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数字化时代的采编模式与信息资源的建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨晓华  侯曼玲 《情报科学》2002,20(8):825-827
针对数字化时代高校图书馆的采编工作的特点,认为必须尽快更新信息采集模式,利用先进的网络工具,有效利用商家的随书数据源及网上数据资源,提高采编工作效率,实现采编手段现代化。同时,优化信息采编的管理机制,建立信息采编的专家指导机制,更新采编人员的知识结构,并提出了积极探索馆藏资源利用的规律,建立多元化的信息资源体系,实现信息资源的网络共建的若干具体措施。  相似文献   
A bibliography is traditionally characterized by the judgments, bounded by explicit selection criteria, made by a single compiler. Because these criteria concern the attributes ascribed to a work and the needs of readers, bibliographic work is largely conceptual even across technological eras and domains. Yet, the development of networked information services, made possible by WWW infrastructure, has enabled very large numbers of people to discover, organize, and publish information, including bibliographies. Indeed, bibliographies, or at least bibliography-like artifacts, are a common genre of website, often published by people without specialized skills in information organization who follow non-rigorous selection procedures. Nevertheless, even if the items from these lists are poorly selected and described, this publishing activity is fundamentally important because it structures information locally, creating a patchy network of secondary access points. In turn, these access points enable information discovery, the formation and development of communities of interest, the estimation of document relevance by search engines, and so on. In sum, this activity, and the enabling technical infrastructure, invites bibliographies to take on new interactive possibilities. The aim of this article is to extend the traditional view of bibliography to encompass collaborative possibilities for wide, or narrow, participation in the shaping of bibliographies and the selection of items. This is done by examining the nature of bibliography on the Web, by proposing a conceptual model that opens bibliography to participatory practices, and by discussing a case study where a team sought to develop a bibliography of electronic resources. This examination reveals splendid opportunities for expanding the notion of bibliography with participatory policies while remaining true to its ancient roots.  相似文献   
王洪林  刘伟 《科技管理研究》2021,41(21):196-203
以粒子群优化算法为基本理论,结合我国中小企业目前对竞争情报的迫切需求和开展竞争情报工作的困难,利用跨学科分析法和仿真实验检验法,构建一个适用于中小企业的竞争情报"粒子搜索模型".该模型充分调用各粒子"经验"寻找全局最优解,用以为我国中小企业构建低成本、高收益、易组织管理的竞争情报搜集系统模型提供参考.  相似文献   
从秘书的角度谈档案的收集和利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
说明秘书与档案的密切关系,并就秘书在档案的收集和利用方面所丰收的作用了探讨,指出了秘书在档案收集和利用方面所应当注意的问题。  相似文献   
介绍了利用混杂模式实现网络计费系统中数据采集的实现原理.在Win32环境中利用Winpcap开发包,并运用VC 6.0编程工具加以具体实现,最后论述了系统的主要特点.  相似文献   
以如何制作出合理化的领样板为出发点,分析了人体的脖颈结构特征,通过立体裁剪实验,阐明了邻子结构设计的原理,并根据领子结构设计的原理结合款式要求说明了男西服合理化的领样板制作要点。  相似文献   
池州地方文献中辑得《全宋诗》失收的诗作51首、佚句2则,涉及作者40人,其中有22人不见《全宋诗》。辑得苏舜钦、梅尧臣、王安石诸名家诗。这对《全宋诗》的完善是有意义的。  相似文献   
晋穆帝永和九年(公元353年)上巳节,王羲之招集谢安、谢万、孙绰等四十一人会于会稽山阴之兰亭举行了一次恬然飘逸的雅聚。名士俊逸们竞骋文才,挥毫泼墨之间成就了独具特色的《兰亭集》。诗人们或描绘山水,或借山水抒情,或以玄对山水,整个诗集如同一轴水墨山水长卷,情韵流淌,玄思幽远。  相似文献   
[绣荷包]是清代以来遍及全国的时调小曲,各地产生了诸多变体形式。通过对腔段、腔调、节奏型和歌词等音乐本体的对比并结合相关史料研究,可推断传唱于巢湖地区的[绣荷包]是道光元年(1821年)贮香主人辑《小慧集》卷12第38箫香主人小调谱第2首工尺谱所记“湖广调”[绣荷包]最为相似的变体,是迄今所见最能还原其原貌的活态传承的民歌。  相似文献   
郭茂倩编辑《乐府诗集》,从音乐性质、社会功能诸方面考虑了“乐府诗”的特征,而“声诗”概念的运用,反映出他所认同的乐府诗主要体现了三方面的特点:从入乐方式看,“先有诗然后被于声而播金石”;就“诗”之内容看,皆“诗人六义之余”;由应用功能看,大多服务于祭祀、宴享、行军等仪式。他不将当时最为流行的“由乐定词”、“依声填词”的“乐府”录入《乐府诗集》的事实,则从另一侧面说明了他的基本编纂宗旨,也表现了南北宋之交文人士大夫力求维护和恢复诗乐传统,“务尊其体”的诗家立场。  相似文献   
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