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一次,亲戚送给一家人两筐桃子,一筐是刚刚成熟的,一筐是已经完全熟透马上就会变质的。父亲问:"选择怎样的吃法,才能不浪费一个桃子?"大儿子说:"当然是先吃熟透了的,这些是放不过3天的。""可等你吃完这些后,另外的那一筐也要开始腐烂了。"父亲显然不满意大儿子的建议。二儿子想了想说"应该吃刚好熟了的那一筐,拣好的吃  相似文献   
刚工作那年,有一次听本校一位老师的课,课文的题目是《人的高贵在于灵魂》,作者是周国平。后来,我又阅读了周国平先生的《妞妞:一个父亲的札记》。在这本书里,作者写下了“女儿妞妞的可爱和可怜以及他和妻子在死亡阴影笼罩下抚育女儿的爱哀交加的心境,在摇篮旁兼墓畔的思考”。  相似文献   
Dualism is one of the views concerning the nature of mind. Arguments have been forwarded for and against dualism. Western philosophy lacks a clear distinction between soul and mind. Closely related to the concept of mind is the question of consciousness, a clear view of which has also eluded the westem thinkers. Jain philosophy describes "jiva" (soul) as the sentient substance, which is non-physical and not sense-perceptible; consciousness and "upayoga" (manifestation) are the differentia of "jiva". Consciousness manifests itself in many ways: intelligence, intuition, conation, bliss, perception (cognitive elements), emotions, will, attitude and behavior, awareness of pleasure and pain. Jain distinguishes between soul and mind. The mind does not possess consciousness, which is the exclusive property of soul. Mind like soul is not permanent entity, and it exists only when consciousness manifests as thoughts, beliefs, desires, emotions and feelings. All these activities are influenced by karma, which is interface between soul and mind. Our existence is seen to be at three levels: soul, mind and body. Soul is the source of intelligence; mind (subtle body) is the executive and regulatory body and material body is the place of physical actions. A model of interactions between these three units is presented. The soul perceives and knows the external world through mind, so the perceptions made by soul are influenced by mind. The relationship between brain and mind is discussed. The brain is seen as the center for information storage and processing, its activity is regulated by mind, which in turn is conditioned by the soul. The conscious experience is made by the soul, not the mind. The Jain model of soul, mind and body avoids all objections raised against dualism, as interaction between soul and karma body (unconscious part of mind) is assumed to be based on parallelism, and that between mind and body is through radiations not violating the law of conservation of energy.  相似文献   
记得古印第安人有一句谚语:"别走得太快,等一等灵魂。"在我们这个有着数千年文明史、而又一直以发展缓慢闻名的古老国度里,我们好像都不明了这句话的深刻含义。在我们的语境中,"快",一直就是一个极为美好的词汇:"大干快上"、"多快好  相似文献   
一个落魄了的音乐家马修,一座名叫"池塘底教养院"的学校,一群因被看扁了而叛逆、无所不为的孩子,一个虚伪自私冷漠的院长,一位喜爱音乐的数学老师,一个热爱运动的体育老师,一个老好人门卫,一个有着失望透顶的孩子的漂亮母亲,一个趴在铁门前期待星期六父亲回来接他的孤儿……种种个性鲜明、身份各异的人物构成了一部电影——《放牛班的春天》。这部电影里充斥着成人世界的虚伪卑劣、狂妄独断以及不动脑筋的无能和专横,如那个院长不给孩  相似文献   
话题2011年8月23日中午12时30分许,上海一名年轻女子在窗台上或坐或站欲轻生,引得公安、消防部门到场。楼下还聚起不少围观群众,一个小男孩一直大叫:姐姐,你不要跳啊!一位80岁的老太太自打发现了这个女孩的跳楼意图后,整个下午就从没有放弃劝解。  相似文献   
秋雁横掠,过而无痕,它们尾后的秋景,凋敝的,喧嚷的,都在匆匆飞翔过后忘却。那些难忍别离的,冲破阴云的记忆,也随之呼啸而过,消弭不见。人亦如斯,总是不间断地行走不曾驻留,渐渐朽蚀了自己的重量。何不停下来面壁思过,将心灵寄托在轻巧的舟中,驶向邈远旷达的另一个境界。行走在文人的墓碑间,中国文人的灵魂在这里集会。面对这一块块苍老的墓碑,我感到胸腔里滋长  相似文献   
俗话说:男儿膝下有黄金。俗话说:浪子回头金不换。于是,谭老师那惊人的一跪抛给了我们一个严峻而现实的问题,当男儿挺直的双膝遇到浪子一时的失足,是直还是曲?也许有人会讽刺谭老师的行为令人不齿,也许有人会说谭老师丧失了师道尊严,但我觉得正是这令人震惊的一跪,体现了一位老师  相似文献   
诗人是一种痴鸟,他把他柔软的心窝紧抵着蔷薇的花刺,口里不住地唱着星月的光辉与人类的希望,非到他的心血滴出来把白花染成大红他不住口。他的痛苦与快乐是深沉的一片。——题记  相似文献   
赵圣龙  袁荣芳 《课外阅读》2011,(12):161-162
学问,此乃人类最宏伟的灵魂工程;激趣与乐学,更是学问最强有力的助推器,它起到了“催化剂”的作用。关于激趣乐学这一至关重要的风靡一世的教学话题,无不牵动着人类聪慧的心灵,在人们的内心深处沉沉地烙下了重重的印记,就连世界顶尖级人物爱因斯坦也曾这样说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。”还有我国古代最伟大的思想家、教育家也如此劝道:“知之者不如好之者,  相似文献   
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