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众所周知,运动损伤与诸多非心理因素有关。许多年来,人们努力改善条件来减少损伤,但在体育运动中要完全避免伤害事故的发生是不可能的。大量的研究表明,除种种非心理因素之外,心理因素也是导致运动损伤的重要原因之一。通过分析导致运动损伤的心理因素,有助于指导人们采取适当的心理措施,从而有效地减少运动损伤。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the injury incidence and patterns in elite youth football at a category 1 Premier League Academy before and after the introduction of a new development strategy, the Elite Player Performance Plan (EPPP). A prospective study was performed over six consecutive seasons encompassing three years before and after the introduction of the EPPP. The findings revealed a most likely moderate increase in total exposure per player per season when the post-EPPP football exposure (640.86 ± 83.25 hours per player per year) was compared with the pre-EPPP football exposure (539.08 ± 71.59). The total injury incidence pre-EPPP was 3.0/1000 hours compared to 2.1/1000 hours post-EPPP (rate ratio 1.43). 6% of all injuries were re-injuries (20.24 ± 33.43 days) but did not result in a substantially longer absence (16.56 ± 15.77 days). The injury burden decreased for the U12-U15 from pre- to post-EPPP, whereas the injury burden increased for the U16-U18 (respectively 125 and 47% higher). These findings suggest that following the introduction of the EPPP there has been a reduction in injuries in the younger age groups U12-U15 but in the older age groups U16-U18 there has been an increase in the severity of the injuries sustained at this club.  相似文献   
对德州学院体育系及高水平运动员共计100人,进行了运动损伤的调查及病因分析。结果显示:运动损伤主要为踝关节扭伤,股后肌群拉伤,膑骨劳损,腰背肌损伤等。发生的主要原因有:训练组织不合理,身体机能欠佳,训练水平不够,心理状态不良等。建议运动损伤应从运动训练、组织管理、心理教育等角度进行防治并举,最大限度地减少其发生率。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法,选择华南师范大学2005和2006级体育选修课四个班学生为研究对象,并随机分为实验组和对照组,两组在技术、战术和体能方面的内容相同,实验组在练习前和练习过程中增加表象训练,自我暗示训练和放松训练的心理训练内容,通过一学期比较研究,得出:在足球教学中,辅以心理训练能大大减少运动损伤发生的人数和人次,尤其以减少相对轻症损伤及再次和多次发生运动损伤为明显,因此,有必要在足球体育教学中推广心理训练,以提高学生对足球运动的心理调适能力,积极有效地预防各类损伤的发生。  相似文献   
目的:为了更好了解我国优秀男子篮球运动员运动损伤发生情况,为篮球运动损伤的防治提供合理化理论依据。方法:以参加全国篮球比赛的144名优秀男子篮球运动员为研究对象,对其运动创伤发生的组织、性质、原因等进行调查分析。结果:运动损伤总人数的43%为前锋位置运动员,113人次受伤案例中部位发生情况有所不同,60名受伤运动员中29名运动员发生于专项训练、26名运动员发生于比赛,60名受伤运动员中28名运动员表现出明显好转的特点,104名运动员在训练时佩戴运动护具(佩戴护具比例达到72.22%)。结论:运动损伤防护应特别注意专项训练和比赛时期,并要求运动员佩戴运动护具是防治运动损伤的重要途径。  相似文献   
单板U型场地滑雪项目运动员损伤特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨国家单板U型场地滑雪项目运动队损伤特征,提供预防措施。研究方法:采用临床检查、回顾调查、实地观察和现场摄像等方法,对16名国家队运动员损伤进行横断面调查和跟踪研究。结果:损伤由多病因综合作用产生,下肢损伤多于上肢,严重损伤少,过度使用损伤较多;陆训期以过度使用损伤为主,没有上肢损伤,急性损伤多在雪上训练比赛期发生,上肢损伤明显增加。结论:强调训练因素对损伤的影响;陆地训练时训练中要有预康复训练,雪上训练比赛期重视优秀运动员上肢损伤,维持规范的力量训练。  相似文献   
高校体育院、系的篮球专项学生不论在篮球课堂教学,还是篮球比赛、课外活动中,运动损伤时有发生,这不仅给学生的健康带来损害,而且严重阻碍了学生对篮球运动技术的掌握和运动水平的提高,不同程度地影响了学生日常的学习生活。本文试图采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,通过对吉林体育学院2005一2008级篮球专项学生受伤情况的调查和分析,探讨篮球专项学生运动损伤发生的部位、性质、时间和原因等规律,针对性地提出必要的预防建议,旨在进一步改进教学方法,强化学生的自我保护意识,使学生在篮球运动中尽量减少或避免运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   
坚持力量训练对山地自行车运动员的体能分配,骑行姿势平衡,腰、背、腿部力量的增加,关节的灵活有很大的帮助。特别是加强腰、背、腿的锻炼能预防关键肌群的劳损、关节扭损,也是预防伤病的最佳方法。  相似文献   
Infants with minor abusive injuries are at risk for more serious abusive injury, including abusive head trauma (AHT). Our study objective was to determine if children with AHT had prior opportunities to detect abuse and to describe the opportunities. All AHT cases from 7/1/2009 to 12/31/2011 at four tertiary care children's hospitals were included. A prior opportunity was defined as prior evaluation by either a medical or child protective services (CPS) professional when the symptoms and/or referral could be consistent with abuse but the diagnosis was not made and/or an alternate explanation was given and accepted. Two-hundred-thirty-two children with AHT were identified; median age (IQR) was 5.40 (3.30, 14.60) months. Ten percent (22/232) died. Of the 232 patients diagnosed with AHT, 31% (n = 73) had a total of 120 prior opportunities. Fifty-nine children (25%) had at least one prior opportunity to identify abuse in a medical setting, representing 98 prior opportunities. An additional 14 (6%) children had 22 prior opportunities through previous CPS involvement. There were no differences between those with and without a prior opportunity based on age, gender, race, insurance, mortality, or institution. Children with prior opportunities in a medical setting were more likely to have chronic subdural hemorrhage (48 vs. 17%, p < 0.01) and healing fractures (31 vs. 19%, p = 0.05). The most common prior opportunities included vomiting 31.6% (38/120), prior CPS contact 20% (24/120), and bruising 11.7% (14/120). Improvements in earlier recognition of AHT and subsequent intervention might prevent additional injuries and reduce mortality.  相似文献   
采用中药穴位离子导入,治疗运动员各种闭合性软组织损伤168例,收到了疗程短,治疗次数少,疗效高的效果。它是目前治疗运动创伤较为理想的手段。本文对其机理进行了探讨。并指出,要取得好的效果,除与仪器性能的优劣有关外,还与中药的配方是否合理,药物的浓度是否得当,纯净度是否符合要求,以及主穴和配穴是否准确等因素有很大关系。  相似文献   
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