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uring his short stay in Chengdu, I was lucky to catch a chance of meeting Mr. Lee Paoltmg, Secretary-General of the Sculptural Association of Taiwan. The main purpose of his trip was to invite some sculptors from Mainland to attend an intemational camp of iron A sculpture in Taiwan nextyear. Continually surrounded by various disturbing noises, he impressively remained calm and quiet. There's something elegant and sophisticated in his charm of manner. Mr. Lee appeared to be a real gentleman -- modest, kind, considerate and extremely polite. Standing in front of his unfinished work, a distorted, twisted and screwing.up banana, at a very simple roadside workshop, he spoke in his soft tone, in an absolutely undemonstrative way, "I am stable exteriorly but interiorly I am not." —— Perhaps, that makes sense.  相似文献   
On the occasion of the International Museum Day on May 18, the Ten Best Museum Exhibitions of the Year were released, a competition sponsored by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China and co-organized by Chinae Museum Association, Xi'an Municipality and China Heritage News. The exhibition "Buddhist Sculpture Masterpieces of Ancient China" by the Capital Museum in Beijing won the "Best Production " award.  相似文献   
保存于避暑山庄永佑寺内的乾隆御制石碑以其装饰精美的龙型纹饰倍受世人瞩目.这些纹饰形象丰富、造型优美、雕刻精致、气韵生动,是不可多得的艺术精品.保护好这笔文化财产,是每一个文博工作者的神圣职责.  相似文献   
精湛球技需强大的力量,精美球衣需完美的身形。这个火热季节,一定要为健美和力量而努力!美力肩发球技术,看似力量决定成败.其实最重要的是完美地转肩  相似文献   
萍乡"花果"历史悠久,是传统萍乡民间手工艺食品的典型代表。既具有食用价值,又具有观赏价值,已列入江西省非物质文化遗产名录。让"花果"雕刻走入课堂,不仅可以通过"花果"这个媒介来了解我们家乡传统的民俗文化,传承民间艺术,还对促进学生智力、才能的发展,以及培养学生的想象力、创造力和动手能力,具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
五月的一天,爸爸妈妈说要带我去一个好玩的地方,于是我们一家一起来到了宁海长街的西岙。这里,小桥,流水,古柏,古墓,处处可画,处处有诗。小桥,流水细长的鹅卵石小路,紧傍细细长长的水流,典雅清新。河中波光粼粼,小鸭子轻快地劈开河  相似文献   
公元2000年8月25日至9月3日,在中国东南海之滨的福建省惠安县——名的石雕之乡——百名中外雕塑艺术家聚集于此,分别在双龙木雕公司(木雕)和闽林巨星石材广场(石雕)进行着一为期10天的声势浩大的雕刻艺术比赛,这是由中国工艺美术学会主办,惠安县委、县政府和中国工艺美术学会雕塑专业委员会联合承办,  相似文献   
Founder of modern Olympic Games Coubertin said, "Athletics inspires art and creates moments of artistic expression. Athletics is beautiful as it makes athletes dynamic sculpture." In celebration of the Beijing Olympic Games, many outstanding sculptures have been created to ignite people's passion and dream.  相似文献   
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