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This essay reads the Latina/o/x migrant vernacular discourses that emerge out of pro-migrant activism. Anzaldúa’s notion of mestizaje – a logic of border consciousness – is put into conversation with Deleuze’s notion of nomad thought – a logic of movement – to inform a rhetorical strategy for reading the vernacular archive of social movement discourse. The “No Papers, No Fear” is one such social movement that demonstrate the logic of mestizaje/nomadism in their communication strategies. This study illuminates three tensions that define the ways Latina/o/x migrants in the US navigate the spaces of citizenship: tensions between movement/stasis, migrant identity/national identity, and fear/safety.  相似文献   
The present study explores Finnish preservice subject teachers’ perspectives and experiences with movement integration in academic classrooms. In the study, 44 subject teachers applied an integrated approach to infuse physical activity into a required teacher-preparatory course. The program’s framework is the constructivist learning approach. Data were collected through interviews, classroom observations and field notes. The findings show that movement integration was a new concept for the preservice teachers and that their experience positively influenced their beliefs regarding the use of that concept in academic lessons. Thus, it is possible to support implementation of movement integration into secondary academic classrooms.  相似文献   
为了贯彻落实十八大"四化"精神,实施工业强省和城镇化带动战略,推动毕节试验区与全国全省同步小康进程,毕节市织金县结合自身实际,大力建设经济产业园区,努力发展民族特色产业。在政府政策的扶持下,小妥倮民营经济产业园发挥自身优势,突出民族特色,逐步建立发展壮大,在国际国内获得了诸多荣誉,不仅为群众增收致富搭建了平台,也拉动了当地经济的发展。小妥倮民营经济产业园的做法给人以五个方面的启示:选准方向是根本;组织领导是保障;外界帮扶是前提;民族特色是基础;强烈的致富愿望是内在动力。  相似文献   
Background: Due to migration processes, cultural diversity and strangeness are becoming characteristics of modern society. The competence to handle this heterogeneity – the so-called intercultural competence – is a key competence for all children and youths. Sports and physical education (PE) are often considered as a particular field for enhancing intercultural competence. However, until now there is no theory-based empirical study that proves this assumption. Purpose: This study was designed to examine the effects of a standardised, theoretically driven programme in PE on the development of underlying cognitive concepts of intercultural competence: acculturation attitudes and attitudes towards cultural diversity. Research design: The research design consists of a quasi-experimental design with four measurement points. The intervention group (N?=?69; mean age?=?11.6 years (SD?=?0.60)) followed standardised and theory-driven intervention lessons following the didactical guidelines of the concept of ‘Intercultural Movement Education’ (IME). The developed games tend to trigger ‘crises’ with the aim to insecure students. These experienced insecurities were afterwards reflected upon with the students. The internal control group (N?=?63; mean age?=?11.8 years (SD?=?0.62)) and external control group (N?=?93; mean age?=?10.8 years (SD?=?0.69)) were taught in a unspecific manner. The impact of the intervention study programme was tested with a reliable and valid questionnaire. Results: A significant time by group interaction effect for the subscale ‘assimilation/segregation’ of acculturation attitudes was found in boys and in girls. The attitudes increased significantly after the intervention. For the girls, the intervention group showed also a significant decrease of the attitude ‘integration’. No significant impact of the intervention study on the attitudes towards cultural diversity could be identified either with boys or girls. Discussion: The effects of the study are ambivalent. The significantly increased assimilative attitudes can be interpreted as a need for a sense of security. This is also underlined by the decrease of the integration attitude that values the maintenance of cultural integrity. It must be critically discussed whether the ‘crises’ were too intense and not adapted to the children’s skills to overcome them. Second, we have to critically analyse whether the discussions with the students about their experiences were sufficiently focused to debrief the students. Summary for practitioners: The competence to handle heterogeneity – the so-called intercultural competence – is a key competence for children and youths. Sports and PE are often considered as a particular field for enhancing intercultural competence. However, until now there has been no theory-based empirical study that proves this assumption. This paper describes the development, implementation and evaluation of an intervention programme on intercultural learning in PE along the didactic guidelines of IME. This programme tries to trigger ‘crises’ that stimulate the students to react and think about their self- and world relations. The statistical analyses show that the ‘crises’ were probably too intense as the students’ scores in assimilation attitudes increased. This lead to the didactical reflection of the implementation of intercultural learning processes in PE.  相似文献   
20世纪初,<新青年>的编辑出版拉开了新文化运动的帷幕,<新青年>先进的编辑思想使之成为中国编辑出版史上的一座丰碑.  相似文献   
“三个代表”重要思想是中国共产党在科学总结我党和世界上其他一些政党建设和执政经验教训的基础上,抓住巩固执政党地位的关键因素,郑重回答了21世纪如何巩固执政地位,完成自身使命的重大课题。因此,深刻领会“三个代表”重要思想生成的时代背景,具有重大的历史意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
1923年2月,周恩来以"飞飞"的笔名,在中共旅欧支部创办的刊物《少年》发表了《评胡适的"努力"》一文,批评热衷于政治改良的胡适所鼓吹的"好政府主义"。周恩来在文中以"革命救国"论批评胡适对军阀统治的"迷信",抨击胡对帝国主义列强抱有的幻想。其时,五四新文化运动的高潮已过,胡适已经和周恩来等马克思主义者在政治上、思想上分道扬镳。从周恩来这则评论看出,五四新文化思潮发生的这种分化是不可避免的。从中分化出的革命救国论者与社会改良论者在政见上既"异中有同",又"同中有异",而最终则他们之"异"大于他们之"同"。  相似文献   
“理论运动”是20世纪40年代末至70年代初美国教育管理研究领域中的重大事件。它以费格尔的逻辑经验主义哲学和西蒙的决策理论为理论基础,建立起实证主义的教育管理理论,大力推动了美国教育管理研究和学科的发展,对世界一些国家和地区的教育管理研究也产生了很大影响。  相似文献   
正确而全面地认识五四运动反帝反封建的"彻底性",对科学地评价五四运动的历史意义和继续五四运动未能完成的反封建的历史任务有着极为重要的作用.  相似文献   
陶行知与胡适的分歧贯穿了五四之后的近三十年中国现代思想史上的大事。二人之间的最初教育分歧不在教育观点本身,而是“教育界分歧”,始于1926年“庚款风波”;其次是30年代的政治9牾,基于两种基本爱国观的难于兼容,但非以政见分歧为主要内容;其三,双方主要的、根本的分歧是30年代形成的关于基本价值观——五四价值观的分歧。陶推崇一二九“大众”运动,反思并批判五四“小众”运动;由此出发,陶形成了自己的大众教育观,及总的大众价值体系,全面否定了新文化运动及胡在其中的历史地位。  相似文献   
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