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通过对60位非武术专业的学生的调查,分析了高校武术散打练习者损伤的现状、特点以及致伤因素等。并结合调查数据与结论,提出提高散打认知水平、注重配套治疗措施以及充分做好准备运动等对策。  相似文献   
在课堂教学中总是会出现一些与教师教学设计有出入的地方,这些"意外"的生成是学生对教学内容、教师引导的即时反馈,有的可以促进教学,有的则会延缓课堂的进程,有的是正确的,有的是有偏差的,如何处理这些课堂生成资源,需要教师运用较高的教学智慧,充分地利用好这些资源,使课堂教学更高效,增强学生对知识的理解和掌握。  相似文献   
Because previous studies have suggested that there is a relationship between injury risk and inter-segment coordination, quantifying coordination between the segments is essential. Even though the midfoot and forefoot segments play important roles in dynamic tasks, previous studies have mostly focused on coordination between the shank and rearfoot segments. This study aimed to quantify coordination among rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot segments during running. Eleven healthy young men ran on a treadmill. The coupling angle, representing inter-segment coordination, was calculated using a modified vector coding technique. The coupling angle was categorised into four coordination patterns. During the absorption phase, rearfoot–midfoot coordination in the frontal planes was mostly in-phase (rearfoot and midfoot eversion with similar amplitudes). The present study found that the eversion of the midfoot with respect to the rearfoot was comparable in magnitude to the eversion of the rearfoot with respect to the shank. A previous study has suggested that disruption of the coordination between the internal rotation of the shank and eversion of the rearfoot leads to running injuries such as anterior knee pain. Thus, these data might be used in the future to compare to individuals with foot deformities or running injuries.  相似文献   
The supplementation of lecture-based anatomy teaching with laboratory sessions, involving dissection or anatomical specimens, is commonly used. Hands-on dissection allows students to handle instruments correctly while actively exploring three-dimensional anatomy. However, dissection carries a potential risk of sharps and splash injuries. The aim of this study was to quantify the frequency rate of such cases per 1,000 student-hours of dissection and identify potential factors than might influence safety in anatomy laboratories. Data were retrospectively collected from September 2013 to June 2018 at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK. Overall, 35 sharps injuries were recorded in undergraduate medical students, with a frequency rate of 0.384 and no splash cases. A statistically significant, moderate negative association between year of study and frequency rate (rho(25) = −0.663; P < 0.001) was noted. A statistically significant difference in the frequency rate between different semester modules (χ2(4) = 13.577, P = 0.009) was observed with the difference being between Year 1 Semester 2 and Year 3 Semester 1 (P = 0.004). The decreasing trend with advancing year of study might be linked to increasing dissecting experience or the surface area of the region dissected. The following factors might have contributed to increased safety influencing frequency rates: single-handed blade removal systems; mandatory personal protective equipment; and having only one student dissecting at a given time. The authors propose that safety familiarization alongside standardized training and safety measures, as part of an evidence-based culture shift, will instill safety conscious behaviors and reduce injuries in anatomy laboratories.  相似文献   
大腿肌肉拉伤是足球运动损伤中的常见类型,对于大腿肌肉拉伤后功能恢复手段的研究与发展一直是现代足球运动发展过程中亟待解决的重要课题。通过对足球运动中大腿拉伤的原因机理进行研究分析,重点提出了肌肉功能恢复的3种治疗手段,最后对足球运动损伤后肌肉功能恢复手段的发展趋势做了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   
普通高校大学生运动损伤调查与分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过问卷调查和实地访问的形式对杭州下沙高教园部分高校在校一、二、三年级大学生运动损伤的情况进行调查和分析。调查内容包括:损伤发生的时间,造成损伤的项目,部位与种类,损伤发生的原因等。结果表明,大学生运动损伤以轻伤、软组织损伤居多,多发生在同场对抗性活动中,下肢是损伤发生的高发部位。而造成损伤的主要原因在于准备活动不充分,技术动作不规范,局部负荷过重,身体疲劳,自我保护和安全意识差等方面。针对这些情况,根据调查结果提出相应的措施和建议。  相似文献   
文章采用文献资料法、对比分析法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对加强武术赛事人身意外损失风险管理的重要性和必要性进行分析,并对武术赛事举办过程中常见人身意外损失风险进行探讨,在此基础上,运用人身意外损失风险管理理论,结合体育赛事人身以外损失风险管理的特殊性,就如何控制和减少武术赛事中常见的人身意外损失风险,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
现如今体育运动越来越受到重视,学校体育活动也随之增多,学生也更加喜欢体育运动。体育教学在素质教育中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但常常因缺乏一定的运动卫生知识和出现运动损伤后的应急措施,受伤后往往造成不必要的痛苦。虽然我们不能完全杜绝运动损伤,但我们至少可以通过努力预防或者减少它的发生,这是每个体育工作者所不得不面对的问题。分析体育教学中产生运动损伤的原因和一般规律是极其有意义和必要的。  相似文献   
《民法典》第1176条自甘风险规则主要适用于文体活动,是对体育行业诉求和司法实践活动的立法回应。自甘风险规则的构成要件及排除性条件包括:限定在文体活动范畴,适用于一定风险的文体活动,存在故意或者重大过失的情形,体育场馆经营者、管理者和体育活动组织者的安全保障义务。自甘风险规则不可窄化理解,也不可扩大解释。立法背景下的“文体活动”是指文化和体育活动,“一定风险”是指体育活动中的固有风险;有必要厘清体育意义上的“故意犯规”行为和法律意义上的“故意伤害”行为。自甘风险规则在名义上是一种独立的抗辩事由,属于完全阻却事由,实质上该条款作为独立抗辩事由的法律效力大打折扣。在司法实践中,应当遵循体育运动的基本规律,综合考虑各种衡平因素,视具体问题和情形进行具体分析。自甘风险规则对法庭质证环节的客观性、严谨性、专业性提出了更高的要求,基于体育专业视角的司法实践内容将发挥更为重要的作用。  相似文献   
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