝·布托的拉锯战已达成妥协.贝·布托何许人?竟能让巴总统作出"巨大牺牲"?  相似文献   
曾晨宇 《中国收藏》2023,(3):104-109
公元前3世纪中叶,当塞琉古帝国正与托勒密王国酣战之际,“千城之国”巴克特里亚行省总督迪奥多图斯宣布独立,建立了以巴克特里亚省为核心的王国,世称“巴克特里亚王国”。巴克特里亚的建政,对中亚地区的政治、军事和文化都产生了深远影响。巴克特里亚王国位于中亚腹地的十字路口处,其核心区域是今天的土库曼斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、阿富汗以及南亚的巴基斯坦。  相似文献   
张昆  徐晓涵 《新闻界》2023,(12):75-90
中国、印度和巴基斯坦的三边关系不仅关乎中国和平崛起,更关乎亚太稳定、“一带一路”建设和全球大局。因此,了解印度、巴基斯坦公众的中国形象认知现状及其影响因素,进而制定和改善中国的国家形象传播战略势在必行。本文通过对比分析“寰球民意指数”(2020)和“寰球民意指数”(2023)调查结果,客观动态地展示印度、巴基斯坦公众对中国形象的认知状况及通过传统媒体、互联网的新闻接触对大众认知的影响。研究发现,巴基斯坦公众接触媒体新闻越多,对中国的实力越认可,好感度越高,对“一带一路”倡议影响的评价越积极,证实了巴基斯坦公众的媒体新闻接触对中国形象认知具有显著的正向影响,且三年间由传统媒体渠道的影响力更大转变为互联网渠道的影响力更大。但对于印度公众而言,三年间,印度公众接触新闻对中国国家实力认知的正向影响逐渐消失,通过互联网接触新闻对“一带一路”倡议影响认知的正向影响逐渐增强。另外,印度公众对中国好感度的认知始终不受传统媒体和互联网新闻的影响。总之,于印度、巴基斯坦公众而言,互联网渠道接触新闻的影响力逐渐高于传统媒体渠道。  相似文献   
<正>近来,印度、巴基斯坦、比利时、日本等国出现的"超级病菌",正引发全球的广泛关注。有报道称,这种变种基因目前已传播到英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、荷兰等国家,已使全球170人被感染,其中在英国至少造成5人死亡。而根据日本东京帝京大学附属医院9月3日通报,这家医院自去年起共有46名住院患者感染耐药性不动杆菌,其中27人死亡。  相似文献   
从2005年起,石河子大学医学院招收巴基斯坦留学生,在教学活动中,为使留学生学好用好理论和临床知识,我们尝试运用计算机辅助教学结合临床见习等综合方法,在骨科巴基斯坦留学生教学中应用,提高了教学质量和教学效率,在留学生教学中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
In this paper, the growth of the telecommunication sector in Pakistan and consequent development in the related professional education is studied. The widening gap between the telecommunication industry and associated education sector is identified. The higher educational programs in Pakistan have grown very rapidly to meet the needs of the explosive growth in the telecommunications' engineering sector but this growth is not in synchronization with the requirements of the industry due to non-existence of collaboration and co-operation between the two. The professional education in telecommunication in Pakistan and the higher educational degree programs are very precisely focused on producing quality graduates with refined technical and mathematical skills While the telecom sector in Pakistan is in principle a service provider and a consumer market that mainly requires engineers for operation and maintenance related activities. As such the skills imparted by the education sector are rarely utilized, which results in dissatisfaction among the telecommunications' engineers. A survey of both the telecommunication sector and the academia has been conducted along with detailed discussions to explore the reasons for this ever-increasing gap, ways and means to arrest this trend and future course of action for the academia and the telecom sector to develop. A study related to other emerging technical fields like computer science has also been made for the comparison. On the basis of this extensive exercise outlined above, measures have been suggested to bridge the gap between the education and the industrial needs of the telecom sector. By adopting these measures not only our education sector will become more beneficial to the industry, but the industry would also get the advantage of immense potential of young graduates and the academic research.  相似文献   
巴基斯坦教材的伊斯兰化现象 世界上不可能存在一种完全客观、绝对准确的历史编写方式。毕竟不是所有的事件.甚至重大的历史事件都能载入史册。编者们必须从众多历史事件中挑出他们认为值得记录的部分编人历史书。这些历史事件都与编者们的主观偏见、社会背景和政治立场有密切联系。  相似文献   
奥巴马政府上台后,突出“巧实力”外交理念,以“倾听”和“接触”为基调,突出务实和灵活.并以打击恐怖势力为名,实施“阿富巴”新战略,这一战略的实施,正是美国在“巧实力”战略之下为完善对南亚地区的钳制性控制,推动对该地区的主流性控制的新战略谋划,将对中亚、中南亚地缘战略格局产生重大影响,并对我西部安全带来新的挑战。  相似文献   
李东林 《留学生》2010,(12):29-29
我的经历颇为丰富.下过乡.上过大学,做过工人,当过高级工程师,任过国企老总.兼任过大学的客座教授,在政府部门担任过司长,在美国和英国分别留过学,拿过工商管理的“洋硕士”。但说句心里话.我事业的真正辉煌.却始于巴基斯坦。  相似文献   
The troubled state of affairs in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan portends serious repercussions and grave consequences, destined to affect education particularly higher education in the entire tribal belt. Ironically, no extensive study has been conducted, to investigate those dimensions of FATA higher education which have been adversely affected in the aftermath of 9/11. This exploratory study examines those areas which have been badly affected as a result of current turmoil. In fact, the higher education in FATA has its own peculiar dynamics. Inherently, the entire tribal region has very few well-maintained and properly equipped colleges. Lack of adequate educational facilities, multiplied poor security environment has aggravated the entire situation. Law and order situation in the region has undermined the already dilapidated monitoring mechanism of education department. This state of affairs provides breeding ground for extremist propensities and radical tendencies. In reality, very little attention has been devoted to reform the education system in tribal areas. The whole set up needs to be rehabilitated by taking recourse due to the proactive role of international community. The paper concludes with recommendations for policy makers besides offering new avenues for further research.  相似文献   
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